EWL News

Launch of 2013 EWL Barometer on Rape, 18 June 2013, European Parliament

[Brussels, 11 June 2013]
The European Women’s Lobby is pleased to announce the forthcoming publication of the Observatory of Violence against Women’s 2013 Barometer publication, the 2013 Barometer on Rape.

ewl barometer

Following the 2011 Barometer on National Action Plans on Violence against Women in the EU, the EWL Centre on Violence against Women will present the findings from the 2013 Barometer focusing on rape.

The EWL 2013 Barometer will be launched in the European Parliament in Brussels on Tuesday 18 June at a breakfast meeting from 8.30-10.30 am in the European Parliament

The Barometer is the fruit of collaboration of the expert network of the EWL Observatory on Violence against Women.

Findings include:

  • How national legislation complies or fails to comply with the Council of Europe Convention definition of rape
  • What official data is kept, or is not kept on women victims of rape in every country
  • The existence of support and treatment services for victims

Covering 32 countries the Barometer provides a snapshot of the situation across Europe and highlights areas where change is urgently needed. The meeting will bring together country experts and leading advocates to discuss the report’s findings and implications for policy at both national and European level.

The 2013 EWL Barometer on rape is supported by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung EU Office.

Form more information please contact Anna Bates, EWL Communication Officer.


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