The Directorate-General Justice of the European
Commission is organising the conference entitled “Equality between Women and Men”
in Brussels on Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th September 2011.
The conference will provide the first opportunity to discuss and share ideas on
implementing the priorities of the European Commission Strategy for Equality between
Women and Men (2010-2015). It will address the challenges to and opportunities for gender
equality and assess the contribution of gender equality to economic growth.
Five plenary debates based on key themes of the Strategy will take place. Issues of labour
market segregation, unequal pay, gender equality and the life cycle, violence against
women, and women in economic decision making will be examined. The debates will
focus on the current situation of women and men in relation to each issue, the
consequences of gender inequality, and the practices and initiatives that now have a
capacity to advance gender equality in these fields.
The conference will bring together a broad audience of all those who can contribute to
the effective implementation of the Strategy at European and Member State level. This
includes representatives from the European institutions, Member States, candidate
countries, EEA-EFTA States, equality bodies, social partners, NGOs and international
Hereunder you will find a provisional programme of the Conference, which will take place
in the Charlemagne building in Brussels. Interpretation will be provided in English,
French, German, Spanish, Italian and Polish.
All National Coordinations of the EWL are invited to nominate two representatives for this conference, including from Croatia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey. The Commission will cover travel and hotel expenses. As the nominations will be accepted on a first come first served basis, the EWL cannot however guarantee that all its national representatives will be accepted by the Commission.
To apply, please use the comment function on this page to upload the names of your two representatives and their e-mails. Alternatively, please e-mail these details tol The EWL Secretariat will then contact these persons with more information about registration. The deadline for submitting your nominations to the EWL is Tuesday 19 July 2011.
Download the provisional conference programme in PDF format: