One Billion Rising across Europe

One Billion Rising: successful first rehearsals!

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[Brussels, 8 February 2013] The European Women’s Lobby has organised several rehearsal sessions for the Flash mob on "Rise Up, Stand Up!". On 14 February at 17:30 in Place de la Monnaie (Brussels) we will be dancing to say NO to violence against women, together with people in 193 countries in the world! ONE BILLION RISING is the biggest mobilization ever against this violation of basic women’s rights.

This week and next week, EWL’s staff meets people willing to come and learn the dance at TUSIAD, IHECS, AMAZONE as well as at their own workplace in Brussels. This week, we also met people at the Mutuelle Socialiste de Belgique as well as at the Red Cross in Jette.

The requests for participation have been numerous and the ferment for this event is high!

We want to thank all those who have engaged in being part of this festive manifestation for an excellent cause, dancing and/or singing with us on our original song!

We are very much looking forward to practising with you!

And for those of you who cannot come to Brussels for rehearsals, please watch the videos of the song, choreography and tutorials here.

For next rehearsal times and venues, please keep on consulting our website and Facebook dedicated page.
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