EWL News

Portugal - EWL members to host conference on trafficking and prostitution in Portugal and Europe

[Brussels, 13 October 2011] On 20 October, the Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights will organise a conference on prostitution and trafficking in human beings for sexual exploitation, in Europe and Portugal.

The PPDM is the national member organisation of the EWL and wishes to bring the issues of trafficking and prostitution on the political agenda.

The morning session will be dedicated to the issue of trafficking for sexual exploitation. Representatives from the European Women’s Lobby and the European Network of Migrant Women will give insight into the situation in Europe. Presentations from Portugal will help to draw a better picture of the current situation in the countries. Finally, speakers from Hungary and the UK have been invited to share good practices in the fight against trafficking for sexual exploitation.

The afternoon session will be dedicated to the issue of prostitution. Speakers from Portugal and other European countries will inform about their work to support and assist people in prostitution.

The conference will conclude with the launch of the EWL campaign ’Together for a Europe free from prostitution’ in Portugal.

Please read below the programme, or click here to download it. Click here to follow the Platform’s work on prostitution on Facebook (in Portuguese), and here to read in Portuguese EWL’s press release for the launch of its campaign at European level.

Prostitution and Trafficking in Human Beings for Sexual Exploitation in Europe and Portugal

Launch of the campaign: “Together for a Europe free from Postitution” in Portugal

20 October 2011, CES – Picoas Plaza – Lisbon

9:00 h – Opening – Secretary of State / Representative

Trafficking in Human Beings for Sexual Exploitation in Europe and Portugal. A question of gender? The situation in Europe and Portugal

  • Pierrette Pape – European Women’s Lobby – A gendered approach to trafficking in human beings
  • Manuel Albano – CIG – TBC – The Portuguese situation and the National Action Plan
  • Joana Daniel-Wrabetz – Observatory of Trafficking in Human Beings – The Portuguese situation
  • Paula Togni, Filipa Alvin – Portuguese Platform of the European Network of Migrant Women - Under the veil of human rights: Trafficking, Traffic and Public Policy for Immigration. A case study about Brazilian women in Portugal
  • Ann Hamilton – Human Trafficking Foundation – A sustained and collective voice to combat trafficking in the UK
  • Andrea Matolcsi – MONA Foundation – Combating prostitution and trafficking for sexual exploitation within, into and out of Hungary

Moderator: Margarida Medina Martins – PpDM

13.00 h – 14.30 h - Lunch

Prostitution – violence against women/ human rights/ sexual abuse/ rape/ poverty/ patriarchal hierarchy/ social exclusion… A question of gender? The situation in Europe and Portugal

  • Pierrette Pape – European Women’s Lobby – Prostitution is violence against women
  • Margarida Medina Martins – PpDM
  • Inês Fontinha – O Ninho – Exemples of Portuguese Cases
  • Ann Hamilton – End Prostitution Now – Developing a holistic approach to prostitution: the End Prostitution Now campaign
  • Andrea Matolcsi – MONA Foundation – Amsterdam’s ’Nyíregyháza street’ - results of research carried out by a Dutch social worker among Hungarian prostitutes
  • Teresa Fragoso – CIG – Closing – TBC

Moderator: Vera Fonseca – PpDM

17.30 h - Launch of the EWL Campaign “Together for a Europe free from Prostitution” – Pierrette Pape and Margarida Medina Martins

With the support of: CiG, POPH, QREN, EU, EWL.


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