REACT to Domestic Violence
EWL members in Cyprus and Slovenia publish Project Information Leaflets
[Brussels, 5 May 2011] The Legal Informational Centre for NGOs Slovenia-PIC, Slovenia, in partnership with the Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies (MIGS) is coordinating a project entitled REACT to Domestic Violence: Building a Support System for Victims of Domestic Violence, and funded by the European Commission Daphne III Programme.
The project’s main aim is to raise awareness, knowledge and sensitivity among legal practitioners, judges and prosecutors involved in domestic violence as well as to increase the capacity of the NGO support system to effectively respond to victim’s needs.
Within this framework, MIGS has published project information leaflets outlining the aims and objectives of the project, the project activities, and information on the project partners.
The leaflets are available in English and Greek.
Project Objectives
- Map and assess the implementation of the relevant legislation and policies on domestic violence and the victim support system
- Raise awareness and sensitivity of actors in the criminal justice system on domestic violence
- Train NGO staff and other professionals in the victim support system to effectively respond to the needs of victims
- Contribute to the development of a multidisciplinary approach to addressing victims’ needs
- Raise awareness among the general public on domestic violence in order to encourage reporting of domestic violence cases
- A mapping study to assess all aspects of implementation of the relevant legislation and policies on domestic violence as well as the existing victim support system in Cyprus and Slovenia
- The exchange information among project partners on existing support systems including best practices in victim support and protection
- Building a field support system, through networking with local contact points and the organisations involved in domestic violence through awareness raising courses
- The organisation of training workshops with the judiciary/prosecutors and other actors in the criminal justice system
- The creation of a website with relevant information on the project, information on domestic violence in Slovenia and Cyprus, including legal documents, laws, and National Action Plans
- The publication of a final project report with the results of the mapping study as well as recommendations for addressing the needs of victims of domestic violence
- A final conference involving all relevant stakeholders to address the gaps in the support system for victims of domestic violence
To view the project information leaflets in English and in Greek please click here
For more information please visit the project webpage here, or contact