Sport and prostitution

  • Mobilise against prostitution at sporting events!

    The European Women’s Lobby believes that sporting events cannot be used as excuses to tolerate prostitution and the demand for sexual exploitation.
    Its action ’Be a aport. Keep it fair... Say NO to prostitution’ aims at raising awareness on prostitution at sporting events and offers a concrete opportunity to engage towards equality between women and men: By signing up to EWL pledge ’For a Europe free from prostitution’ By send a picture of you holding EWL red card, we will post it here!
    Find (...) Read more

  • MEPs supporting EWL action

    Anna Hedh, Sweden, S&D: ‘Prostitution constitutes a fundamental violation of women’s human rights and is a form of male violence against women. Thousands of young girls and women are at risk of sexual exploitation and human trafficking to satisfy the demand for prostitution during Olympic Games and the UEFA Euro 2012. Sporting events can never be used as an excuse to tolerate sexual exploitation. A zero tolerance for prostitution, where the purchase of the bodies of women and girls are (...) Read more

  • EWL video clip ’Sport, Sex & Fun’

    EWL video clip has been directed by Patamo, a French artistic company dedicated to animation. Its director, Quentin Le Guennan, founded it more than ten years ago and has produced many video clips for a variety of partners: TV channels, publications, public institutions, NGOs...
    The video clip ’Sport, Sex & Fun’ has been sponsored by the EWL and its French coordination CLEF.
    EWL video clip ’Sport, Sex & Fun’ in English
    Clip vidéo du LEF ’Sport Sex & Fun’ en (...) Read more

  • MEPs give prostitution at sporting events the red card in support of EWL campaign

    MEPs give prostitution at sporting events the red card in support of EWL campaign

    [Brussels, 01 June 2012] On 30 May, 17 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) from nine countries and all political groups gathered together in Brussels in support of the European Women’s Lobby’s action against prostitution around sporting events. In a message to athletes, officials, fans, journalists and decision-makers ahead of the London Olympics and the UEFA European Football Championships in Poland and Ukraine, the MEPs held up red cards which read ‘Be a sport. Keep it fair… Say NO to (...) Read more

  • MEPs give prostitution at sporting events the red card - EWL press release and press briefing

    MEPs give prostitution at sporting events the red card - EWL press release and press briefing

    [Brussels, 30 May 2012] Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) from nine countries and all political groups gathered together today in support of the European Women’s Lobby’s campaign against prostitution around sporting events. In a message to athletes, officials, fans, journalists and decision-makers ahead of the London Olympics and the UEFA European Football Championships in Poland and Ukraine, the 20 MEPs held up red cards which read ‘Be a sport. Keep it fair… Say NO to prostitution.’ (...) Read more

  • ’Be a sport. Keep it fair... Say NO to prostitution’ - EWL visual event in the EP

    [Brussels, 15 May 2012] The European Women’s Lobby organises on 30 May a visual event to raise awareness on the scale of and tolerance for prostitution at sporting events. The MEPs who support EWL campaign will gather in the European Parliament for a group photo and give prostitution at sporting events a red card. EWL video clip ’Sport, sex and fun’ will be released at this occasion, and participants will be invited to take EWL pledge for a Europe free from prostitution.
    This year, thousands (...) Read more


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