The EWL and its members at the UN Commission on the Status of Women
[Brussels, 01 March 2013] The European Women’s Lobby and a lot of its members will be attending the 57th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), in New York from 4 to 15 March. The priority theme will be the elimination and prevention of violence against women and girls. You will find here the latest news about our participation.
EWL Statement for CSW 2013
In a global context of economic and social crisis, where women and girls are at greater risk of experiencing male violence, the EWL calls on CSW to be the moment for reiterating the global commitment to put an end to all forms of violence against women and girls. Click here to download EWL’s statement.
EWL amendments to the draft CSW conclusions on violence against women
The EWL welcomes the draft conclusions and repeats that it is of crucial importance that UN member states stand for the strongest vision of a global community free from violence against women. Click here to download EWL’s amendments.
EWL side event ’Violence against women and prostitution: protecting women’s rights in Europe and worldwide’, Wednesday 6 March, 6.15pm-7.45pm, Chapel 1st floor, Church Center for the UN
The event aims at raising awareness on prostitution as a form of violence against women and share the experience of women’s organisations working at assisting person affected by prostitution. They will share the reality of prostitution in their regions and present their political demands, based on progressive and feminist values, in a global objective to protect women’s rights and promote equality between women and men worldwide. Click here to download the poster.
EWL President speaking at EU side-event on ’Comprehensive strategies to combat VAW/domestic violence in the EU: results and challenges’, Tuesday 5th March, 4.45pm-5.45pm, Room B
This side-event aims to present the European Union’s role and activities as well as some good examples of national strategies of Member States which are intended to effectively address and combat violence against women. Click here to download the programme.
EWL President speaking at EU side-event on ’Trafficking of women and girls as a form of violence against women: the EU response’, Wednesday 6 March, 11.30am-12.45pm, Room D, UN NLB Conference
The side-event will present the European Union’s framework for addressing trafficking of women and girls as a form of violence against women. It will bring together EU member states, EU institutions, other countries, international organisations and civil society to exchange practices and approaches. Click here to download the programme.
NGO Caucus for North America and Europe at CSW57
There will be two meetings of the Caucus for North America and Europe: on Tuesday 7 March, from 12.30pm to 2pm, in the Armenian Convention Center, V-Hall; and on Monday 11 March, from 6.15pm to 7.30pm, CCUN, 2nd Floor.
Side-events proposed by EWL member organisations:
Regards de Femmes, ’Faciliter la déclaration des naissances : Echange de bonnes pratiques’, jeudi 7 mars, 14h30-16h, Church Center, 777 UN Plaza, New York, Grumman Room, 8ème étage
Swedish Women’s Lobby, ’Corporate Sexual Responsibility - Ethical partnerships to abolish prostitution’, 7 March, 10:30am-11:45am, Church Center, Boss Room, 8th floor
Coordination française pour le Lobby européen des femmes (CLEF), ’Le viol, un crime contre l’humanité. Stop à l’impunité’, jeudi 7 mars 2013, de 14h30 à 16h, V-Hall, Armenian Convention Center, 630 2nd Avenue, New York, NY 10016
KAGIDER, ’Empowering Women Through Usage of Technology’, 5 March, 12:30am-14:45am, United Nations Riverview Tent
KAGIDER, ’Technology and Women Empowerment, Women’s Movement in Technology’, 05 March 2013, 16:30am-17:30am, Church Center for the United Nations, 11th Floor, Hardin Room 777 UN Plaza, New York
BeFree, ’Italy violence against women - femicide’, 5 March, 12h30-13h45, Hardin Room, 11th floor, Church Center
Nytkis, ’Ending violence against women - global and nordic perspectives’, 6 MArch,, Scandinavia House, Victor Borge Hall, 58 Park Avenue @ 38th street, New York, NY 10016
Stigamot, ’Nordic women against violence’, 7 March, 10h-11h15, Room D in UN building
ROKS and Stigamot, Why are policies on prostitution important to combat violence against women?, March 7, 2:30 PM, Salvation Army
WAGGGS events on violence against girls, click here to read the flyer (3 events).
To find out more about CSW official side events, click here. To find out more about NGOs side events, click here.