The signatory MEPs

They have signed the Brussels’ Call

55 MEPs have already signed the Brussels’ Call. Join them!

  • · Véronique de Keyser, Belgium, S&D
  • · Mariya Gabriel, Bulgaria, EPP
  • · Antonyia Parvanova, Bulgaria, ALDE
  • · Ivailo Kalfin, Bulgaria, S&D
  • · Antigoni Papadopoulou, Cyprus, S&D
  • · Christel Schaldemose, Denmark, S&D
  • · Britta Thomsen, Denmark, S&D
  • · Emilie Turunen, Denmark, S&D
  • · Siiri Oviir, Estonia, ALDE
  • · Sophie Auconie, France, PPE
  • · Marielle de Sarnez, France, ALDE
  • · Nathalie Griesbeck, France, ALDE
  • · Sylvie Guillaume, France, S&D
  • · Nicole Kiil-Nielsen, France, Greens
  • · Constance Le Grip, France, EPP
  • · Elisabeth Morin-Chartier, France, EPP
  • · Michèle Striffler, France, EPP
  • · Catherine Trautmann, France, S&D
  • · Franziska Brantner, Germany, Greens
  • · Silvana Koch-Mehrin, Germany, ALDE
  • · Kinga Göncz, Hungary, S&D
  • · Zita Gurmai, Hungary, S&D
  • · Krisztina Morvai, Hungary, NI
  • · Nessa Childers, Ireland, NI
  • · Emer Costello, Ireland, S&D
  • · Marian Harkin, Ireland, ALDE
  • · Mairead McGuinness, Ireland, EPP
  • · Gay Mitchell, Ireland, EPP
  • · Phil Prendergast, Ireland, S&D
  • · Silvia Costa, Italy, S&D
  • · Lidia Geringer de Oedenberg, Poland, S&D
  • · Joanna Senyszyn, Poland, S&D
  • · Ana Gomes, Portugal, S&D
  • · Inês Zuber, Portugal, GUE/NGL
  • · Minodora Cliveti, Romania, S&D
  • · Iratxe García Pérez, Spain, S&D
  • · Mojka Kleva, Slovenia, S&D
  • · Göran Färm, Sweden S&D
  • · Mikael Gustafsson, Sweden, GUE/NGL
  • · Anna Hedh, Sweden, S&D
  • · Kent Johansson, Sweden, ALDE
  • · Isabella Lövin, Sweden, Greens
  • · Olle Ludvigsson, Sweden, S&D
  • · Jens Nilsson, Sweden, S&D
  • · Carl Schlyter, Sweden, Greens
  • · Olle Schmidt, Sweden, ALDE
  • · Eva-Britt Svensson (former MEP), Sweden, GUE/NGL
  • · Alf Svensson, Sweden, EPP
  • · Marita Ulvskog, Sweden, S&D
  • · Asa Westlund, Sweden, S&D
  • · Cecilia Wikström, Sweden, ALDE
  • · Catherine Bearder, UK, ALDE
  • · Fiona Hall, UK, ALDE
  • · Mary Honeyball, UK, S&D
  • · Claude Moraes, UK, S&D

Mikael Gustafsson (Sweden, GUE-NGL)
mikael gustafsson web

"I say no to men’s rights to buy women in prostitution. I consider prostitution as a form of violence - against mainly women and girls, but also some boys and men. As such it is incompatible with a society which strives to be based on equality and respect for all. As with all forms of gender-based violence, we must increasingly name and target the perpetrator, the men. There would be no prostitution if men did not buy girls and women for sexual purposes. This is why policies must be addressed at reducing "male demand" in prostitution markets. Any attempts to legalise or institutionalise prostitution activities will only fuel abuse and exploitation.
I say no to men’s rights to buy women in prostitution. I say yes to women’s rights to decide freely over their bodies in all matters. Translated into practical public policy terms this means that women in prostitution must be decriminalised and de-penalised, and that the buyers (men) should be penalised. As in Sweden, we will see very good results if we choose this path. But this path takes a lot of political courage - to challenge the economic interests of the powerful sex industry, and last but not least, to challenge old-fashioned ideas about men’s (and women’s) sexuality."


Nicole Kiil-Nielsen (France, Greens)

kiil nielsen web2

"As a feminist, I defend an ideal of society where sex doesn’t determine people’s life. This ideal is not compatible with the commodification of women’s body, women being the vast majority of prostituted persons. The system of prostitution as a whole has to be tackled by public policies. This implies: a policy of education to equality and sexuality, the criminalisation of prostitute-users, the support to and reinsertion of prostituted persons, and the fight against trafficking. Prostitution is a form of violence, and doesn’t belong to a society which aspires to equality between women and men."


Silvana Koch-Mehrin (Germany, ALDE)
koch mehrin

"I fully endorse the EWL campaign to end prostitution. As Member of the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality, I continuously support policies aimed at eliminating all forms of discrimination against women. Prostitution is a clear violation of a person’s dignity and human rights. It is incompatible with the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights and poses a hidden threat to our society. It reinforces the dominant position of men over women and prohibits the building of an egalitarian and modern society."


Elisabeth Morin-Chartier (France, EPP)
elisabeth morin charter


Catherine Bearder (UK, ALDE)
catherine bearder website


Mary Honeyball (UK, S&D)
mary honeyball web

"I fully support the campaign to end prostitution across Europe. Anyone who believes that prostitution has a place within a civilised society is not aware of the reality of the situation; women in prostitution are exploited, vulnerable to violence, they are often victims of abuse, drug dependency, trafficking or coercion. I also believe that the EWL’s focus on engaging with men and changing the attitude of European society is of primary importance. Prostitution is not just a women’s issue, it is an issue for all society and one which affects us more than we realise. In a society where men can expect to purchase women, gender equality will remain a myth. If we want to live in a Europe where women have equal rights and can feel safe and respected, we must work to eliminate prostitution and to create a culture in which it is not permitted or acceptable to purchase the body of another."


Michèle Striffler (France, EPP)
michele striffler website


Emer Costello (Ireland, S&D)
emer costello website

"As a former Lord Mayor of Dublin and Dublin City Councillor, I have long campaigned against the exploitation of women and in particular on the issue of prostitution. I am a firm supporter of the work of the "Turn Off the Red Light" campaign in Ireland which is seeking to bring about both legal and societal change in relation to prostitution. I also fully support the work being done on a European level by the EWL. Prostitution is a form of degradation of women and is completely incompatible with the principle of equality between men and women. I believe that the best way to deal with the issue is to tackle demand. I fully support the call to make the purchase of sex a criminal offence. Moreover, additional supports need to be put in place to help women exit prostitution. Prostitution is not a lifestyle choice and indeed those caught up in it would state that they have had very few choices in life."


Sophie Auconie (France, EPP)
sophie auconie

"Prostitution is violence! Being the President of the organisation Femmes au Centre, I cannot but be indignant about all violations of women’s rights. This is the reason why i support the campaign of the European Women’s Lobby. It is not tolerable anymore nowadays to leave some states like France practice a double language on this issue. On the one hand, we prohibit solicitation, and consequently sanction women in prostitution. On the other hand, we tolerate the idea of prostitution through the existence of taxation between the French state and the women. Let us stop hypocrisy! Let us stop political cant! I am convinced that the harmonisation at EU level of policies dealing with prostitution is crucial. It has to go through a reflection on methods for reintegration and support to women willing to exit the system of prostitution."


Catherine Trautmann (France, S&D)
catherine trautmann


Inês Zuber (Portugal, GUE)
ines zuber


Mojca Kleva (Slovenia, S&D)
mojka kleva website


Joanna Senyszyn (Poland, S&D)
mep senyszyn

"I sign the Brussels’ Call because both forced prostitution and trafficking in human beings are serious violations of human rights and criminal offences. Each year hundreds of thousands of women are abused in the European sex industry. Trafficking in women goes beyond borders; therefore, a global European response to this issue is urgently needed, with special emphasis on prevention and victim protection."


Cecilia Wikström (Sweden, ALDE)
cecilia wikstrom


Siiri Oviir (Estonia, ALDE)
siiri oviir

In general, a woman’s decision to work as a prostitute is due to the poverty.
That’s why in developed European countries have prostitutes mainly from very poor countries.
I consider those women as victims.
Prostitution is closely linked to organised crime (including drug addiction and money laundering).
I support the criminalization of buying sex.


Véronique de Keyser (Belgium, S&D)
veronique de keyser


Kent Johansson (Sweden, ALDE)
kent johansson


Silvia Costa (Italy, S&D)
silvia costa


Marita Ulvskog (Sweden, S&D)
marita ulvskog website

"Prostitution is exploitation, violence against women and a tool of oppression. The idea that men need a one group of women to be available for their sexual needs is wrong and founded on structural inequality and a view of women being commodities. If we believe in a world where human rights have supremacy and women and men are equals, prostitution must be fought. We need to raise awareness and stir up the debate. The issue of prostitution must be on the agenda of the EU and also globally. Therefore I am a strong supporter of the EWL campaign "Together for a Europe free from prostitution" and the Brussels’ Call."

Olle Ludvigsson (Sweden, S&D)
olle ludvigsson

"I support the EWL campaign "Together for a Europe free from prostitution" and the Brussels’ Call because the fact that men can buy women for sex is wrong and reinforces a perception of women being commodities that is detrimental to equal rights and all women. Accepting prostitution is accepting a structure that is reflecting and maintaining inequality between men and women. That has to be changed. We need to make sure that the issue of prostitution reaches the agenda within the EU and that the discussion will lead to a Europe free from prostitution."


Göran Färm (Sweden, S&D)
goran farm web

"I give my full support to the EWL campaign and the work against prostitution. We need to focus more on how to combat the demand for prostitution and we cannot accept the fact that people in 2012 can be treated as commodities. I believe in an equal society and as long as prostitution exists we cannot be satisfied and content. Prostitution in the EU is a big problem and is one of the main reasons for the rising numbers in human trafficking. That is why we need to raise the issue of prostitution at all levels of society, within the EU as well as globally. Prostitution is an issue that is depending on imbalances in power between women and men and the work towards a gender equal society is a major part of the progress we need. My belief is that if we unite we can tackle the demand and put an end to prostitution and all forms of human trafficking."


Åsa Westlund (Sweden, S&D)
asa westlund web

"I fully support the EWL’s campaign "Together for a Europe free from prostitution". Prostitution is a violent exploitation of a person’s body; it reinforces inequality, and promotes a lack of dignity and respect. Our societies must resolutely reject the idea that it is ok to purchase people as commodities for sexual use; consequently buying sex should be criminalized. The argument of prostitution being a proper job is false. A parent would never recommend their children to prostitute themselves."


Anna Hedh (Sweden, S&D)
anna hedh s d se

"Prostitution constitutes a fundamental violation of women’s human rights, and is a form of male violence against women. Furthermore, prostitution is also the major pull factor in Europe’s modern slave trade - human trafficking. If we achieve a society free from prostitution and sexual exploitation of women and girls, we will also get rid of a large share of human trafficking in the EU. In fact, in my view it is impossible to combat human trafficking without addressing the underlying problem: that today there are people that are willing to pay for the bodies of women and girls. But ending prostitution will not happen by itself. I am convinced that we need to focus on the people buying sexual "services", and to raise awareness about the reality behind prostitution to influence decision-makers all over Europe. I am therefore a warm supporter of the European Women’s Lobby’s campaign to end prostitution in Europe. Now is the time for action!"


Jens Nilsson (Sweden, S&D)
jens nilsson

"Prostitution is a form of male violence against women and constitutes a fundamental violation of women’s human rights. Clearly, prostitution is also the major pull factor in Europe’s modern day slave trade - human trafficking. I have long been convinced that we need to focus legislation on the people buying sexual "services". I also believe that we need to raise awareness about the reality behind prostitution in order to influence decision-makers all over Europe."


Lidia Geringer de Oedenberg (Poland, S&D)
lidia de geringer


Antigoni Papadopoulou (Cyprus, S&D)
antigoni papadopoulou

"I fully support the EWL’s campaign because prostitution is a severe violation of the human rights of women and a form of modern slavery. EU must harmonise anti-prostitution policies, PREVENT prostitution, PUNISH men "customers" and PROTECT women victims. We must work together for common awareness campaigns all over Europe and the world, sending a clear message for zero tolerance for prostitution, trafficking and violence against women."


Minodora Cliveti (Romania, S&D)
minodora cliveti



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