The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has just released a new factsheet ‘Gender-based violence against women – an EU-wide survey’ (available in 22 EU languages), which provides a concise description of the project’s background, the aims, and the content of the survey. The survey provides for the first time comparable data on women’s experiences of violence in the 27 EU Member States and Croatia, and is the largest multi-country study of its kind. The FRA is now analysing the results of its survey on gender-based violence against women, but unveils some data illustrating the extent of some of the problems that will be revealed in the full survey findings: Four in five women victims of gender based violence did not turn to any service, such as healthcare, social services, or victim support, following the most serious incidents of violence by people other than their partners. This underlines how the true extent of violence remains hidden.

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