EWL press coverage

Women’s Rights Must be Implemented in Daily Life

The EU Progress Report emphasizes the necessary reinforcement of women’s political presence and women’s labor power. Serious problems such as domestic violence, "honor killilngs" and early and forced marriage still leave room for improvement.

The section on women’s rights of the 11th Progress Report of the European Council starts with the positive reference to the Committee on Equal Opportunities for Men and Women enforced in the beginning of this year:
"As regards women’s rights, a consultative parliamentary Committee on Equal Opportunities for Men and Women was established by law in March 2009. It monitors developments on gender equality, gives opinions on draft laws and proposes steps to align Turkish legislation and practice with international agreements. It also examines complaints about violations of equality between women and men and gender-based discrimination. A legislative amendment granted public servants employed under labour contracts the right to paid maternity leave of 16 weeks, the same as for public servants, plus the possibility to return to the same post, if they apply for it, at the end of their maternity leave. The preliminary results of the 2008 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey show an improvement in mother and child health indicators over the last five years, even though regional disparities persist".
The report also mentions progress on awareness of violence against women: "In April 2009 a protocol was signed between the Directorate-General for Women’s Status and the Ministry of Justice with a view to training prosecutors and judges on violence against women".
Low representation of women in politics
"Women’s NGOs launched campaigns to increase female participation in local elections, such as the ’50/50 equality’ campaign simultaneously with the European Women’s Lobby’s ’50/50 no modern European democracy without gender equality’ campaign. However, gender equality remains a major challenge in Turkey and a gender equality body as required by the acquis has yet to be established".


Bianet Women s rights must be implemented in daily life 16 Oct 2009


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