Members News

A snapshot of our members activities & initiatives in September 2015

Joint action of EWL members

In August, EWL members disseminated EWL’s call to Amnesty International: "protect the human rights of ALL women and girls to build a society based on equality, justice and respect."


In the context of the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the European Union, our members CNFL are organising two conferences in 15 October 2015 on Equality Between Women In Men in Political & Economic Decision-Making. Find the invitations here and here.


We have two news items from our members the Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights.

1) Petition on abortion rights
28 portuguese civil society organisations made history in the defence of women’s human rights In Portugal by delivering a collective petition to the Portuguese Ombudsperson. The setbacks on abortion law in Portugal, approved in the very last day (!) of functioning of the Portuguese Parliament, 22 July, violate women’s international law instruments and conventions e. g. CEDAW and the Istambul Convention, not to mention the Portuguese Constitution.

2) Women of the Mediterranean: First ministerial monitoring report
The first report of monitoring of the ministerial conferences of the Euro-Mediterranean Women Foundation "Women in the Mediterranean" was presented in Marseille on September 17, in a seminar organised by the Euro-Mediterranean Women Foundation and the Forum of Women of the Mediterranean.

This is a qualitative monitoring report of the situation of women in 12 countries of the Union for the Mediterranean: Algeria, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey, five from the North, and seven from the South and the Southeast of the Mediterranean. The country reports, more of a qualitative than quantitative nature, do not intend to be comprehensive, but to address three key aspects: participation of women in economic and social life; participation of women in political life, and violence against women. The report is available in English and French here.

The report on Portugal was made by the Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights, EWL’s national coordination, and the co-authors are Alexandra Sofia Silva, Ana Sofia Fernandes - EWL’s Board Member, and Catarina Correia. More information in Portuguese here.


1) Joint declaration of women’s & LGBTI organisations for peace The European Women’s Lobby endorsed this peace statement by local women’s and LGBTI organisations in Turkey, made on 1 September 2015.

2) Call for participation: Survey from the Turkish Coordination

As you may know, W20 (Women-20) has been established as a new engagement group by the G20 under Turkish Presidency in 2015 and one of our member organizations Women Entrepreneurs Association of Turkey (KAGIDER) is leading W20. The mission of the W20 is to promote global gender-inclusive economic growth. The mandate for the W20 includes helping achieve progress on the G20 commitments of “women’s full economic and social participation.

A 3 minutes survey will help them to include your priorities and valuable ideas to women’s economic empowerment process.

The link of the survey is here.


La CLEF co-organised Midi-Minuit du Matrimoine - Women’s Cultural Heritage Marathon, a major event to celebrate the first ever International Women’s Cultural Heritage Day - La journée internationale du matrimoine - is being held on 19 September 2015 in the Place du Palais-Royal in Paris, from Noon to Midnight, to raise the profile of creative women in the past and their work.
Artivists will showcase a female author, composer, singer, choreographer, filmmaker, etc. who is no longer living (through a slam, reading, performance, dance, music, poetry, architecture, drama, visual arts, philosophy).

The spotlight was turned on the hidden [female] face of the French cultural heritage!
This event was supported by Mouvement HF for gender equality in the arts and culture, Osez le Féminisme!, Genre et Ville, la CLEF (Coordination française pour le Lobby Européen des Femmes), le LEF (Lobby Européen des Femmes), Le Deuxième Regard, le collectif Georgette Sand, Prenons La Une, les Voix Rebelles, le comité Métallos, La Barbe, le Réseau Féministe Ruptures, la Maison des Femmes de Montreuil, Clasicas Y MODERNAS (Espagne), Projecte Vaca (Espagne), Mujeres en las artes visuales (Espagne) & 50/50 le magazine de l’égalité femmes/hommes, etc.


The Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies (MIGS)

The Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies (MIGS), a member of the Cyprus Women’s Lobby, and the University of Nicosia are pleased to present the book entitled I Thought I was Applying as a Care Giver”: Trafficking in Women for Labour Exploitation in Domestic Work.


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