
The EWL has a number of subcommittees and ad-hoc committees which act as consultative groups, with the aim of supporting the delivery of our strategic aims. Some committees are set up for specific pieces of work while others are ongoing committees, with membership that changes following the EWL Board elections. The committees mostly lead on internal mechanisms and procedures, as opposed to EWL’s Working Structures which focus on our policy and advocacy work.

The Membership Committee’s role is to assess applications for membership and assist existing full member organisations and new applicants to meet the criteria for membership as set out in the Statutes. It assesses and gives advice to the Executive Committee on membership issues of EWL as they arise, such as dealing with membership fees, providing advice on queries or complaints from and about members and so forth.

The purpose of the Statutes Review Committee is to act as an advisory and consultative body to the EWL membership in the process of reviewing the EWL Statutes and Internal Rules, with the aim of ensuring the Statutes serve the purpose and goals of the organisation and that they align with Belgian law.

Its purpose is to develop a clear policy on Diversity, Inclusion and Equality for EWL and a framework for translating this policy into action, regarding the responsibilities of the General Assembly, Board of Administration, the Executive Committee, Secretariat and all those associated with the EWL’s work. The overarching aim is to mainstream the principles and practice of diversity, inclusion and equality into all EWL work plans and activities for achieving gender equality.

The Funding and Finance Committee (FFCom) was set up in 2017 with the overall responsibility in matching EWL’s progress towards our Financial Resilience and Sustainability Plan and provide guidance to the Executive Committee in order to have sound insight into the funding and finance procedures, as well as the potential risks and opportunities.

The Emergency Motions (EM) Committee’s role is to manage and monitor all the necessary procedures for handling the management of the emergency motions for the General Assembly. Each year, it drafts the call for EM and receive, review and decide on the proposed motions, as well as manage the EM session at the GA.

The Issue Group Committee’s role is to oversee the organisation of Issue Groups during EWL’s annual General Assembly. It prepares the call for Issue Groups and its procedure each year ahead of the GA, reviews and decides on the proposed workshops, and prepares the workshops at the GA.

The Credential Committee is formed at the Board meeting before the GA where elections take place iin order to ensure that all full members planning to attend and to vote at the General Assembly meet all the necessary criteria as set out in the Statutes and Internal Rules. The Credential Committee is usually set up temporarily and active during the GA only, supporting the  elections of the Board and the Executive Committee

The Wellbeing Working Group is a consultative body within EWL to ensure the wellbeing of both representative members and the Secretariat. This also relates to an overview of organisational and individual communication and processes, and to help prevent any forms of discrimination and harassment. Its work is based on feminist principles of solidarity, autonomy, participation and inclusion.