Members corner


EEA and Norway grants to NGOs consultation

Thank you to those of you who have contributed so far to the online NGO consultation for support to civil society in Central and Southern Europe, or have encouraged members to do so.

The draft Guideline for NGO Programmes is now also available on our webconsultation page for your comments and input.

Please note that this document is a draft by the FMO and is subject to change pending Donor state comments.

The deadline for all comments and input is 5th November 2010.

For more information, contact:

Patrizia Brandellero

Senior Sector Officer – Civil society

EEA and Norway Grants

E-mail: | Web/newsletter:
Tel: +32 2 211 18 12 | Fax: +32 2 211 18 89 | Mobile: +32 498 177 033

Financial Mechanism Office | Bd du Régent 47-48 (visit) | Rue Joseph II 12-16 (mail) | B-1000 Brussels