Francesca Operti - Programme Coordinator

Francesca Operti - Programme Coordinator


Francesca Operti is the Programme Coordinator at the European Women’s Lobby. She is responsible for ensuring the implementation and development of the EWL’s fundraising strategy and coordinating the work of the Programme Hub.

Francesca joined the EWL in November 2022. Before that, she worked in various European organisations active in the lifelong learning sector, including the Lifelong Learning Platform (LLP) and the European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE). Francesca spent the last ten years working at the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA), having the chance to be involved in more than 30 EU-funded projects focused on a wide variety of topics and coordinating successfully around 10 of them. Thanks to that, she acquired a sound experience in application drafting, budget monitoring, evaluation and dissemination strategies, capacity building, and policy work.

She is a passionate lifelong learner herself: since arriving in Brussels in 2011, she has been attending numerous courses ranging from language classes to professional learning opportunities.

Francesca holds a Master’s degree in European Studies from the University of Florence and a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations and European Institutions from the University of Milan. During her university studies, she wrote a Bachelor’s dissertation on Women in Politics, attended an extra-curricular course on women’s rights held by the Italian Ministry of Equal Opportunities, and took several Gender Equality classes during her Erasmus exchange in Lithuania.

In her free time, Francesca enjoys going to concerts and theatre plays, travelling, and cycling. Not that she has much these years, considering how much time is needed to raise two (feminist) sons.


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