EWL News

Happy Holidays from the European Women’s Lobby

Dear friends,

2013 is coming to an end and the European Women’s Lobby looks back to a year full of challenges and successes!

As we move towards the EU elections in 2014, the EWL 50/50 Campaign for Democracy has been successful in putting gender equality at the top of the EU political agenda and in gaining more and more supporters in favour of parity democracy, including more than 100 MEP’s, Noble Peace Prize winners, Heads of States and of EU institutions. The 50/50 Campaign is accompanied by the unique European Political Mentoring Network which aims to support women from ethnic minorities to be candidates for the 2014 EU elections.

Looking at the issue of violence against women, the EWL is leading an EU-wide action on rape, aiming to tackle this most underreported crime. On 14 February 2013, the EWL One Billion Rising event gathered almost 1000 people in Brussels to demand an end to violence against women and girls, dancing on the EWL song and dance “Stand Up! Rise Up!” The continuous advocacy work of the EWL through its Campaign Together for a Europe Free of Prostitution, played a major role in the adoption by the French Parliament of a law aiming at abolishing the system of prostitution in December, and in encouraging many EU member states to review their stand on this issue.

This year, with our 2013 Women’s Watch Report, the EWL also produced the first genuinely feminist appraisal of the gender equality situation on the ground in 30 European countries, judged by the yardstick of the European Women’s Lobby’s ideals. In times of austerity, this report and our ongoing socio-economic advocacy have shown the absolute need to ensure a gender equality perspective in relation to EU poverty, employment and economic policies.

In 2014, we will continue to speak loud and clear in defense of our values and the realisation of real equality for women and men in Europe and beyond with your support.

We wish you all very happy holidays!

The EWL Team


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