European Coalition to End violence against women and girls

Initiatives to end violence against women and girls of the partners in the European Coalition

AGE Platform Europe

AGE Platform Europe has very recently published a position paper on the protection of older persons who have suffered abuse. The paper call for a wide and comprehensive implementation of the rights and guarantees introduced by the 2012 European Union Directive on Victims’ Rights in order to improve the protection of older persons who have suffered abuse, violence and maltreatment.
Elder abuse is not a minor or anecdotal phenomenon, but a widespread violation of the human rights and dignity of older persons, especially those in situations of dependency and with care needs. Prevention is a key action, but once abuse has happened it is necessary to protect and support victims and avoid further abuse and violence.

In its position paper, AGE recalls that older women are at a higher risk of being victims of abuse and calls for the ratification Istanbul Convention on preventing and combating and violence against women and domestic violence.

"As they suffer both gender discriminations and ageist attitudes, older women are over represented amongst victims of elder abuse. Older women are also victims of gender-based violence and should not be forgotten." Anne-Sophie Parent , Secretary general of Age Platform Europe.

Euromed Rights campaign on the Istanbul Convention

EuroMed Rights Istanbul Convention

EuroMed Rights’ campaign on the so-called Istanbul Convention (Convention of the Council of Europe on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence) aims at raising awareness primarily among civil society actors and subsequently among decision makers about the importance of this standard setting instrument both in the South (Tunisia, Morocco, Jordan) and in the North of the Mediterranean (Cyprus, France and Turkey). Through the organisation of activities such as workshops, trainings, advocacy missions and research and production of information material on the targeted countries, EuroMed Rights and the members of its Gender Equality and Women’s Rights Working Group want to push for the advancement of the legal frameworks for combating VAW in the target countries as well as for the adequate implementation of the standards in terms of prevention, protection, prosecution and coordination among stakeholders set by the Istanbul Convention.

Find here the link to Euromed Rights Campaign in English
Find here the link to Euromed Rights Campaign in French.

European Disability Forum (EDF) work on women and girls with disabilities

Women and girls with disabilities are highly exposed to violence and multiple discrimination both on the grounds of their gender and on the grounds of their disability. In many cases, they cannot have access to justice, because they are deprived of their legal capacity and someone else decides for them or they have no access to the information concerning their rights. Women and girls with disabilities, and especially those living in institutions of those with intellectual or psychosocial disabilities, are at even higher risk of violence. They are even more exposed to sexual abuse which is often closely linked with forced sterilisation. Currently, there is no legislation in Europe to protect women and girls with disabilities from violence.

Check out EDF’s work on women and girls with disabilities and the role on EDF Women’s Committee.

European Network against Racism (ENAR): Forgotten Women

In 2016, ENAR lauched a project "Forgotten Women: the impact of Islamophobia on Muslim women" which aims to document the disproportionate effect of Islamophobia on women and develop alliances between the anti-racism and feminist movements in order to better address the intersectional discrimination affecting Muslim women.

Find more information about ENAR Forgotten women project in this link.

European Roma Information office (ERIO): Early marriage prevention network

Early Marraige Prevention network ERIO

Early Marriage Prevention Network is a project financed by the European Union under the Rights, Equality and Citizenship programme, which aims at targeting attitudes concerning early marriage in the Roma community. This two-year project is a partnership of seven partners of which ERIO is a part of; covering five countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Slovenia, and Spain. The target groups are children, especially girls who are at risk of early marriage.

The aims of the project are to:

  • Foster cooperation between child protection, health and education systems; justice and police to coordinate their activities related to combat the early marriage among Roma communities applying Child-Centred Approach (CCA)
  • Raise awareness among different target groups in Roma communities in order to change their attitudes and behaviour regarding early marriage
  • Increase the practice at European level in the area of applying CCA to protect children from harmful tradition of early marriage

European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) Safe at home Safe at work

“Trade union strategies to prevent, manage and eliminate work-place harassment and violence against women”

ETUC Safe at home safe at work

This ETUC project aims to develop and improve trade union knowledge and instruments addressing gender-based violence and harassment at the workplace and in the negotiating agenda. The project has the following objectives to contribute to:

  • The development of a trade union strategy at European level, including guidelines aiming at eradicating violence against women.
  • Further encouraging trade unions’ work to deal with preventive measures against violence and harassment towards women in the labour market.

A report will be published in 2017 on evidence collected in eleven country case studies on trade unions’ and social partners’ strategies and practices in tackling the two related dimensions of – gender-based violence at work and the consequences of domestic violence at work. In addition, a two-day European conference was held in Madrid (24-25 November 2016) to mark International Day against Violence against Women and discuss how the ETUC and its affiliates can strategically move forward together to end gender-based violence at work. The conference brought together over 150 representatives from trade unions and other stakeholders from across Europe. Panel discussions were held with representatives from different countries and trade unions, and included representatives from European NGOS such as the European Women’s Lobby and the Companies Against Gender Violence (CARVE). Representatives from the European Commission, the European Institute for Gender Equality and the International Labour Organisation spoke about their institutional roles in contributing to ending gender-based violence. The panel discussion addressed why gender-based violence is a trade union issue and how the issue has been approached by different unions. Two workshop sessions examined in further detail strategies to address gender-based violence, particularly sexual harassment in the workplace, and strategies to raise awareness and address prevention of domestic violence at work, the conclusions of which have helped to inform the recommendations made in this report. A clear message from women attending the conference is that a culture of discrimination and inequality at work cannot be separated from patriarchy and unequal gender relations in society, in the community and in the family.

Men Engage Europe

MenEngage Europe is a dynamic network of individuals and organisations with a shared purpose and vision engaging in:

  • Changing Perceptions.
  • Organizing and Advocating.
  • Sharing Information and Resources.

In order for the world to change, people must change. Our member organizations work with individuals in communities in Europe to create new ideas about gender, masculinity and to learn healthier ways to relate to each other. We represent diverse fields of engaging men and boys, MenEngage Europe offers a unique opportunity for networking, sharing resources and collaboration.

To move forward on gender equality goals and objectives and put an end to violence against women and girls, it is critical to bring communities and governments along with us and change laws and norms in addition to hearts and minds. MEE works closely with women’s organisations and networks to achieve gender equality and to end violence against women and girls.

WAVE Step Up! Campaign

WAVE Step Up

WAVE Step Up! is a European-wide campaign launched on 25 May 2016 promoting the rights of women survivors of violence and their children to access support and protection. Launched nationally in WAVE Member countries, and internationally from the WAVE office, this campaign aims to step up efforts in Europe to stop violence against women, raise awareness of the problem, and protect survivors through activities which target different stakeholders and decision-makers. In order to be effective and to achieve concrete results and improvements, WAVE will concentrate on the problem of domestic violence and sexual violence against women and their children. Gender-based violence is an epidemic which requires governmental and societal action, and needs to be brought onto the agenda of governments across Europe.
For more information on the campaign, check out the Step Up! Campaign Blueprint.

Check out the WAVE Step Up! Campaign profile on Facebook, and show your support!

PICUM and WAVE Step Up! Campaign to improve access to support and protection for undocumented women


On 15 December 2016, under the umbrella of WAVE’s Step Up! campaign, PICUM and WAVE launched a joint campaign to improve access to services for undocumented women, and women with precarious status, who have experienced violence. The campaign aims to improve people’s understanding of how a women’s residence status, or lack of status, affects her risk of violence, and can create barriers to accessing safety, support and services. It also provides concrete examples of steps that can be taken by shelters, law enforcement, service-providers, and others to make a difference in practice. As part of the campaign, individuals and organisations are invited to step up to show their support for the rights of all women, irrespective of status, by signing a pledge, with the goal of obtaining 1012 signature by 10 December (Human Rights Day).

You can also ask your contacts to sign the pledge through social media by using #StepUpWAVE #MigrantWomen #NoWomanIsIllegal

World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) Stop the Violence Campaign

Stop the violence WAGGGS

Since 2011, WAGGGS is adding voices to the Stop the Violence campaign, speaking out for girls’ rights and an end to violence against women and girls. Girl Guides and Girl Scouts from around the world share statements written by campaign supporters in their campaign video. The message is very clear: Together we can Stop the Violence!

WAGGGS is creating a global community committed to ending violence against
girls and young women. As experts in education, community action and advocacy, WAGGGS is reaching out to 30 million people in over 100 countries to break the culture of silence on violence and take action to end it. Building from a whisper to a shout we will stop violence against girls. The campaign works across five key areas to empower girls to speak out for their rights and to end the violence: Raise Awareness, Learn, Speak Out, Contribute to Research & Policy and Take Action.


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