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Internship: The Women’s Refugee Commission: Sexual and reproductive Health, New York, USA (deadline: open until filled)


Since 1989, the Women’s Refugee Commission has advocated vigorously for laws, policies and programs to improve the lives and protect the rights of refugee and displaced women, children and young people—bringing about lasting, measurable change.

About the Reproductive Health Program:

The Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) Program promotes quality, comprehensive reproductive health care for crisis-affected women, men and youth in the areas of maternal-newborn health, family planning, STI/HIV/AIDS and gender-based violence.

The SRH Program:

  • Ensures that reproductive health is on the agenda of humanitarian assistance organizations, development agencies, policy makers and donors.
  • Participates in the seven-member Reproductive Health Response in Crises (RHRC) Consortium and the Inter-agency Working Group (IAWG) on Reproductive Health in Crises.
  • Advocates for the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for Reproductive Health to be implemented in the earliest days of an emergency, and integrated into emergency preparedness plans.
  • Produces tools and field-friendly guides on the MISP, maternal health, family planning, HIV/AIDS, STIs, gender-based violence, emergency contraception and emergency obstetric care for humanitarian workers to better implement reproductive health activities in emergency settings.
  • Provides grants and technical assistance to local nongovernmental organizations in Thailand to expand and strengthen sexual reproductive health services, particularly for adolescents.
  • Advocates for the international community to undertake a comprehensive multi-sectoral approach which protect women and girls from sexual violence and traditional practices in displaced settings

About the Internship:

This internship is best suited to students of public health with the desire to obtain experience in a professional advocacy organization. It will provide the opportunity to work closely on sexual and reproductive health advocacy issues, attend internal organizational presentations as well as external meetings and contribute to the daily work of the SRH Program.

The SRH Program makes every attempt to respond to the interests and educational goals of the intern. Two interns will be selected to join the SRH program over the course of the 2012-2013 academic year who will report directly to the Senior SRH program officer. The activities below will be divided between these interns based on interest, background skills and programmatic needs.

See the full job description at:

Please note this is an unpaid internship. Two (2) internship opportunities are available.

To Apply:

To apply click here.
