European & International News

Joint declaration of women’s & LGBTI organisations for peace

[Ankara, 1 September 2015] The European Women’s Lobby endorses the following statement by local women’s and LGBTI organisations in Turkey, made on 1 September 2015.

We Call Upon Everyone to Join Us

"We, the women of this country, desire peace. How many more generations must suffer the atrocities of war and conflict? What are we to do with all of this pain and suffering, for which there is no recompense?

Virtually moments before the elections the government announced that it had “frozen” the peace process, thus obliterating it. And now the antagonistic language of war has come back with a vengeance greater than ever before. Those who you say will be avenged, they are our children. Those whom you say you can sacrifice, they are our children, our loved ones. And those whom you kill, they too are our children.

By our votes we made it clear to you what kind of a parliament, what kind of a country we desired. But our will was ignored. Instead, we find ourselves encircled by bombing, fires, and retaliations. Dozens of our people have been killed in a single month. Rather than mourning their deaths, through your words and actions you have instilled in us fear of even more loss. We did not cast our votes in favor of war. We did not vote for a “state of emergency” regime that fails to comply even with the antidemocratic laws currently in force. We have no need for bombs, or retaliation, or execution, or sabotage.

We women hereby proclaim that we will not accept an environment of war and conflict. To all parties, armed and unarmed alike, we say, “enough already, just stop!” Set aside arguments of who’s right and who’s wrong, get past the blame game of “who started it,” and just STOP! Strive not to kill, but to ensure life! We women side not with death but with life. Silence your weapons! Let dialogue and negotiations begin! Take the steps to seek a democratic solution, so that our hopes and expectations for peace might live. Let true steps towards peace be taken so that the children of this country can have a future.

We women will never give up on peace. We will not give credence to any warmongering, because we know that only in an environment of peace is it possible to end discrimination, to establish justice, and to ensure a free and equal life for all. We know very well from our own lives, and the struggle we ourselves have waged, what it means to be ignored, and to be annilihated.

We insist, and will continue to insist, upon peace."

1 September 2015

1- The Princes Islands Foundation Women’s Working Group - Adalar Vakfı Kadın Çalışma Grubu
2- Women’s Group for Justice, Peace, and Freedom — Adalet Eşitlik ve Özgürlük İçin Kadın Grubu
3- Adana Women’s Shelter and Association for Solidarity/Consultation– Adana Kadın Da(ya)nışma ve Sığınma Evi Derneği (AKDAM)
4- Adıyaman Association of Women and Life – Adıyaman Kadın Yaşam Derneği (AKAYDER)
5- Ankara Feminist Collective - Ankara Feminist Kolektif (AKF)
6- Association for the Support of Women Candidates, Ankara Branch – Ankara Kadın Adayları Destekleme Derneği (KA.DER)
7- Antakya Kaws Kuzah LGBTI Society - Antakya Kaws Kuzah Lgbti Topluluğu
8- Antalya Women’s Consultation Center and Solidarity Association – Antalya Kadın Danışma Merkezi ve Dayanışma Derneği
9- Ataşehir City Council Women’s Assembly - Ataşehir Kent Konseyi Kadın Meclisi
10- European Women’s Lobby – Turkey – Avrupa Kadın Lobisi – Türkiye Koordinasyonu (AKL – Türkiye)
11- Ayvalık Independent Women’s Initiative - Ayvalık Bağımsız Kadın İnisiyatifi
12- Mersin Independent Women’s Association – Mersin Bağımsız Kadın Derneği
13- Women Members of Academics for Peace - Barış İçin Akademisyen’lerden Kadınlar
14- Women’s Peace Initiative - Barış İçin Kadın Girişimi
15- Batman Selis Women’s Consultation Center — Batman Selis Kadın Danışmanlık Merkezi
16- Buca Evka -1 Women, Culture and Solidarity Association – Buca Evka –1 Kadın Kültür ve Dayanışma Derneği (BEKEV)
17- Women’s Solidarity Association Bodrum - Bodrum Kadın Dayanışma Derneği
18- CEDAW Civil Society Executive Committee - CEDAW Sivil Toplum Yürütme Kurulu
19- Association to Combat Sexual Violence - Cinsel Şiddetle Mücadele Derneği
20- Association for Gender Equality Watch – Cinsiyet Eşitliği İzleme Derneği (CEİD)
21- Çanakkale Association for the Utilization of Women’s Handicrafts – Çanakkale Kadın El Emeğini Değerlendirme Derneği (ELDER)
22- Çanakkale Women Entrepreneurs Cooperative
23- Çanakkale Women’s Platform - Çanakkale Kadın Platformu
24- Çukurova City Council Women’s Assembly - Çukurova Kent Konseyi Kadın Meclisi
25- Deli Kadın (Crazy Woman) Magazine - Deli Kadın Dergisi
26- Women in Foreign Policy - Dış Politikada Kadınlar
27- Didim Kibele Women’s Association - Didim Kibele Kadın Derneği
28- Women of the Healthcare Workers Union/Confederation of Revolutionary Workers Unions (DİSK) - Disk/Dev Sağlık İş Sendikası’ndan Kadınlar
29- Confederation of Revolutionary Workers Unions (DİSK)/Genel-İş Public Service Workers Istanbul Women’s Commission - DİSK/Genel-iş İstanbul Kadın Komisyonu
30- Confederation of Revolutionary Workers Unions (DİSK) Women’s Committee - Disk Kadın Komisyonu
31- Ekmek ve Gül (Bread and Roses) Magazine - Ekmek ve Gül Dergisi
32- Association for Women with Disabilities - Engelli Kadın Derneği
33- Erktolia
34- Erzincan Katre Women’s Group - Erzincan Katre Kadın Oluşumu
35- Esenyalı Women’s Solidarity Association - Esenyalı Kadın Dayanışma Derneği
36- EŞİTİZ – Equality Monitoring Women’s Group – EŞİTİZ – Eşitlik İzleme Kadın Grubu
37- Association for Life Equality – Eşit Yaşam Derneği
38- Home-based Working Women’s Group – Ev Eksenli Çalışan Kadınlar Grubu
39- Housewives Solidarity and Betterment Association (EVKAD) - Ev Hanımları Dayanışma ve Kalkındırma Derneği (EVKAD)
40- Femin & Art International Women Artists Association – Femin & Art Uluslararası Kadın Sanatçılar Derneği
41- Filmmor Women’s Cooperative – Filmmor Kadın Kooperatifi
42- Association for the Support of Women Entrepreneurs - Girişimci Kadınların Desteklenmesi Derneği
43- Gülsuyu Gülensu Solidarity House - Gülsuyu Gülensu Dayanışma Evi
44- Gündem Children’s Association Women’s Group - Gündem Çocuk Derneği Kadın Grubu
45- Sunflower Women’s Association - Günebakan Kadın Derneği
46- Rightful Women Platform – Haklı Kadın Platformu
47- Hatay Purple Association for Women’s Solidarity - Hatay Mor Dayanışma Kadın Derneği
48- Hevi LGBTI Association - Hevi Lgbti Derneği
49- Human Rights Association (İHD) Women’s Secretariat - İHD Kadın Sekreterliği
50- Human Rights Association (İHD) Istanbul Branch Women’s Committee - İHD İstanbul Şubesi Kadın Komisyonu
51- Istanbul Feminist Collective - İstanbul Feminist Kolektif
52- İstanbul LGBTT Solidarity Association – İstanbul LGBTT Dayanışma Derneği
53- Istanbul Technical University (İTÜ) Club for the Study of Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation (Cins Arı) - İTÜ Cinsiyet Kimliği ve Cinsel Yönelim Çalışmaları Kulübü (Cins Arı)
54- Izmir Amargi - İzmir Amargi
55- Izmir Independent Women’s Initiative – İzmir Bağımsız Kadın İnisiyatifi
56- Izmir Çiğli Evka 2 Women’s Cultural Association – İzmir Çiğli Evka 2 Kadın Kültür Derneği (ÇEKEV)
57- Izmir Feminist Collective (İzFK) – İzmir Feminist Kolektif
58- Association for the Support of Women Candidates, İzmir Branch – İzmir Kadın Adayları Destekleme Derneği (KA.DER)
59- Izmir Women’s Solidarity Association – İzmir Kadın Dayanışma Derneği
60- Kadıköy City Council Women’s Committee - Kadıköy Kent Konseyi Kadın Meclisi
61 Association for the Support of Women Candidates, Central Office - Kadın Adayları Destekleme Derneği Genel Merkezi (KA.DER)
62- Association for Women’s Studies – Kadın Çalışmaları Derneği
63- Women’s Solidarity Foundation – Kadın Dayanışma Vakfı
64- Women’s Education and Labor Association – Kadın Eğitim ve İstihdam Derneği (KEİD)
65- Feminist Researchers Who Study Women’s Labor - Kadın Emeği Çalışan Feminist Araştırmacılar (KEFA)
66- Women’s Labor and Employment Initiative Platform – Kadın Emeği İstihdamı Girişimi (KEİG) Platformu
67- Women’s Labor Collective (Six Branches) - Kadın Emeği Kolektifi (Altı Şubesi)
68- Association for the Protection of Women’s Rights - Kadın Haklarını Koruma Derneği
69- Association for Women’s Equality and Freedom - Kadına Özgürlük ve Eşitlik Derneği
70- The Women’s Party - Kadın Partisi
71- Women’s Initiative to Combat Violence Against Women - Kadına Şiddete Karşı Müslümanlar İnisiyatifi
72- Women for Women’s Human Rights – New Ways Association (WWHR) – Kadının İnsan Hakları -Yeni Çözümler Derneği (KİH-YÇ)
73- Association for the Research and Analysis of Women’s Social Life - Kadının Sosyal Hayatını Araştırma ve İnceleme Derneği
74- Women’s Solidarity Foundation – Kadınlarla Dayanışma Vakfı (KADAV)
75- Women Writers Association - Kadın Yazarlar Derneği
76- Women’s Center Foundation (KAMER) Diyarbakır Central Office - KAMER Vakfı Diyarbakır Merkez
77- Black Sea Women’s Solidarity Association – Karadeniz Kadın Dayanışma Derneği (KarKad-Der)
78- Karya Women’s Association – Karya Kadın Derneği Karya Kadın Derneği
79- Kaos Gay and Lesbian Cultural Research and Solidarity Association – Kaos Gey ve Lezbiyen Kültürel Araştırmalar ve Dayanışma Derneği (KaosGL)
80- Kayseri Women’s Solidarity Association - Kayseri Kadın Dayanışma Derneği
81- Confederation of Public Workers Union (KESK) Women’s Assembly - KESK Kadın Meclisi
82- Red Pepper Association – Kırmızı Biber Derneği Kırmızı Biber Derneği
83- Red Umbrella Sexual Health and Human Rights Association – Kırmızı Şemsiye Cinsel Sağlık ve İnsan Hakları Derneği
84- Cybele Altınokta Women’s Magazine - Kibele Altınokta Kadın Dergisi
85- Koza Women’s Association - Koza Kadın Derneği
86- Women’s Freed Assembly (KÖM) - Kadın Özgürlük Meclisi (KÖM)
87- Lambdaİstanbul LGBTI Solidarity Association – Lambdaİstanbul LGBTİ Dayanışma Derneği
88- LGBTI Peace Initiative - Lgbti Barış Girişimi
89- Mavigöl Women’s Association – Mavigöl Kadın Derneği - Mavigöl Kadın Derneği
90- Menteşe City Council Women’s Assembly - Menteşe Kent Konseyi Kadın Meclisi
91- Purple Roof Women’s Shelter Foundation – Mor Çatı Kadın Sığınağı Vakfı
92- Mor Salkim Women’s Solidarity Association - Mor Salkım Kadın Dayanışma Derneği
93- Muğla Women’s “It’s My Labor” Association - Muğla Emek Benim Kadın Derneği
94- Muğla Women’s Solidarity Group - Muğla Kadın Dayanışma Grubu
95- Muş Women’s Roof – Muş Kadın Çatısı
96- Nilüfer City Council Women’s Assembly - Nilüfer Kent Konseyi Kadın Meclisi
97- Pink Life LGBTT Solidarity Association – Pembe Hayat LGBTT Dayanışma Derneği
98- Pendik Women’s Solidarity Association - Pendik Kadın Dayanışma Derneği
99- Petrol-İş Trade Union Women’s Magazine – Petrol-İş Sendikası Kadın Dergisi
100- Socalist Feminist Collective - Sosyalist Feminist Kolektif (SFK)
101- Association for the Study of Social Policies, Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation – Sosyal Politikalar Cinsiyet Kimliği ve Cinsel Yönelim Çalışmaları Derneği (SPoD LGBTİ)
102- The Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB) Women’s Commission of the Istanbul Province Coordination Committee - TMMOB İstanbul İKK Kadın Komisyonu
103- Psychologists Association for Social Solidarity (TODAP) Women’s Committee - Toplumsal Dayanışma için Psikologlar Derneği (TODAP) Kadın Komisyonu
104- Transsexual Counseling Centre – Trans Danışma Merkezi (T-DER)
105- Turkish Women’s Union – Türk Kadınlar Birliği
106- Turkish Medical Association Women Doctors and Women’s Health Division– Türk Tabipler Birliği Kadın Hekimler Kolu
107- Women’s Associations Federation of Turkey – Türkiye Kadın Dernekleri Federasyonu
108- Women Entrepreneurs Association of Turkey - Türkiye Kadın Girişimciler Derneği (KAGİDER)
109- Flying Broom Women’s Communication and Research Association – Uçan Süpürge Kadın İletişim ve Araştırma Derneği
110- Van Women’s Association – Van Kadın Derneği (VAKAD)
111- Life Cooperative for Women, Environment, Culture, and Management/Operation – Yaşam Kadın Çevre Kültür ve İşletme Kooperatifi (YAKA-KOOP)
112- Living Space Women’s Cooperative –Yaşamevi Kadın Kooperatifi
113- Yeşilpınar Women’s Association for Solidarity and Cooperation, Hatay - Yeşilpınar Kadınları Sosyal Yardımlaşma Dayanışma Derneği, Hatay
114 - European Women’s Lobby, Brussels


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