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Logo of AWEN
Albanian Women’s Empowerment Network

EBU works towards an accessible and inclusive society with equal opportunities for blind and partially sighted people to fully participate in all aspects of social, economic, cultural and political life.

Logo of Österreichischer Frauenring
Belgium – National Coordinations
Logo of Bulgarian Platform of the EWL
Bulgarian Platform of the EWL

The Bulgarian Platform of the EWL was formed in 2005 and brings together women’s organisations and non-governmental organisations in Bulgaria, including small rural organisations.

Logo of Business and Professional Women Europe
Business and Professional Women Europe

Business and Professional Women Europe is the European branch of BPW International. It has grown to an international network of 30,000 members in 100 countries. Europe is the strongest region with approximately 20,000 members in nearly 30 countries.

Logo of Centre d’Information et de Documentation Femmes
Centre d’Information et de Documentation Femmes

Management of a library, elaboration and management of cultural and socio-political projects and the promotion of equal rights. A place for anyone interested in feminism, gender issues and equality between women and men who oppose stereotypical gender roles.

Logo of Conseil Des Femmes Francophones de Belgique
Conseil Des Femmes Francophones de Belgique

The Conseil des Femmes Francophones de Belgique (CFFB) is an umbrella organisation of around fifty women’s organisations and individual members.
Created in 1905, the CFFB is pluralist, intercultural and intergenerational, and works mainly on a voluntary basis.

Logo of Coordination of Greek Women’s NGOs for the EWL
Coordination of Greek Women’s NGOs for the EWL

Established in 1990, the Greek Coordination was one of the first national coordinations to join EWL. The Coordination represents more than 50 Greek Women Organizations (NGOs) with a long history in the women’s movement.

Logo of Cyprus Women’s Lobby
Cyprus Women’s Lobby

The Cyprus Women’s Lobby, an umbrella network of 16 women’s organisations and non-governmental organisations, was formed in September 2008 and brings together a wide range of women’s organisations and NGOs throughout Cyprus.

Logo of Czech Women’s Lobby
Czech Women’s Lobby
Czech Republic

The Czech Women’s Lobby (CWL) is an umbrella organisation that defends the rights of women in the Czech Republic. Their mission is to take on real problems women face and raise them to a political level as well as to improve the situation of women in society.

Logo of Dutch Council of Women
Dutch Council of Women

The Dutch Council of Women ‘Nederlandse Vrouwen Raad (NVR)’ is an umbrella organisation by and for women’s organisations which was founded in 1898. NVR has over 50 member organisations and together they count over 1 million women.

Logo of Estonian Women’s Associations Roundtable
Estonian Women’s Associations Roundtable

The Estonian Women’s Associations Roundtable (EWAR) is an open and democratic women’s organizations network based on co-operation. Its aim is to form common positions among women on questions important to society, to advance participatory democracy and equality between women and men.

Logo of European Blind Union
European Blind Union

EBU works towards an accessible and inclusive society with equal opportunities for blind and partially sighted people to fully participate in all aspects of social, economic, cultural and political life.

Logo of European Centre of the International Council of Women
European Centre of the International Council of Women

ECICW is the European Centre of the International Council of Women (ICW), which was founded in 1888 with the themes Equality, Development and Peace. ECICW, a non-governmental organisation, founded in Switzerland in 1961 and registered in Finland, has followed these concepts consistently.

Logo of European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions
European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions

The European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI) is a confederation of 38 trade union organisations from 21 European countries and 4 European trade union organisations, with a total of more than 5 million individual members. 2 further trade union organisations enjoy observer status.

Logo of European Council of WIZO Federations
European Council of WIZO Federations

The European Council of WIZO Federations (ECWF) was established and registered as a non-profit NGO in Paris in 1994. The aim of its founders was to establish an European WIZO organization, which would have a say on issues of women’s equality, discrimination and anti-Semitism in European bodies.

Logo of European Disability Forum
European Disability Forum

The European Disability Forum (EDF) is an independent NGO that represents the interests of 80 million people with disabilities in Europe. EDF was created to ensure that decisions at the European level concerning persons with disabilities are taken with and by persons with disabilities.

Logo of European Federation of Parents and Carers at Home
European Federation of Parents and Carers at Home

The European Federation of Parents and Carers at Home | Fédération Européenne des femmes Actives en Familles (FEFAF) represents European
at-home Parents and Carers at European Union level and at the UN.

Logo of European Network of Migrant Women
European Network of Migrant Women

The European Network of Migrant Women is a young migrant-women led platform of NGOs that works, in the spirit of intersectional feminism, for the rights of migrant women in Europe.

Logo of European Trade Union Confederation
European Trade Union Confederation

The ETUC exists to speak with a single voice, on behalf of the common interests of workers, at European level. Founded in 1973, it now represents 83 trade union organisations in 36 European countries, plus 12 industry-based federations.

Logo of European YWCA
European YWCA

The vision of the European YWCA is of a fully inclusive world where justice, peace, health, human dignity, freedom and care for the environment are promoted and sustained through women’s leadership, with a special focus on young women.

Logo of EWL Coordination for Turkey
EWL Coordination for Turkey

Avrupa Kadın Lobisi Türkiye Koordinasyonu (EWL Coordination for Turkey) is a nationwide women’s platform with members from diverse stances and parts of Turkey. Avrupa Kadın Lobisi Türkiye Koordinasyonu is a national coordination tied to the European Women’s Lobby.

Logo of French Coordination for the European Women’s Lobby
French Coordination for the European Women’s Lobby

The French Coordination for the European Women’s Lobby was created in France by French women’s organizations to ensure their proper representation both nationally and internationally, and to ensure implementation of the objectives of the European Women’s Lobby.

Logo of Hungarian Women’s Lobby
Hungarian Women’s Lobby

The Hungarian Women’s Lobby was established on 3 October 2003 in Budapest. Currently, the HWL has 19 member organisations from all over Hungary. On 12 October 2003 HWL became the Hungarian National Coordination of the European Women’s Lobby.

Logo of Icelandic Women’s Rights Association
Icelandic Women’s Rights Association

Kvenréttindafélag Íslands, the Icelandic Women’s Rights Association, was founded in 1907. The objective of Kvenréttindafélag Íslands is to work on women’s rights and the equal status of all genders in all areas of society.

Logo of International Alliance of Women
International Alliance of Women

The International Alliance of Women (IAW) is an international NGO comprising of 50 member organizations involved in the promotion of women’s human rights, of equality and of the empowerment of women.

Logo of International Council of Jewish Women
International Council of Jewish Women

Established in 1912, the International Council of Jewish Women (ICJW) is an umbrella organization representing Jewish women and women’s organizations in 35 countries around the world, including in Europe.

Logo of International Federation of Women in Legal Careers
International Federation of Women in Legal Careers

The International Federation of Women in Legal Careers is a Non Governmental Organization of women jurists founded in Paris in 1928 with the aim of fighting for the eradication of all forms of discrimination against women and promoting their Human Rights.

Logo of Italian Coordination for the EWL
Italian Coordination for the EWL

The Italian Coordination of the European Women’s Lobby represents Italy on the Board of the European Women’s Lobby. It contributes, together with the EWL, to improving gender equality policies in Europe and Italy. It is a founding member of EWL.

Logo of Kosovo Women’s Network
Kosovo Women’s Network

The Kosovo Women’s Network (KWN) is a network of approximately 158 diverse women’s rights organisations in Kosovo, founded in 1996. Its mission is to support, protect and promote the rights and the interests of women and girls throughout Kosovo.

Logo of Lithuanian Women’s Lobby
Lithuanian Women’s Lobby

The Lithuanian Women’s Lobby is made up of NGOs in Lithuania working on promoting gender equality, combating violence against women, promoting women’s entrepreneurship and public education.

Logo of Lobby Europeo de Mujeres en España
Lobby Europeo de Mujeres en España

LEM España is a non-profit platform of Spanish women’s associations, set up in July 2016. Its objective is to promote the empowerment of women in all their diversity, to advance gender equality, to fight against all forms of discrimination and violence against women and to guarantee their full access to all their rights.

Logo of Macedonian Women’s Lobby
Macedonian Women’s Lobby
Republic of North Macedonia

The Macedonian Women’s Lobby (MWL) unites a multi-ethnic, cross-party and interfaith coalition of women representing civil society, political parties, the Parliament, local authorities, trade union, media, as well as individual committed to improving the position of women.

Logo of Malta Women’s Lobby
Malta Women’s Lobby

The Malta Women’s Lobby (MWL) represents the concerns, needs and interests of women from all walks of life in Malta through dialogue and networking at a national, European and international level.

Logo of Medical Women’s International Association
Medical Women’s International Association

The Medical Women’s International Association (MWIA) is an association of medical women and students representing women doctors from six continents and eight regions. Founded in 1919, MWIA is one of the oldest professional international bodies and is non-sectarian and non-profit making.

Logo of National Alliance of Women’s Organisations
National Alliance of Women’s Organisations
United Kingdom

The National Alliance of Women’s Organisations (NAWO, founded 1989) is an umbrella organisation for over 100 organisations and individuals based in England. All members are concerned to ensure women gain access to their human rights, and to make equality between women and men a reality.

Logo of National Coordination of EWL for Moldova
National Coordination of EWL for Moldova
Logo of National Council of German Women’s Organizations
National Council of German Women’s Organizations

The Deutscher Frauenrat (National Council of German Women’s Organizations) is an umbrella organization of 60 nation-wide women’s associations and organizations. It has a special advisor status at the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, and is a member of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL).

Logo of National Council of Women of Luxembourg
National Council of Women of Luxembourg

The CNFL is made up of 12 member associations who are committed to active citizenship and working towards a society of equality between women and men. The purpose of the CNFL is to defend and promote the interests of women and men.

Logo of National Council of Women of Malta
National Council of Women of Malta

The National Council of Women provides a forum for women of different backgrounds and experiences to come together as individuals and as representatives of affiliated organizations to exchange information and ideas, formulate policy, educate and promote change in society.

Logo of National Women’s Council of Ireland
National Women’s Council of Ireland

The National Women’s Council of Ireland (NWCI) is the leading national women’s membership organisation in Ireland seeking equality between women and men, founded in 1973. They represent their membership which includes 170 member groups as well as a wide range of individual members.

Vrouwenraad logo
Nederlandse Vrouwenraad

The Women’s Council is the umbrella organization for associations that work on equal opportunities for women and men within a multicultural society. We stand up for equal rights and opportunities for all women and men, regardless of their age, origin, sexual orientation, beliefs, disability or other grounds of discrimination.

Logo of NEWW Polska

Network of East-West Women/NEWW-Polska was founded in 1999 as an independent organization. In 2004 it became the International Secretariat of The Network of East-West Women. NEWW-Polska has the status of an organization working for the public benefit.

Logo of Northern Ireland Women’s Platform
Northern Ireland: Women’s Platform
United Kingdom

Women’s Platform provides women in Northern Ireland with a platform to make their voices heard on domestic, European and international social, economic, cultural and political affairs.

Logo of The Coalition of Finnish Women’s Associations
NYTKIS - The Coalition of Finnish Women’s Associations

The objectives of NYTKIS are to achieve equality between women and men, to end discrimination towards women and to the promote realisation of human rights. NYTKIS brings together women´s associations from several key sectors of society, e.g. from the political and research sectors.

Logo of Österreichischer Frauenring
Österreichischer Frauenring

Austria’s biggest umbrella organisation of women’s associations. Its members include representatives of political parties, women’s organisations of trade unions and professional representatives, catholic and protestant women’s organisations, as well as autonomous and independent women’s groups.

Logo of Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights
Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights

The Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights (PpDM) is a social, cultural and humanist non-governmental organisation, independent from political parties, religious institutions or governmental structures, whose members are women’s rights NGOs.

Logo of Romanian Women’s Lobby
Romanian Women’s Lobby

The Romanian Women’s Lobby (RoWL) is an umbrella association representing the national co-ordination for the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) at Romanian national level, and includes Romanian NGOs dedicated to support women in all aspects of life.

Logo of Scotland Engender
Scotland: Engender
United Kingdom

Engender is Scotland’s feminist membership organisation. We have a vision for a Scotland in which women and men have equal opportunities in life, equal access to resources and power, and are equally safe and secure from harm.

Logo of Serbian Network for the European Women’s Lobby
Serbian Network for the European Women’s Lobby

The Serbian Network for EWL is a network of women’s organizations founded in 2009 with the aim of promoting and improving the state of women’s human rights and gender equality in Serbia.

Logo Womens Lobby
Slovak Women’s Lobby

EWL currently does not have a National Coordination in Slovakia – for more information, please contact Stephanie Yates at EWL at yates[at]

Logo of Soroptimist International of Europe
Soroptimist International of Europe

Soroptimists are women in professions and business who work together at local, national and international levels to educate, empower and enable women and girls with an aim to improving their lives.

Logo of Swedish Women’s Lobby
Swedish Women’s Lobby

The Swedish Women’s Lobby (SWL) is a politically and religiously independent umbrella organization for women’s organizations in Sweden. Their work is to achieve full human rights for women and a gender equal society within Sweden, the EU and internationally.

Logo of University Women of Europe
University Women of Europe

The University Women of Europe (UWE) was founded in 1981 in order to enable UWE to participate in the progressive development of European society. Its aim is to work towards an achievement of the goals of the Council of Europe but also to cooperate with all other European organisations.

Logo of Wales Women’s Equality Network
Wales: Women’s Equality Network Wales
United Kingdom

WEN Wales aims to provide clarity and a united voice on the serious issues facing women in Wales. They have a small, dedicated team of staff and trustees who deliver consultations, events and research, and represent women in Wales at national and international levels.

Logo of Women’s Council in Denmark
Women’s Council in Denmark

The Women’s Council in Denmark is an umbrella organisation for 45 organisations with a total of more than one million members. The objective of The Women’s Council is to strengthen women’s rights and influence in society and create real equality between women and men.

Logo of Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom

The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) is an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) with National Sections covering every continent, an International Secretariat based in Geneva, and a New York office focused on the work of the United Nations (UN).

Logo of Women’s Lobby of Slovenia
Women’s Lobby of Slovenia

The Women’s Lobby of Slovenia brings together eight non-governmental organizations from various fields and more than ten prominent academics and prominent initiators of equal opportunities for women and men in Slovenia.

Logo of Women’s Network Croatia
Women’s Network Croatia

Women’s Network Croatia unites organizations, groups and initiatives that recognize discrimination against women who are often economically and politically marginalized; it opposes all sorts of gender discrimination.

Logo of Women’s NGOs Cooperation Network of Latvia
Women’s NGOs Cooperation Network of Latvia

The Women’s NGOs Cooperation Network of Latvia was established in 2003 to coordinate participation of women’s organisations at a national and EU level. It is the leading women’s human rights network in Latvia, uniting 37 not-for-profits and 7000 individual members.

Logo of World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
United Kingdom

The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts is a global organization of 10 million girls. The Europe Region is one of five regions of WAGGGS and is the platform of Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting Associations in Europe.