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Party of European Socialists Open Days Workshop on Active Ageing: Brussels, 12 October 2011

The facts

According to the latest EUROSTAT projections (December 2010), from 2012 onwards, the European Union’s (EU) working–age population will start to shrink, while the 60+ age group will be increasing by about 2 million people a year. Moreover, by 2060, the EU will have moved from having 4 working-age people for every person aged 65+ to just 2. This shift is due to a combination of low birth rates and rising life expectancy.

The steps

Considerations about ageing were already reflected in the 2002 United Nation’s International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA), adopted in Madrid. That same year, all EU Member States gathered in Berlin and endorsed the Regional Implementation Strategy for the Madrid International plan of action on ageing 2002. Through this strategy, they committed themselves to promoting active ageing by integrating the rights and needs of older persons into their national economic and social policies and by promoting a society for all ages. The EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights also explicitly states that “the Union recognises and respects the rights of the elderly to lead a life of dignity and independence and to participate in social and cultural life” (Art 25).

The principles

While the promotion of active ageing policies can help address the challenges of demographic change, it is vital not to reduce them to mere strategies of prolongation of the working life, thus making them purely instrumental in responding to simply economic concerns. Full respect of the rights of the elderly goes hand-in-hand with intergenerational solidarity, the overall aim being a better quality of life. To this effect, a holistic approach is required in order to empower elderly people to realise their potential, address demographic change as an opportunity, and find innovative solutions to the current economic and social challenges facing our ageing society. The PES Group in the Committee of the Regions (CoR) fully subscribes to this approach. The question then is, on the upcoming tenth anniversary of the above-mentioned action plans, where are we today?

The event

Only few months away from the European Year for Active Ageing 2012, which will seek to foster a sustainable active ageing culture, the PES Group in the CoR is hosting within the framework of this year’s Open Days a workshop on Active Ageing, on Wednesday 12 October from 14.30 – 17. The aim is to discuss the challenges, but mainly to highlight the opportunities by sharing good practices and by putting forward concrete policy proposals. Special attention will be paid to active ageing at local and regional level and the need for differentiated strategies, based on common principles.
Trying to find the best ways to mobilise the potential of older people, the workshop will address amongst others the following issues:

  • Combating social exclusion
  • Enhancing cooperation and solidarity between generations
  • Preventing dependency and fostering independent living
  • Helping people stay longer in work
  • Promoting active ageing in employment and community
  • Raising awareness of the specific needs of the elderly

The PES Group in the Committee of the Regions is looking forward to welcoming you at our workshop and the network event that will follow.

More information and registration at: