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PRIO Norway – Gender & Peace research

Research at PRIO on gender, peace and conflict addresses the different effects of armed conflict on men and women, men’s and women’s different security needs, and their different capacities for peacebuilding. It studies the gendered character of perceptions, values and experiences, and the ways in which these shape understandings of conflict. We seek to be at the forefront of both conceptual and empirical research in the field. We employ a broad array of research methodologies, ranging from fieldwork, statistical methods and interview studies to textual study and theory development.

Our research is guided by a focus on academic excellence. Engaging with the foremost international researchers and research institutions in Europe, Africa and the Americas strengthens our ability to provide policy advice to governments and others. Gender, peace and conflict research at PRIO benefits from close ties with other research environments and institutions, both in Norway and abroad.

For links to the articles below, go to:


  • Skjelsbæk, Inger, 2010. ‘The Elephant in the Room: An Overview of How Sexual Violence came to be Seen as a Weapon of War’, report to Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Oslo: PRIO.
  • Skjelsbæk, Inger, 2007. ‘Gender Aspects of International Military Interventions: National and International Perspectives’, PRIO Paper.
  • Skjelsbæk, Inger and Torunn L. Tryggestad, 2007. Kvinner i Forsvaret og implementering av FNs sikkerhetsrådsresolusjon 1325 om kvinner, fred og sikkerhet: Potensial, status og anbefalte tiltak, report comissioned by the Defence Study.
  • Hernes, Helga and Torunn L. Tryggestad, 2006. The Norwegian Government’s Action Plan for the Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace and Security (consultancy), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, March.
  • Barth, Elise Fredrikke; Karen Hostens & Inger Skjelsbæk, 2004. ‘Gender Aspects of Conflict Interventions: Intended and Unintended Consequences’, report to Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Oslo: PRIO.
  • Karame, Kari og Torunn L. Tryggestad, 2000. Gender perspectives on peace and conflict studies, Oslo: NUPI/PRIO.
  • Skjelsbæk, Inger, 1999. Sexual Violence in Times of War. An Annotated Bibliography. Oslo: PRIO.
  • Skjelsbæk, Inger, 1997. ‘Gendered Battlefields. A Gender Analysis of Peace and Conflict’, PRIO Report. Oslo: PRIO.
  • Skjelsbæk, Inger, 1997. ‘Seksualisert vold som våpen i krig’ in Kvinner, krise og krig (Women, Crisis and War), NUPI Rapport 225. Oslo: NUPI (47–55).
  • Karamé, Kari and Torunn L. Tryggestad (eds), 1997.Kvinner, krise og krig, NUPI Report No. 225, Oslo: NUPI.

Policy Brief

  • Chun, Suk & Torunn L. Tryggestad, 2010. ‘Ten Years of Women, Peace and Security: Observing the 10th Anniversary of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000)’, PRIO Policy Brief 6, Oslo: PRIO.
  • Falch, Åshild, 2010. ‘Affirmative Action: A Kick-Start with Limitations’, PRIO Policy Brief 2, Oslo: PRIO.
  • Falch, Åshild, 2010. ‘Women’s Organizations: A Driving Force Behind Women’s Participation and Rights’, PRIO Policy Brief 3, Oslo: PRIO.
  • Schjølset, Anita, 2010. ‘Closing the Gender Gap in the Armed Forces: The Varying Success of Recruitment and Retention Strategies in NATO’, PRIO Policy Brief 4, Oslo: PRIO.
  • Chun, Suk & Inger Skjelsbæk, 2010. ‘Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts’, PRIO Policy Brief 1, Oslo: PRIO.
  • Chun, Suk, 2009. ‘Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by UN Peacekeepers’, PRIO Policy Brief 10, Oslo: PRIO.
  • Wallacher, Hilde & Kjell Erling Kjellman, 2009. ‘Integración de la perspectiva de género en actividades relativas a las minas en situaciones de conflicto’ [Gender Mainstreaming in Mine Action in Conflict], PRIO Policy Brief 9, Oslo: PRIO.
  • Kjellman, Kjell Erling & Hilde Wallacher, 2008. ‘Gender Mainstreaming in Mine Action in Conflict Situations’, PRIO Policy Brief 10, Oslo: PRIO.
  • Wallacher, Hilde, 2007. ‘Gender Mainstreaming in Mine Action’, PRIO Policy Brief 8, Oslo: PRIO

Journal Article

  • Tryggestad, Torunn L., 2010. ‘The UN Peacebuilding Commission and Gender: A Case of Norm Reinforcement’, Special Issue of International Peacekeeping, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 159-171.
  • Tryggestad, Torunn L., 2009. ’Trick or Treat? The UN and Implementation of Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security’, Global Governance, Vol. 15, pp. 539-557.
  • Skjelsbæk, Inger & Torunn L. Tryggestad, 2009. ‘Women in the Norwegian Armed Forces. Gender Equality or Operational Imperative?’, Minerva Journal of Women and War 3(2): 34–51.
  • Skjelsbæk, Inger, 2009. ‘Traditions and Transitions: Perceptions of ‘Good Womanhood’ Among Twenty Bosnian Focus Group Participants’, International Feminist Journal of Politics 11(3): 392–411.
  • Tryggestad, Torunn L., 2008. ‘The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations’, book review in Internasjonal Politikk, No. 2/3, NUPI.
  • Skjelsbæk, Inger, 2007. Review of Charli R. Carpenter, ed., ‘Innocent Women and Children: Gender Norms and the Protection of Civilians’ in Gender and Development 15(2): 345–347.
  • Skjelsbæk, Inger, 2006. ‘Victim and Survivor: Narrated Social Identities of Women Who Experienced Rape During the War in Bosnia-Herzegovina’, Feminism and Psychology 16(4): 373–403.
  • Skjelsbæk, Inger, 2006. ‘Therapeutic Work With Victims of Sexual Violence in War and Postwar: A Discourse Analysis of Bosnian Experiences’, Peace & Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology 12(2): 93–118.
  • Skjelsbæk, Inger, 2001. ‘Sexual Violence and War: Mapping out a Complex Relationship’, European Journal of International Relations 7(2): 211–237.
  • Olsson, Louise og Torunn L. Tryggestad (eds.), 2001. Women and international peacekeeping, InternationalPeacekeeping, Special Issue, Vol. 8, No. 2, London: Frank Cass.
  • Skjelsbæk, Inger, 1998. ‘Kjønnsidentitet: Er feminitet iboende fredelig?’, Internasjonal Politikk 56(1): 55–74.

Newspaper/Popular article

  • Skjelsbæk, Inger, 2009. ‘Bare Beskyttelse?’ [Only Protection?], Dagbladet, 6 October.
  • Tryggestad, Torunn L., 2009, FNs leder har betydning, Dagsavisen, 25 September.
  • Hauge, Wenche, 2009. ‘Colombias fredskvinne’ [Colombia’s Woman of Peace], Bergens Tidende, 12 September.
  • Tryggestad, Torunn L., 2008, ‘Ahtisaari var en pionér for kvinnene’, Dagsavisen, 10 December.
  • Tryggestad, Torunn L., 2007, ‘Sje stille år’, Fett, No. 3 (Fall/Høst)
  • Tryggestad, Torunn L., 2007, ‘Likestilt til å delta’, Dagbladet, 19 August.
  • Tryggestad, Torunn L., ’FN, fred og tryggleik: Finst det ein plass for kvinner?’, i FN-magasinet, årgang 1, nr. 1, 2007, FN-sambandet: Oslo.
  • Skjelsbæk, Inger, Helga Hernes and Torunn L. Tryggestad, 2006. Fred og fattigdom, Dagbladet, 10 December.
  • Tryggestad, Torunn L., 2006, Tiden neppe inne for en kvinne, Dagsavisen, 16 July.
  • Tryggestad, Torunn L. & Inger Skjelsbæk, 2005. ‘Det kvinnelige sikkerhetsbegrep’ [The Female Concept of Security], Morgenbladet, 2 December.
    Book chapter
  • Skjeie, Hege, Inger Skjelsbæk and Torunn L. Tryggestad (eds), 2008. Kjønn, krig og konflikt, Oslo: Pax Forlag.
  • Tryggestad, Torunn L., 2008. ’Kvinner, fred og sikkerhet. En ny dagsorden i FN’, i Skjeie, Skjelsbæk and Tryggestad (eds), Kjønn, krig og konflikt, Oslo: Pax Forlag.
  • Skjelsbæk, Inger & Dan Smith, eds, 2001. Gender, Peace and Conflict. London: SAGE.
  • Skjelsbæk, Inger, 2001. ‘Is Femininity Inherently Peaceful? The Construction of Femininity in War’ in Gender, Peace and Conflict. London: Sage.
  • Olsson, Louise og Torunn L. Tryggestad (eds), 2001. Women and International Peacekeeping, Cass series on peacekeeping, London: Frank Cass.
  • Karamé, Kari & Torunn L. Tryggestad, eds, 2000. Gender Perspectives on Peace and Conflict Studies. Oslo: NUPI.
  • Skjelsbæk, Inger, 1999. ‘The Use of Sexual Violence in Times of War: A Review of the Scholarly Literature’ in Women and Armed Conflicts. Oslo: NUPI (37–70).
  • Tryggestad, Torunn L. and Åge Eknes, 1996. ‘Die skandinavischen Staaten in der internationalen Friedenssicherung: Neue Trends und Bewertungen’, in Wolfgang Heydric, Hans-Dieter Lemke and Joachim Rohde (eds), Die Bundeswehr am Beginn einer neuen Epoche, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellshcaft.
  • Tryggestad, Torunn L. and Åge Eknes, 1994. New Trends in Nordic Peacekeeping: the need for military reassessments, for Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik,Ebenhausen, December.
  • Hauge, Wenche, 2007. ‘The Demobilization and Political Participation of Female Fighters in Guatemala’, report to Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Oslo: PRIO: 36.
  • Chun, Suk, 2009. ‘Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) by UN Peacekeepers: Can the Culture of SEA be eliminated from Peacekeeping Operations?’, Master’s Dissertation, London: King’s College London.
  • Skjelsbæk, Inger, 2007. ‘Voicing Silence: A Political-psychological Analysis of the Aftermath of the Bosnian War-rapes’, Department of Psychology, NTNU. Supervisors: Hjørdis Kaul, Berit Schei & Gregory Reichberg. Defended 5 February.
  • Tryggestad, Torunn L., 1995. FN sin humanitære intervensjon i Somalia. Frå test case til worst case scenario, master thesis, Oslo: University of Oslo, Spring.