Monitoring women in politics

Sign the Joint Declaration: “No Modern Democracy without Gender Equality”!

[Brussels, 15 November 2013] Equal representation of women and men in public decision-making is a fundamental right. The under-representation of women constitutes a serious democratic deficit, which undermines the legitimacy of the contemporary democratic ideal and the European Union. A modern and genuine democracy requires gender equality.

The 50/50 Coalition aims to achieve gender balance in all European institutions for the 2014 European Elections. Therefore, the European Women’s Lobby together with a core group with representatives of the five political groups in the European Parliament have initiated the 50/50 Coalition. The core group members are Anneli Jäätteenmäki /ALDE, Ulrike Lunacek Greens/EFA, Kartika Liotard/GUE-NGL, Sirpa Pietikäinen/EPP and Zita Gurmai/S&D.

The 50/50 Declaration was launched with great success at an official signing event in Strasbourg on 21 November where around 50 MEPs attended to sign the Declaration and show their support for the Coalition and gender parity. The Declaration will be open to sign for NGOs, commissioners and national politicians by the beginning of 2013. Until today, the Declaration has been signed by more than 100 MEPs.

Here you can find a video clip from the event with the MEPs signing the Declaration and statements by Franziska Brantner, Sirpa Pietikäinen and Zita Gurmai.

Here you can find the Joint 50/50 Declaration: “No Modern Democracy without gender Equality”.

Updated 13 May 2014

Sign the Declaration here:

Sign the joint 50/50 Declaration: "No Modern Democracy without Gender Equality"!

Prominent supporters

  • Denis Mukwege, UN Human Rights prize Laureate
  • Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the European Commission
  • Pascal Lamy, former Director General of the World Trade Organisation
  • The former Prime Minister of Iceland Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir
  • The Croatian President Ivo Josipović
  • Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Jody Williams
  • Henri Malosse, President of the Economic and Social Committee
  • Kristalina Georgieva, European Commissioner responsible for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response
  • László Andor, European Commisioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • Gloria Steinem, feminist icon

MEPs who have signed

Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe

  • ALVARO, Alexander Germany ALDE
  • BEARDER, Catherine UK ALDE
  • HARKIN, Marian Ireland ALDE
  • JÄÄTTEENMÄKI, Anneli Finland ALDE
  • KOCH-MEHRIN, Silvana Germany ALDE
  • MEISSNER, Gesine Germany ALDE
  • MICHEL, Louis Belgium ALDE
  • PARVANOVA, Antoniya Bulgaria ALDE
  • SCHMIDT, Olle Sweden ALDE
  • TAYLOR, Rebecca UK ALDE
  • THEIN, Alexandra Germany ALDE
  • WATSON, Graham ALDE
  • WERTHMANN, Angelika Austria ALDE
  • WIKSTRÖM, Cecelia Sweden ALDE

Group of the European People’s Party (EPP)

  • ANGELILLI, Roberta Italy EPP
  • GABRIEL, Mariya Bulgaria EPP
  • GIANNAKOU, Marietta Greece EPP
  • JORDAN, Romana Slovenia EPP
  • MATHIEU, Véronique France EPP
  • PIETIKÄINEN, Sirpa Finland EPP

Group of the European Greens/EFA

  • ALBRECHT, Jan Philipp Germany Greens/EFA
  • ALFONSI, François France Greens/EFA
  • AUKEN, Margrete Denmark Greens/EFA
  • BELIER, Sandrine France Greens/EFA
  • BESSET, Jean-Paul France Greens/EFA
  • BICEP, Jean-Jacob France Greens/EFA
  • BRANTNER, Franziska Germany Greens/EFA
  • BÜTIKOFER, Reinhard Germany Greens/EFA
  • CHRYSOGELOS, Nikos Greece Greens/EFA
  • CORNELISSEN, Marije Netherlands Greens/EFA
  • CRONBERG, Tarja Finland Greens/EFA
  • DELLI, Karima France Greens/EFA
  • DURANT, Isabelle Belgium Greens/EFA
  • EICKHOUT, Bas Netherlands Greens/EFA
  • GIEGOLD, Sven Germany Greens/EFA
  • GRÈZE, Catherine France Greens/EFA
  • HÄUSLING, Martin Germany Greens/EFA
  • HARMS, Rebecca Germany Greens/EFA
  • HASSI, Satu Finland Greens/EFA
  • JADOT, Yannick France Greens/EFA
  • JOLY, Eva France Greens/EFA
  • KELLER,Franziska Germany Greens/EFA
  • KIIL-NIELSON, Nicole France Greens/EFA
  • LAMBERT, Jean UK Greens/EFA
  • LICHTENBERGER, Eva Austria Greens/EFA
  • LOCHBIHLER, Barbara Germany Greens/EFA
  • LÖVIN, Isabella Sweden Greens/EFA
  • LUNACEK, Ulrike Austria Greens/EFA
  • MIRANDA, Ana Spain Greens/EFA
  • RIVASI, Michèle France Greens/EFA
  • ROMEVA, Raül Spain Greens/EFA
  • RÜHLE, Heide Germany Greens/EFA
  • SARGENTINI, Judith Netherlands Greens/EFA
  • SCHLYTER, Carl Sweden Greens/EFA
  • SCHROEDTER, Elisabeth Germany Greens/EFA
  • SCHULZ, Werner Germany Greens/EFA
  • STAES, Bart Belgium Greens/EFA
  • TARAND, Indrek Estonia Greens/EFA
  • TRÜPEL, Helga Germany Greens/EFA
  • TURUNEN, Emilie Denmark Greens/EFA

Confederal Group of the European United Left - Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL)

  • ERNST, Cornelia Germany GUE/NGL
  • GUSTAFSSON, Mikael Sweden GUE-NLG
  • LIOTARD, Kartika Tamara Netherlands GUE-NGL
  • ZIMMER, Gabriele Germany GUE-NGL

Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament (S&D)

  • ABELA BALDACCHINO, Claudette Malta S&D
  • BADIA I CUTCHET, Maria Spain S&D
  • BLINKEVIČIŪTĖ, Vilija Lithuania S&D
  • BRZOBOHATÁ, Zuzana Czech Republic S&D
  • CASHMAN, Michael UK S&D
  • CHILDERS, Nessa Ireland S&D
  • CLIVETI, Minodora Romania S&D
  • COFFERATI, Sergio Italy S&D
  • COSTELLO, Emer Ireland S&D
  • EDEL, Marijke Netherlands CDA
  • ESTRELA, Edite Portugal S&D
  • GEBHARDT, Evelyne Germany S&D
  • GOMES, Ana Portugal S&D
  • GUERRERO SALOM, Enrique Spain S&D
  • GUILLAUME, Sylvie France S&D
  • GURMAI, Zita Hungary S&D
  • GÖNCZ, Kinga Hungary S&D
  • HEDH, Anna Sweden S&D
  • HERCZOG, Edit Hungary S&D
  • HUGHES, Stephen UK S&D
  • JAAKONSAARI, Liisa Finland S&D
  • KADENBACH, Karin Austria S&D
  • KLEVA, Mojca Slovenia S&D
  • MCAVAN, Linda UK S&D
  • PAPADOPOULOU, Antigoni Cyprus S&D
  • PODIMATA, Anni Greece S&D
  • REGNER, Evelyn Austria S&D
  • ROUCEK, Libor Czech Republic S&D
  • SEHNALOVÁ, Olga Czech Republic S&D
  • SENYSZYN, Joanna Poland S&D
  • SWOBODA, Hannes Austria S&D
  • TARABELLA, Marc Belgium S&D
  • THOMSEN, Britta Denmark S&D
  • VERSLUIS-BIJL, Catharina Netherlands CDA
  • WEIDENHOLZER, Josef Austria S&D

Other supporters

Politicians from all over the world

  • ADDO, Irene MP Ghana
  • AGUILAR, Lilia MP Senator Mexico
  • AHLBERG, Ann-Christin MP Sweden
  • AL GARAGERE, Amneh MP Jordan
  • ALFARRA, Rula Dr. MP Jordan
  • BANGUA, Mabinty MP Sierra Leone
  • BENBADIS, Fawzia Member of the National Council Algeria
  • BENCHEDIA, Hafida Senator Algeria
  • BEUKES, Priscilla Deputy Minister Namibia
  • BIRDI, Sonia MP Kenya
  • BOHAN, Mary Bernadette MP Ireland
  • BONET, Silvi MP Andorra
  • BOONTONG, TASSANA Senator Thailand
  • CERKSAMRAN, Lalita MP Thailand
  • CHELULE, Liza Senator Kenya
  • CLIFFORD, Mary MP Ireland
  • DADE, Arta Agim MP Albania
  • DE BETHUNE, Sabine Senator Belgium
  • DIAZ, Rosa Adriana Senator Mexico
  • DRISS, Messaouda MP Algeria
  • GHARBI MAMOGHLI, Fatma MP Tunesia
  • GOMEZ, Gloria Elizabeth MP El Salvador
  • GUEVARA, Ana Senator Mexico
  • HABY, Susanna MP Sweden
  • HAFIZI, Mimoza MP Albania
  • HALL, Jill MP Australia
  • HANSE-HIMARWA, Katrina Governor of Hardap Region Namibia
  • HAYAT, Taiati MP Algeria
  • IAGNE, Haddy Nyang MP Gambia
  • IBRAHIM, Dr. Nada MP Iraq
  • INABO, Rukebai National Congress Palau
  • ISSIMBAYERA, Gulmira MP Kazakhstan
  • JOHANSEN, Irene MP Norway
  • JOYCE, Mary Margaret MP Ireland
  • KAZAKA, Daina MP Latvia
  • KRAIRIKSH, Pikulkeaw Senator Thailand
  • LYIMO, Susan MP Tanzania
  • MASHA, Elizabeth O. Senator Kenya
  • MAVRONIKOLA, Roulla MP Cyprus
  • MERODIO REZA, Lilia Guadalupe MP Mexico
  • MESKINI, Fatiha MP Algeria
  • MINCA, Lilian MP Romania
  • MOKRANE, Ismahane MP Algeria
  • MUSHASHU, Bernadeta MP Tanzania
  • MUTUA, Florence MP Kenya
  • NOWIKA, Wanda Polish Parliament
  • OLAFSDOTTIR, Bjoert MP Iceland
  • OYUNGEREL, Tsedevdamba Minister for Culture, Sports and Tourism Mongolia
  • PENAFIEL, Marisol MP Ecuador
  • QUINTANA LEON, Socorro de la Luz MP Mexico
  • SALDANA, Lucero Senator Mexico
  • SENIOR, Jerrlyn Senator Palau
  • SESAY, Veronica Kadie MP Sierre Leone
  • SMITH, Rosaline MP Sierre Leone
  • SOTNIK, Olga MP Estonia
  • SOWAH, Dellia MP Ghana
  • TAITI MEZIANI, Hayat née MP Algeria
  • WALL, Louisa MP New Zealand
  • ZOUEIN, Gilberte MP Lebanon

Civil Society Organisations

  • ALTINISIK, Serap European Women’s Lobby Germany
  • BECHER, Catrin Deutscher Frauenrat e.V. Germany
  • BUJINK, Elvira European Women’s Lobby Belgium
  • BULDUK, Derya Turkish Connections Platform Belgium
  • CHARALAMBIDOU, Nicoletta European Network against Racism Belgium
  • CALDEIRINHA, Claudia Freedom House Belgium
  • FA’ASALA, Casper Joseph Solomon Islands Coalition for Gender and Development
  • FADINI BETTICA, Elena Consiglio nazionale Donne Italiane Italy
  • HEINZE, Christine BPW Germany
  • KATJA, Rodi Germany Deutscher Juristinnenbund (DJB)
  • KOLTHOFF, Kirsti Swe Q - Sveriges Quinnoråd/The National Councilof Sweden
  • KOURAKOU, Lili Greek League for Women’s Rights Greece
  • LEHNER, Mathilde Citizen of Europe Germany
  • MENEGHETTI, Martina Local Urban Development European Network Belgium
  • OLTMANN, Barbara BPW Germany
  • REUTER, Conny Solidar
  • RUSSELL, Heather Women’s Scotland
  • PAPE, Pierrette European Women’s Lobby Belgium
  • SCHMITT, Kerstin Germany Terre des Femmes e.V.
  • STOHL, Edith Frauennetzwerk Medien
  • TOMICIC, Tatjana associazione goap onlus Italy
  • TRIEMS, Brigitte Deutscher Frauenrat e.V. Germany
  • VAN GILS, Leonie Association for Women’s Interests and Equal Citizenship The Netherlands
  • ZAHI, Karima European Women’s Lobby Belgium
  • ZAMPERIN, Elena Local Urban Development European Network Belgium
  • ZANCANARO, Irene Istituto Ricerca Sociale Belgium

Individual supporters

  • ABELS, Gabriele Germany
  • ABRES-SCALIDI, Ingrid Business and Professional Women Frankfurt Germany
  • ADAM, Caroline Labour Party, UK
  • ADLOFF, Catherine France
  • AFAF, Hemamou Belgium
  • ALASIA, Sanchia Labour Party UK
  • ALEKSIEJUNIENE, Vanda Lithuania
  • ALEXIOU, Divina Netherlands &Greece
  • ANDERSSON, Christina Belgium
  • ANDERSSON, Christina Sweden UEF
  • ANDONOVSKA, Dobrila GROM Macedonia
  • ANDRJAUSKA, Laurynas Lithuania
  • ANDRIOTI, Athina Greece
  • ANGELI, Maria Cyprus
  • ANGERMAN, Arina PvdA / International Alliance of Women The Netherlands
  • ANTONIADOU, Myria Cyrus
  • ANTONIOU, Iosifina Cyprus
  • AIT AHCENE, Amel Algeria
  • ARNAOUTI, Sophia Cyprus
  • AUGULEVICIENE, Janina Lithuania
  • AUGUSTINAVICIENE, Raminta Lithuania
  • BABONIENE, Ona Lithuania
  • BACIONIENE, Vilija Lithuania
  • BALDEW, Nanda Stichting Nederland Suriname Antillen Gendervraagstukken The Netherlands
  • BALEVICIUTE, Ona Lithuania
  • BALJEU, Sonja Netherlands CDA
  • BARANOVSKIENE, Sigita Lithuania
  • BARANUSKAITE, Inga Lihtuania
  • BARTASIENE, Vilma Lithuania
  • BARTKIENE, Raimonda Lithuania
  • BARTSCH, Mathias Germany
  • BARRY, Jacqueline France
  • BATAVICIENE, Rita Lithuania
  • BATES, Anna Ireland
  • BAYER, Nuran Turkey
  • BELLEMANNS, Whitney Belgium
  • BELLINI FORNERA, Enrichetta Italy S&D
  • BELLOT, Marie-José CSV Luxembourg
  • BEREPPE, Tzisgen Turkey
  • BERKEMEIER, Maria Judite EESC Belgium
  • BESSIN, Stefanie Business and Professional Women Frankrfurt Germany
  • BIRINCI, Deniz Cyprus
  • BIRUTE, Fakejavaite Lithuania
  • BITTNER, Simone Business and Professional Women Frankfurt Germany
  • BLOZIENE, Vaidilutė Lithuania
  • BOESING, Ulla Business and Professional Women Frankfurt Germany
  • BOSMA-VAN WIEREN, Margreet Netherlands CDA
  • BOTTONI, Livia Belgium
  • BOURGEOIS, Delphine Belgium
  • BRANIMIR, Lukic Croatia
  • BRIJUNIENE, Ausra Lithuania
  • BRUNDIN, Ann Belgium
  • BUDVYTIENE, Vilmas Lithuania
  • CADIS, Stela France
  • CALVER, Pamela Cyprus
  • CARMEN, Radu Romania
  • CASSAR FIOTT, Anna Malta
  • CEKIENE, Elena Lithuania
  • CEMBER, Ariana USA
  • CESNULEVICIUTE, Kristina Lithuania
  • ČEPIENE, Monika Lihtuania
  • CHAMAS, Awad Vice-President CEFI Belgium
  • CHARALAMBOUS, Litsa Cyprus
  • CHARALAMBOUS, Popi Cyprus
  • CHASOVNIKOVA, Elena Liberal Democrats UK
  • CHRISTODOULOU, Eleni Cyprus
  • CHRISTODOULOU, Panayiota Cyprus
  • CHRISTODOULIDOU, Sandri Cyprus
  • CHRISTOFIDES, Christos Cyprus
  • ČESNAITE, Geda Lithuania
  • CIBULSKYTE, Orinta Lithuania
  • CID BLASCO, Teresa Spain
  • CLUCAS, Flo Belgium
  • COLLINS, Mary Belgium/Ireland
  • COLLISI, Angelika Business and Professional Women Frankfurt Germany
  • CORREIA, Catarina Portugal
  • COSTA, Ana Portugal
  • COSTAZ, Clarisse France
  • COSTI, Miriam Italy
  • CRACIUN, Laura Romania
  • CROQUISON, Anne Belgium
  • CRUZ, Ana Portugal
  • CSATLOS, Krisztina Hungary MSZP
  • CUSCHIERI, Marie Terese Malta
  • D’ADDANTE, Francesca Italy
  • D’Agostino, Stefano Belgium
  • DALLER, Maren Business and Professional Women Frankfurt Germany
  • DALTON, Elaine Ireland
  • DANESHMAND, Foroogh D66 The Netherlands
  • DAUKIENE, Aida Lithuania
  • DAVIES, Sara Wales
  • DE BOE-YANNART, Fabienne Belgium
  • DE BUHR, Perdita Germany
  • DE CASTRO CALDEIRIHNA, Claudia Portugal
  • DE GIORGI, Simonetta Italy PD
  • DE LA CUADRA, Virginia Spain
  • DEMETRIADES, Christina Cyprus
  • DEHARENG, Sophie Belgium
  • DEHMELT, Isabel Germany Greens
  • DEMETRIOU, Annita Cyprus
  • DEPUYDT, Christine Belgium CD&V
  • DERESKEVICIENE, Janina Lithuania
  • DHUNY, Deenal France UDI
  • DICLELİ, Ayse Bilge Turkey
  • DIEFENBACH, Monika Business and Professional Women Frankfurt Germany
  • DI FILIPPANTONIO, Laurelie Belgium
  • DOHERTY, Jasmine UK
  • DOROFEJEVAITE, Laima Lithuania
  • DOS SANTOS, Marie Christine France
  • DOVYDAS, Keleckas Lithuania
  • DRANSEIKIENE, Irena Lithuania
  • DRECHSLER KAYSER, Valerie Luxembourg
  • DUHAMEL, Julie Belgium
  • DUMBRAVAN, Adela Belgium
  • DUMITRACHE, Silvia PD Italy
  • DZINDZELETAITE, Gintare Lithuania
  • EDEL, Marijke Netherlands CDA
  • EHLERS, Alexandra Germany
  • EID, Emma France
  • EJARQUE ALBUQUERQUE, Maria Livre Portugal
  • ENDRIUKAITYTE, Asta Lithuania
  • ERTORUN, Leyla Belgium PS/PES
  • ERTSEY, Katalin Hungary Greens/LMP
  • EUGSTER, Jetty Netherlands EPP
  • EVENDEN, Elizabeth UK
  • AGER, Eva Sweden
  • FERNÁNDEZ, Mercedes Alicia Spain
  • FILEDT KOK-WEIMAR, Tonny Netherlands
  • FLEMING, Caroline Ireland
  • FRANSSEN-MUJTJENS, Ellie Netherlands CDA
  • FRANZEL, Anja SPD Germany
  • FROEHNER, Claudia Business and Professional Women Frankfurt Germany
  • GAGLIONE, Renaud France
  • GALANOU, Alexandra Cyrpus EPP
  • GALBRUOGIS, Anzhela Lithuania
  • GALE-BURNETT, Anne-Louise UK
  • GANSER, Maureen Belgium
  • GARBUZAITE, Raminta Lithuania
  • GARCIA BOSCH, Eva Spain
  • GASPARAVICUTE, Skaistė Lithuania
  • GASPARAVICUTE, Vilte Lithuania
  • GATTI, Michela Italy
  • GAVRIELIDES, Stephanos Cyprus
  • GELOTTE, Maria Sweden
  • GEYPEN, Evi Belgium
  • GHENO, Ilenia Belgium
  • GIANNA, Ermela Greece
  • GJURCHINOVSKA, Daniela Republic of Macedonia
  • GONZALEZ, Sonia Spain
  • GRASSENS, Marieke Netherlands CDA
  • GREBOVAL, Cécile France
  • GREICIENE, Irma Lithuania
  • GRIESHABER, Cordula Business and Professional Women Frankfurt Germany
  • GRIGIENE, Alfreda Lithuania
  • GUDZIUNIENE, Nijole Lithuania
  • GUILLAUME, Kevin Belgium
  • GÜLBEYAZ, Esin Isil Germany Green
  • GUSCIUTE, Raimonda Lithuania
  • HAGEMANN-MAUZ, Maria Germany
  • HAMBURGER, Jessica Business and Professional Women Frankfurt Germany
  • HASPER-WOLTERS, Korrie Netherlands EVP
  • HAYNES, Sarah UK
  • HAZEL, Laura UK
  • HEIKKINEN, Peggy Finland
  • HENROTTE FORSBERG, Karine Belgium
  • HERENDA, Lorris Canada
  • HERNANDEZ PENA, Raquel Spain
  • HOENISCH, Christian Germany
  • HOFFENKAMP, Martha Netherlands CDA
  • OLT, Magnus Norway
  • HORHOIANU, Laura Romania
  • HORST, Gina Germany
  • HOUSNI, Safia Belgium
  • HOVNIK, Metka Slovenia
  • HUCKERT, Nicole Belgium
  • HUEBNER, Susanne Business and Professional Women Frankfurt Germany
  • HUNT, Abigail UK
  • HUSSAIN, Maryam UK
  • IEVA, Tūskaitė Lithuania
  • ILLER, Daniela Belgium
  • INGY, Richaud Belgium MR
  • JACOB SCHUTT, Francine France
  • JAKAITE, Zivile Lithuania
  • JASILIONIENE, Nijolė Lithuania
  • JASKUTIENE, Alina Lithuania
  • JONUSKIENE, Jūratė Lithuania
  • JURAITIENE, Julita Lithuania
  • JURCIKONIENE, Danutė Lithuania
  • KADOVIC, Anna Albania Greens
  • KAILI, Christina Cyprus
  • KALEDIENE, Valentina Lithuania
  • KANDRATAVICIENE, Asta Lithuania
  • KANIKOVIENE, Egle Lithuania
  • KANTA, Sofia Greece
  • KAPEDANI, Ermonela Albania
  • KARAMANOU, Anna Greece Pasok
  • KARAOLI, Eleni Cyprus S&D
  • KASSEM, Kholoud Wattar
  • KATILIUTE, Ilona Lithuania
  • KATILIUTE-Schwarz, Ilona Lithuania
  • KATKAUSKAITE, Jovita Lithuania
  • KAZLAUSKIENE, Aušra Lithuania
  • KELECIENE, Daiva Lithuania
  • KELECKAITE, Meda Lithuania
  • KELECKAITE, Kamilė Lithuania
  • ELECKIENE, EDITA Lithuania
  • KEPPLER, Petra C. VVAO The Netherlands
  • KETTING-STROET, Lydia VNVA, NVR cie B en B The Netherlands
  • KETOKOSKI, Anja-Riitta Finland
  • KISIELIUTE, Ina Lithuania
  • KIVISILD, Leena Estonia
  • KLEE, Uschi Germany Gruene
  • KLINGEL, Angelika Germany
  • KLIUKIENE, Vitalija Lithuania
  • KOCEVICIENE, Aušra Lithuania
  • KOOP, Manita Netherlands CDA
  • KOTTHAUS, Ute Germany
  • KRAMER, Christina Business and Professional Women Frankfurt Germany
  • KRAUSE, Katrin Germany
  • KREMONAS, Petros Greece
  • KRENCIUTE, Indre Lithuania
  • KRIMINIENE, Janina Lithuania
  • KRUSE, Edeltraud Business and Professional Women Frankfurt Germany
  • KUDZEVICIENE, Adilija Lithunia
  • KUIPER, Mathilde Netherlands
  • KULBOKIENE, Alina Lithuania
  • KUMZIENE, Stasele Lithuania
  • KUEHLER- OOSTRA, Audrey VVAO / Vrouwenbelangen The Netherlands
  • KÜTT, Riina Estonia
  • KUKYTE, Aistė Lithuania
  • KUMZAITE, Roberta Lihtuania
  • KUPPERBERG, Deborah Belgium
  • KYPROS, Savva Cyprus
  • KYRIAKOS, Michail Cyprus
  • JANSSEN, Irene CDA Kandidaat Europese Verkiezingen nr 12 (EPP) Netherlands
  • LAFFAN, Colette Ireland
  • LAM, Michelle K.Y. LFCV The Netherlands
  • LANGBAKK, Viginija Director EIGE Lithuania
  • LANKELIENE, Aurelija Lithuania
  • LAVRIS, Alina Lithuania
  • LBRIKIENE, Janina Lithuania
  • LEFEVRE, Lila Nissa TV Tunesie
  • LEINONEN, Suvi Finland ALDE
  • LENZ, Christiane Business and Professional Women Frankfurt Germany
  • LEIPUTE, Orinta Lithuania
  • LEUSHUIS, Gerda Netherlands
  • LEUNIS, Marie-Anne Belgium
  • LEVALLOIS, Sandrine France UMP
  • LEWIS, Pamela UK
  • LIUCIJA, Stašionytė Lithuania
  • LIUTKIENE, Ligita Lithuania
  • LOETTERLE, Ingeborg Dr. Germany
  • LOUALIDI-DAHRI, Nayma Netherlands CDA
  • LOUCA, Soulla Cyprus
  • LOUDES, Christine Belgium
  • LOUGHLIN, Maria UK S&D
  • LOUIZA, Michel Cyprus
  • LUCA, Frederique Belgium
  • LUDOLPH, Renee NVR The Netherlands
  • LUSTRI, Maria Italy
  • LYDEKIENE, Žaneta Lithuania
  • MAJAUSKIENE, Adelė Lithuania
  • LOURDES, Paramio Nieto Spain
  • MAASDAM, Mirjam Netherlands CDA
  • MACKEVICIENE, Palmira Lithuania
  • MACKIEWICZ, Janina Finland ALDE
  • MAELLE, Torné Switzerland
  • MAINO, Laura Italy
  • MANTA, Maria Greece
  • MARCHER, Brigitte Austria
  • MARCHESE, Giulio Belgium
  • MARCHIETTI, Laura Italy
  • MARIANI, Paola Italy
  • MARINIG, Emilia Itlay S&D
  • MAROUZE, Veronique France
  • MARTINA, Chris Austria
  • MARTINEZ, Rosa Spain (EQUO MEP Candidate)
  • MARTINS, Ivone Portugal
  • ARTINS, Jorge Portugal
  • MASIULYTE, Akvilė Lithuania
  • MAVLIUDA, Milda Lithuania
  • MCGILL, Kathleen UK
  • MCKENNA, Clancy Unites States of America Liberal Progressive Democrat
  • MEDISEDEVIENE, Antanina Lithuania
  • MEILUTIENE, Nijolė Lithuania
  • MENIAKINA, Aldutė Lithuania
  • MIGCHELS-GOOIKER, Marianna Netherlands CDA
  • MICKUTE, Stasele Lithuania
  • MINEIKIENE, Dainora Lithuania
  • MISIUNIENE, Daiva Lithuania
  • MISKINIENE, Kristina Lithuania
  • MITSUI, Mariko Japan
  • MONGIRDIENE, Danė Lithuania
  • MOTEJUNE, Giedre Lithuania
  • MOZILIAUSKIENE, Rita Lithuania
  • MZAVANADZE, Neringa Lithuania
  • Rajaa Morocco
  • NAGEL, Rebecca Germany
  • NAJAT, Razi Morocco
  • NAKIELSKA-CREMERS, Zofia Netherlands CDA
  • NANLOHY, Christine Netherlands
  • NOREIKIENE, G. Lithuania
  • NORVILIENE, Vitalija Lithuania
  • NOUBLANCHE, Gisèle France
  • NUNES, Maria Teresa Portugal
  • NUTI, Martina Belgium
  • O’CALLIGHAN, Mary Devine Ireland
  • O’Leary, Lisa Belgium
  • OLTHOFF, Marion Germany
  • OOSTHEOK, Bertine Netherlands CDA
  • OOSTLANDER-CETIN, Ingeborg Netherlands CDA
  • OPANOVICIUS, Petras Lithuania
  • OVERGAARD, Christine Denmark
  • ÖZEDEMIR, Evrim Germany
  • OZERDEM, Irena Lithuania
  • PALLIKARIDOU, Photini Greece
  • • PANTELI, Lefki Cyprus EDEK Movement of Social Democrats
  • PAPASTAVROU, Sophia Canada
  • • PATINSKIENE, L. Lithuania
  • PATSALIDOU, Alexandra Cyprus
  • PAUSCH, Katharina Austria
  • PAVLOU, Mario UK
  • PEDERSEN, Alexander Sweden
  • PEETERS, Maarten Belgium
  • PETERSON, Kerstin Germany
  • PETIT, Genevieve Belgium Ecolo
  • PETRAITIENE, Lilija Lithuania
  • PETRAVICIUTE, Greta Lithuania
  • PETRIKIENE, Janina Lithuania
  • PFAFF, Gabriele Germany
  • PHILIPPOU, Katerina Cyprus
  • PHYSENTZIDES, Eric Cyprus
  • PICHENOT, Evelyne France
    - PILONI, Alessandra Italy
  • PILORGET, Nathalie UK
  • PIOTROWSKA, Hanna Poland
  • PLASS, Maria
  • PLYTNINKIENE, Grazina Lithuania
  • POCIENE, Jūratė Lithuania
  • POPA, Alina Spain PSOE
  • PORTOLES, Marta Spain
  • PRISKE, Maret Estonia
  • PUIDIENE, Jūratė Lithuania
  • PUSINIENE, Stasė Lithuania
  • RADDER-COLJEE, Martha Netherlands CDA
  • RADU, Carmen Romania
  • RAGAUSKAITE, Rūta Lithuania
  • RAJAA, Nadifi Marocco
  • RAMANAUSKIENE, Aušrytė Lithuania
  • RAMBARAN, Mitra
  • RANA, Ezzeddine Spain
  • RASIKEVICIENE, Lina Lithuania
  • RAZANI, Nina Canada
  • REDONDO SEVILLANO, Natalia Spain
  • REINECKE, Sandra Germany
  • REINELT, Julia Germany
  • RENAULT, Elise Belgium
  • RENIÉ, Hélène France Socialist
  • RENMAN, Vilde Belgium
  • RENTES, Linda UNOV The Netherlands
  • REKESIENE, Vida Lithuania
  • REPANA, Vasiliki Dr. Liberal Democrat Greece
  • REVZINIENE, Irena Lithuania
  • RIAUBISKIENE, Jūratė Lithuania
  • RIBEIRO, Maria Portugal
  • RIBOUD, Elisabeth France EPP
  • RINKEVICIUTE, Jurate Lithuania
  • ROLAND, Modrie Belgium
  • ROMERO, Carmen Spain
  • ROMERO, Erika Business and Professional Women Frankfurt Germany
  • ROSALES, Irene Spain
  • ROSS GARCIA, Virginija Lithuania
  • ROTA, Marina Greece
  • RUMYANA, Marinova-Galabova Bulgaria
  • RUSECKIENE, Irena Lithuania
  • RUTKEVICIENE, Daiva Lithuania
  • SABLEVICIENE, Lina Lithuania
  • SABRINSKIENE, Vitalija Lithuania
  • SALICKIENE, Birutė Lithuania
  • SANEVUORI, Heidi Finland
  • SAUER, Michaela Germany
  • SAUER, Rudolf Germany
  • SAVVA, Kypros Cypurs GUE/NGL
  • SCALA, Vincenzo Italy
  • SCHEU, Ursula Germany
  • SCHILDHAUER, Carmen Business and Professional Women Franfurt Germany
  • SCHIRMER, Cathrine Belgium
  • SCHMITT, Annsophie Germany
  • SCHOLTHOF, Teuni Netherlands EPP
  • SCHREYOEGG, Friedel SPD Germany
  • SCHULZ, Susanne Germany
  • SCHWEINBERGER, Gabriela Germany
  • SCOUTARI, Roula Greece
  • SETIAN, Lucy Bulgaria
  • SHARMA, Madi UK
  • SIJERCIC, Nermina Sweden Socialdemocrats
  • SILIPIGNI, Antonella Italy
  • SILVA, Alexandra Portugal
  • SIMONAVICIUTE, Ieva Lithuania
  • SINHA, Manasi India
  • SINKEVICIUTE, Laura Lithuania
  • SIREYJOL, Anne France
  • SIRUTIENE, Irena Lithuania
  • SJOERDTJE, Kok Netherlands CDA
  • SOBEKOVA, Lucia Slovakia
  • SOLOMONIDOU, Alexia Cyprus
  • SOUSA, Livia UK Labour
  • SPIGT, Mariette The Netherlands
  • STANOJEVIĆ, Danijela Croatia
  • STANKEVICIUTE, Irena Lithuania
  • STATULEVICIENE, Danutė Lithuania
  • STAVROU, Rafaella Cyprus
  • STIEKEMA, Mathilde Netherlands CDA
  • STIEKEMA, N. Netherlands
  • STOCKMANN, Britt The Netherlands
  • STUPELYTE, Greta Lithuania
  • SUARDI, Simone Italy
  • ŠUKIENE, Danutė Lithuania
  • SULTANOVA, Kamilla Social Liberals Denmark
  • SZABO, Fiona UK
  • SZILLER, Dalma Hungary
  • TAMOSIUNIENE, Rasa Lithuania
  • TAROCCO, Francesca Italy/UK
  • TARVYDIENE, Nijolė Lithuania
  • TAVAZZANI, Chiara Italy
  • TEKIN, Alishan Turkey
  • TERYAKİO, Pembegül Turkey
  • TEWES, Michael Germany
  • TEWES, Sabine Business and Professional Women Frankfurt Germany
  • THEOBALD, Charlotte Germany
  • THOMAS, Marie Claire France Greens/EFA
  • THOMAS, Natalia Business and Professional Women Frankfurt Germany
  • TIKKALA, Terhi Finland ALDE
  • TOMRUK, Gueliz Groenlinks Netherlands
  • TORABIAN, Elham France
  • TOREN, Akke Netherlands CDA
  • TRIMAILLE, Isabelle France
  • TSAKMAKIDOU, Katerina Greece
  • TVIRBUTAITE, Monika Lithuania
  • UITSLAG, J Netherlands CDA
  • URBANCIC, Nusa Slovenia
  • UZELAC, Nadezda Macedonia DUW
  • VAICIUNIENE, Valentina Lithuania
  • VAITIKIENE, Audrone Lithuania
  • VAITKEVICIUTE, Monika Lithuania
  • VALAUSKIENE, Rita Lithuania
  • VALK-RIJNBEEK, Ada Netherlands CDA
  • VAN DE STREEK, Hillie Netherlands EPP
  • VAN DEN HOGEN, Annette Netherlands CDA
  • VAN ECK, Tiny Netherlands CDA
  • VAN GARDINGWN-VAN ELZEN, Willemien Netherlands CDA
  • VAN GEMERT, Marianne Netherlands CDA
  • VAN HULST, Danielle D66 The Netherlands
  • VAN MOURIK, Ineke Netherlands
  • VAN VELZEN, Johanna Netherlands
  • VAN WAARDHUIZEN, Marja Netherlands EVP
  • VAN’T VELD, Mirjam Netherlands CDA
  • VAN ZIJL-HOEK, Alda D66 The Netherlands
  • VANDENBUSSCHE, Pauline Belgium
  • VASSEUR-DENIAU, Josiane France
  • VASSILIADOU, Despina Cyprus
  • VENEKA, Marina Greece
  • VENCKIENE, Jurga Marija Lithuania
  • VERHOOG-BOKMA, Aly Netherlands CDA
  • VERPECINSKIENE, Liuba Lithuania
  • VERSLUIS-BIJL, Catharina Netherlands CDA
  • VERTELYTE, Žydrūnė Lithuania
  • VILIUNIENE, Angelika Lithuania
  • VISHNUMOLAKALA, Janna Cyprus
  • VITAUSKAITE, Donata Lithuania
  • VOGELAAR, Monique Netherlands CDA
  • VOLEVICIENE, Daiva Lithuania
  • VOLK, Claudia Business and Professional Women Frankfurt Germany
  • VOLTARELLI, Nicolette Belgium
  • VOUYIOUKAS, Anna Greece
  • VRUCINIC, Drago Croatia
  • VUKOMANOVIC, Gordana Serbia Democrats
  • WALDBAUER, Anja Business and Professional Women Frankfurt Germany
  • WALLACE, Kim England
  • WELLINGHOFF, Joline Belgium
  • WELLMER, Christina Germany
  • WESOLOWSKI, Andrea Belgium
  • WIERSINGA, Anje IAW The Netherlands
  • WIESE, Anita Germany
  • WIESE, Margarita Germany
  • WILLIAMS, Bethan UK
  • WILLIAMS, Gemma UK
  • WITLAKE, Martin Germany
  • WOLFE, Leslie R USA
  • WOOD, Jennifer UK Labour Party
  • WOODWARD, Alison Belgium S&D
  • WORTEMEYER, Lisa Germany
  • XUCLA I COSTA, Jordi Spain
  • YOUNG, Susan Canada
  • ZANCANARO, Irene Italy
  • ŽAKIENE, Vitalija Lithuania
  • ZAVECKIENE, Neringa Lithuania
  • ZELLOU, Lilian Greece Nea Demokratian
  • ŽEMAITIENE, Jolita Lithuania
  • ZENON, Magda Cyprus
  • ZENTEFI, Ioanna Greece
  • ŽILINSKIENE, Indre Lithuania
  • ŽORAMSKIENE, Danute Lithuania


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