
Successful event in Estonia

On the 9 of December, in Tallin, the Estonian Women’s Association Rountable Programme organised an event in which the results of the EWL barometer on rape 2013 were presented by Eha Reitelmann, expert of the EWL Observatory on violence against women. Estonia’s current situation of sexual violence prevention, intervention responses to violence and collection of relevant statistical data was introduced from the perspective of the following institutions/entities: gynecologists by Mairi Kaha, board chairwoman of the Estonian Sexual Health Association; women’s shelters by Külli Piirsild, board member of the Estonian Women’s Shelters’ Union and manager of Võru County Women’s Shelter; the police, by Kerli Palu, leading officer of the Central Criminal Police; prosecuting authorities, Enda Ülviste, leading prosecutor of the North District Prosecutor’s Office; Ministry of Social Affairs, by Helen Sööl, chief specialist of the gender equality department; Ministry of the Interior, by Jenny Jakobson, adviser of the law enforcement and criminal policy department; Ministry of Justice, by Laidi Surva, adviser, Criminal Statistics and Analysis Division; Ministry of Education and Research, by Kadri Ann Salla. The presentations were followed by a discussion.

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Finally, the possible ways forward towards the rartification of the Istanbul Convention were discussed. Find more information here.


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