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WIDE capacity-building workshop on gender, eco-justice and sustainable development: Brussels, 8-9 Dec 2010

This workshop aims to increase the capacities of WIDE members and partners (women’s rights activist, advocates and organisations) to participate, engage and influence policy-making by providing knowledge for a critical feminist analysis of the current development paradigm and how it is manifested in the current European trade and development cooperation agenda and increase their advocacy capacities to make their voices to be heard and change policies, practises and mindsets. Participants include WIDE members, associates and partners. Deadline for letter of interest for participation: November 4, 2010.

Specific Objectives:

1. Provide participants with a comprehensive historical and contextual analysis and understanding of the world as is today in relation with economic relations, development policies, civil society and feminist agenda and identify main challenges for women’s rights and social justice activist and organisations at national, European and international level.
2. Identify main points for a basic collective agenda for women’s rights gender and social justice.
3. Strengthen the WIDE Network advocacy strategy and capacities by promoting collective analysis, discussion and exchange among members and partners.
4. Introduce new tools for action: exploring innovative and creative ways of advocacy through audiovisual resources – communication.

Participants: WIDE members, associates and partners.


The methodology will be participative; the premise and starting point is that we will learn from the others. This means that in a way all the participants are at the same time “trainers”.

We will have a couple of inspiring guest speakers to give us vision, ideas and contribution to the analysis. We will have one facilitator from the network in charge of methodology, making dynamic the dynamics and getting the knowledge from the participants. The WIDE Staff will be a resource and will participate in the CB working groups. The venue will be in a nice place in the countryside/seaside of Belgium.

Below you will find attached the draft agenda. Please send your letter of interest for participation to Luisa Antolin and copy to Nerea Barrio to: and NO LATER than 4th November!

For further information about WIDE, please visit the WIDE website:

Download the full details of WIDE’s Capacity Building 8,9 December 2010 workshop