AGORA young feminist summer school

Young feminists! Apply NOW for the AGORA 2016 summer school in Brussels! Deadline 31 May!

[Brussels 9 May 2016] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is looking for candidates to participate in its second European Feminist Summer School taking place in Brussels from 7 to 11 September 2016.

Are you interested? Or do you know anyone who is interested?

  • Are you a feminist woman (self-defined) aged between 18 and 30 years old?
  • Do you have experience in activism related to gender equality/ women’s rights?
  • Are you interested in strengthening your knowledge and skills to build bigger and better campaigns to fight for women’s rights and gender equality?
  • Are you keen to find out more what young feminists are doing to fight inequality across Europe? Do you live in the European Union or EU Candidate countries?
  • Do you want the chance to shape future feminist strategies and campaigns in Europe?
  • Do you have good English language skills, as the programme will be in English?


We particularly encourage women facing multiple forms of discrimination (in terms of ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, origin, religion etc) We appreciate your opinions and want to learn from your experience!

Description of the EWL Feminist Summer School 2016:

The EWL has witnessed a new generation of young feminists rising up, innovating and rebooting the fight for equality! A lot of new organisations, initiatives, and campaigns have been flourishing throughout Europe. A 4th wave on feminism on its way! We see many opportunities to strengthen the connection between these activists across Europe and with EWL itself. Building on the success of the first ever AGORA in 2015, we have decided to organise the second edition European Feminist Summer School, which will aim to:

-  Reconnect and reinforce young European women’s activism
-  Set up a creative space for young feminist change agents
-  Build solidarity and empower young feminist activists
-  Working together across borders to make feminism more inclusive and amplify the voices of feminist networks in Europe
-  Enable the EWL to know more about the interests and needs of young feminists and bring these more into the centre of EWL’s future strategy and actions

During 4 days, the EWL will set up an inclusive space to exchange, to inspire, to reinforce skills through workshops, conferences, skills-sharing, and expertise, facilitated by EWL and partners.

The EWL will select around 50 candidates by end of June 2016. The programme will build on the needs and expectations of the selected participants.

Apply now! Download the Application Form in Word here, fill it in and send it back to ewl[at] mentioning in the subjectline AGORA 2016 - your name.

Deadline for applications: 31 May 2016.

Find out more about last year’s AGORA here

AGORA 2015


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