Act against rape! Use the Istanbul Convention!

All the information on the events of this week (25 to 29 December)

This week, the EWL member organisations have also held the events under the slogan: Act against rape! Use the Istanbul Convention!: in Croatia, Denmark, Lithuania, Malta, Portugal and Sweden

On the 25th November, four events have been organised to mark the UN International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women:

In Croatia: The Center for Women War Victims, ROSA organised the event together with the Parliamentary Committee for Gender Equality at the Croatian Parliament. 60 people attended the event, including several journalists. 19 speakers discussed on the following topics: how Croatian legislation is complaying with the CoE Convention, particularly criminal offences against sexual freedom in the new Penal Code; the process of signing and ratifying of the Istambul Convention; on EWL and CoE action in 33 states, and EWL Barometer on Rape 2013 in 32 countries; the project of the Minstry of Defence in cooperation with UNDP in Croatia, on protection of war rape survivors in Croatia; the situation and needs of women rape survivors; on existing practices in court cases of rape; and finally, the analysis on court cases of rape in marriage; presentation of the NGO campaigns such as I SIGN aimed the supporting of the process of ratification and implementation of Istambul Convention.

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In Denmark: The Women’s Council together with the Women’s Museum are organising a public meeting in Aarhus that will be focused on sexual violence against women with a focus on counseling, campaigns and prevention. 50 people attended and the speakers were: Ulla Thornemann from the Danish Everyday Sexism project (, Stine Schou Kvistgaard from ‘Center of rapevictims’ and Susanne from the Joan Sisters, an NGO that helps and supports victims of rape an domestic abuse.

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In Lithuania, the Women’s Issues Information Centre organised a a half day seminar in Vilnius under the slogan "Seksualinio smurto prieš moteris kriminalizavimas. Stambulo konvencija". On the 25th November in Lithuania, Women’s Issues Information Centre organised a half day event at the Parliament under the slogan "Seksualinio smurto prieš moteris kriminalizavimas. Stambulo konvencija". Before the event, WIIC organized press conference in which the 16 days campaign in Lithuania was opened and the conference on rape and Istanbul convention was presented. The event started at 11 o’clock with a screening of a short film about gender-based violence. There were 8 lecturers talking about the problem of sexual violence against women from different views: legal, medical, social. In the end everyone raised hands for ratification of Istanbul convention. This was followed by a discussion over coffee, tea and finger food.62 people attended the event, including several members of the Lithuanian Parliament, journalists, lawyers, psychologists, medics, government representatives, NGO’s etc. A member of the Parliament Giedre Purvaneckiene (Pictures with lady in red) that was an ambassador for this event. Majority of participants informed that they want to hear more about sexual violence against women and encourage WIIC to do more events on this subject.

In Sweden: The Swedish Women’s Lobby held a talk about rape. The event will start with a screening of the short film “Porn Damaged” by Roxane von Gerber Hedayat and Moa Kjellstrand. This was followed by a panel discussion where very constructive discussions took place regarding rape culture and how we can improve the legal system in Sweden. The Istanbul Convention was promoted as a very important tool for Sweden as the country would have to introduce a legal definition based on the lack of consent, if the Convention is ratified. About 130 people attended the event. In this link you can download the press release in Swedish.

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On the 26th November in Malta, the Malta Confederation of Women’s Organisations (MCWO) organised a seminar which was be held at Europa House in St Paul’s Street Valletta. The Event was be opened by the Minister for Social Dialogue, Consumer affairs and Civil Liberties and the Minister for the Family and Social Solidarity will do the closing address. Experts, representatives of civil society, practitioners and policy makers will participate in the seminar. The event has had a wide media coverage as it can be seen here.


On the 27 of November, in Portugal, Association of Women against Violence (AMCV) held an event at the auditory of the Portuguese Parliament with the support of the Commission for Constitutional Affairs, Rights, Freedoms and Guarantees. The event was opened by the Fernando Negrão, from the Commission of Constitutional Affairs, Rights and Liberties and by Margarida Medina Martins from the Association of Women against Violence (AMCV). Helena
Gonçalves participated in representation of the Procuradora Geral da República. Different NGOs brought the perspective from Women organsiations. Finally, the event was closed by José Mendes Bota, General Rapporteur on Violence against Women of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Download the Brochure and the Press Release (in Portuguese).

All the information the events of next week in Czech Republic, Cyprus, Finland, Romania, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Macedonia, Turkey and Ukraine can be found in their respective pages in this website!


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