
EWL contributes to European Youth Forum Publication on ’Racism and its impact on Young People’ (2008)

Amandine Bach contributed to the European Youth Forum Report 2008: ’Racism and its impact on young people: call for a renewed youth

When analysing the situation of young women
and men facing racism, it is essential to take
into account that the discrimination they face
is not only because of their ethnic background,
their gender identity or their age. Instead, the
discrimination comes from the interrelation
of these axes of oppression. A 2008
Eurobarometer7 shows that discrimination
based on a combination of a number of factors has been experienced by a relatively high
proportion of EU citizens (16%).

The intersection of gender and race
discrimination has already been identified as
an issue to include in policy making at the
international level by different conventions
or declarations, including the Convention
for the Elimination of Discrimination Against
Women (CEDAW) (1979) and at the Durban
governmental conference on racism (2001):
CEDAW (1979) states that “the eradication
of apartheid, all forms of racism, racial
discrimination, colonialism, neo-colonialism,
aggression, foreign occupation and domination
and interference in the internal affairs of States
is essential to the full enjoyment of the rights
of men and women”.


Download the full Youth Forum publication:

youth forum report on racism


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