Members News

  • Croatia: Women’s rights under threat

    Croatia: Women's rights under threat

    [Split/Zagreb, 31 December 2015, news from EWL’ Croatian members UPDATE below!] Croatia held its Parliamentary elections on 8 November 2015. The result of the elections for the National Parliament was almost equal for Social Democrats Coalition and the so called Patriotic Coalition lead by conservative Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ). The country’s election was inconclusive, with the opposition right-wing and the ruling left-wing coalition winning 59-56 seats respectively. The newly formed (...) Read more

  • France : les associations de femmes se mobilisent contre les violences masculines

    France : les associations de femmes se mobilisent contre les violences masculines

    [Paris, 20 janvier 2016] La Coordination française pour le Lobby européen des femmes (CLEF) et la Ligue pour le Droit international des femmes (LDIF) se sont associées à l’appel à manifester du Collectif pour les droits des femmes pour dénoncer les violences, agressions sexuelles et viol subies par les femmes à Cologne la nuit de la St Sylvestre ! Une manifestation qui a regroupé des dizaines de militantes pour les droits des femmes, lundi 19 janvier à Paris.
    Les membres du Lobby européen des (...) Read more

  • Das palavras à ação! 2016: will it be a feminist year in Portugal?

    Das palavras à ação! 2016: will it be a feminist year in Portugal?

    [Lisbon, 6 January 2016, from EWL Portuguese Members] No início de 2016 não analisamos o último ano, mas sim os últimos 20 anos! At the beginning of the year people usually look back and identify the most relevant events of the previous year. The Portuguese Platform just did the same but extended its look back to the last 20 years! 1995-2015, a commitment with women’s empowerment, Portugal in analysis by the Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights has just been published.
    Following the launch in (...) Read more

  • We should all be feminists!

    We should all be feminists!

    [Stockholm, 1 December 2015] News from EWL Swedish members Kvinnolobby ”I would like to ask that we begin to dream about and plan for a different world. A fairer world. A world of happier men and happier women who are truer to themselves.”This is written by the award-winning author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie in her book “We should all be feminists”. The book is her personal call for a feminism that concerns us all. The text was originally a TED-talk that has been seen by more than two million (...) Read more

  • Support to Call for Peace of Women & LGBTI Organisations from Turkey

    Support to Call for Peace of Women & LGBTI Organisations from Turkey

    [Brussels, 2 December 2015] In November our Turkish members asked us to sign their call for peace to President Erdogan, due to the threatening situation in Turkey: "Violence in the Middle East and Turkey escalates with each passing day. While the world’s eyes turn to the tragic attacks in Paris, what we are experiencing at present in our country is much more extreme than the past, and we are deeply worried about what tomorrow will bring. It seems like our very future, our fundamental human (...) Read more

  • 25 November: Gender-based dangers face migrant and refugee women

    25 November: Gender-based dangers face migrant and refugee women

    [Brussels, 25 November 2015] On the International Day to End Violence Against Women, EWL member organisation the European Network of Migrant Women is urging the European leaders to put in place effective, gender appropriate measures, schemes and funding – in line with the international and European instruments – to protect the rights, safety and dignity of women fleeing conflict.
    Find the full position paper (...) Read more

  • EWL Observatory on violence against women & EIGE meet in Vilnius

    EWL Observatory on violence against women & EIGE meet in Vilnius

    [Brussels, 20 November 2015] The EWL Observatory on violence against women was in Vilnius for two important meetings, during which the experts strengthened their work, exchanged important information and developed strategies for EU action towards the eradication of violence against women.
    On 11 November, the EWL Observatory met with the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) to exchange on their respective activities, learn from EIGE initiatives, and discuss joint possible actions. (...) Read more

  • Nominate your candidate to the Swedish Gender Equality Award

    Nominate your candidate to the Swedish Gender Equality Award

    [News from our Swedish members] The Swedish Gender Equality Award is given out for the first time, on the Gender Equality Days in Malmö on the 27th-28th of January 2016, when we will also find out what the Award entails. The jury that selects the winner is made up by the eminent Advisory Board of the Gender Equality Days.
    Criteria: The Swedish Gender Equality Award is given to the actor or activity that has initiated or completed a solution-oriented and innovative work for building gender (...) Read more

  • A snapshot of our members activities & initiatives in October 2015

    A snapshot of our members activities & initiatives in October 2015

    *Fédération Européenne des femmes romani et voyageuses
    Our members from the Federation of Romani and Traveller Women are marching 700 km all throughout France for the "Walk for Dignity for the Homeless, Migrants and Refugees" ‪#‎refugeeswelcome‬ ‪#‎feministsinaction‬. [Read the article in French. >7309]
    * The Netherlands
    EWL Dutch members from the Nederlandse Vrouwenraad inform us that The Netherlands (finally) ratified the Istanbul Convention! Read their reaction: "It took us so long as it (...) Read more

  • New publication of MIGS (Cyprus): ’I Thought I was Applying as a Care Giver’: Trafficking in Women for Labour Exploitation in Domestic Work

    New publication of MIGS (Cyprus): 'I Thought I was Applying as a Care Giver': Trafficking in Women for Labour Exploitation in Domestic Work

    [Nicosia, 24 September 2015] The Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies (MIGS), a member of the Cyprus Women’s Lobby, and the University of Nicosia are pleased to present the book entitled I Thought I was Applying as a Care Giver”: Trafficking in Women for Labour Exploitation in Domestic Work.
    This book is part of the final results of the transnational project Combating Trafficking in Women for Labor Exploitation in Domestic Work, coordinated by the University of Nicosia and funded by (...) Read more



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