EWL News

The European Women’s Lobby explained to Members of the European Parliament - new briefings available!

[Brussels, 30 October 2014] The European Women’s Lobby publishes four new briefings providing user-friendly information to Members of the European Parliament (MEPs).

Women and girls are half of Europe’s population, and are entitled to the same rights as men and boys. They are now present in all spheres of society, from education to employment, reaching political and business decision-making.

However, despite this optimistic picture, equality between women and men is far from being a reality and women’s rights are facing a stronger backlash than ever. In all areas of society and life, women still face discrimination, inequality, violence and insecurity.

The EU and in particular, Members of the European Parliament, have a role to play to promote gender equality, end violations of women’s human rights, and mainstream women’s rights in all its work.

This is why the European Women’s Lobby produced four new briefings to provide user-friendly information to MEPs and how they can promote the voices of women and girls in their daily work. The briefings build on our demands of our Manifesto "Act now for her future, commit to gender equality!" published on the occasion of the 2014 European Elections.

Download the briefings by clicking on the links and below and do not hesitate to send them to your national MEPs!

General briefing: the European Women’s Lobby explained to Members of the European Parliament

Members of the European Parliament have the power to make a real difference for the rights of women and girls in the EU. This general briefing explains how they can support us and take action to add their footprint to European policies. Download the briefing in PDF here:

The EWL explained to MEPs - general briefing


A Europe free from violence against women!

Violence against women is the most widespread violation of women’s human rights in Europe. Its persistence and high prevalence demonstrate that our societies are still built on, vehicle and perpetuate patriarchal values and male domination. Download the briefing in PDF here:

The EWL explained to MEPs - Violence against Women

covervaw 3

Women’s economic independence is the foundation of all rights

Women’s economic independence is of crucial importance to enable women to make real choices in their lives on an equal footing with men in order to achieve effective gender equality. Download the briefing in PDF here:

The EWL explained to MEPs - socio-economic rights


Parity at all levels of political and economic decision-making

Empowering women to take leadership is crucial for sustainable economies and democratic and fair societies. Download the briefing in PDF here:

The EWL explained to MEPs - Decision-making


Diverse in equality!

Women are not an homogeneous group and have multiple identities. This diversity is what makes our societies so interesting and creative. But living in systems where racism, sexism and classism are still prevalent, women are rendered more vulnerable to discrimination, violence and violation of their rights. Download the briefing in PDF here:

The EWL explained to MEPs - Diversity

The EWL explained to MEPs - Diversity and Anti-Discrimination


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