Watch the video of ONE BILLION RISING Brussels 2014

[Brussels, 21 March 2013] The European Women’s Lobby presents One Billion Rising for Justice Brussels 2014, the video. With this video, the EWL thanks you all again for taking part in this amazing global campaign of ONE BILLION RISING (OBR), initiated by V-Day.

One Billion Rising 2014 was a great success this year in Brussels! Despite the rain, the cold and the transport strike, a committed crowd of people rose, danced and spoke out to end violence against women and to demand justice for its victims.

In front of the Palais de Justice we made the heart of Brussels beat for justice! There was live music by Clinik du Dr. Poembak, Mary Anne Struthers, an amazing acrobatic espectacle by Chorro el Toro and we all sang and danced on the EWL song "Rise up! Stand Up!". Also, L’athénée Royale Uccle 1 did an extraordinary flashmob on the OBR song"Break the chains".

We also collected testimonies of women victims of violence and symbolically put all the testimonies in red suitcases in front of the Justice Palace in order to speak out about the urgent need for justice and support for victims.

Thank you all for coming and see you next year!

See some pictures here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/european_womens_lobby/sets/72157640973263015/

The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) joined forces in the organisation of this extraordinary Brussels event with its Belgian members, le Conseil des Femmes Francophones de Belgique (CFFB) and the Nederlandstalige Vrouwenraad (NVR), Fight Back and La Marche Mondiale de Femmes.

The European Women’s lobby calls on the European Union to act now to end Violence against women and to:

Sign and share our petition to make 2016 the year to end VAW: http://www.change.org/petitions/european-commission-president-barroso-establish-now-a-european-year-to-end-violence-against-women-and-girls

#rise4justice #onebillionrising
#2016EUYear to #EndVAW


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