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May 2015

Abortion for Rape Victims

France : Les jeunes se mobilisent pour l’abolition de la prostitution

Keep pushing! – The European Parliament adopted the resolution on the maternity leave directive

Who is benefitting from the crime of trafficking? Stop Hypocrisy. Time to act now!

The EU is further off-track to deliver an inclusive, sustainable, social and equal Europe

Stop Surrogacy Now!

Where are the women? Volunteer as a Panel Watcher in June!

SEMINAR 25 years of feminist activism & action Friday 29.05.2015 // 16:00 // Brussels

Take the #WEstart survey on women’s social entrepreneurship in English, French, Italian, Swedish, Lithuanian, Bulgarian, Hungarian and Spanish!

#FollowFriday on Twitter

Gender gap in pensions in the EU

Need for new equality strategy to create equal opportunities and end discrimination

EWL Beijing+20 in May – A fair & equal representation of women in the media in Europe

EWL Beijing+20 in May – A fair & equal representation of women in the media in Europe

What’s new in the European Commission in regards to parity in decision making?