European Coalition to End violence against women and girls

Factsheet - EU ratification of the Istanbul Convention: A vital opportunity to end violence against women and girls

[Brussels, 20 February 2018] The European Coalition to end violence against women and girls has launched a factsheet in support of the EU’s ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, the Istanbul Convention.

More than 25 European civil society networks (see full list below) have joined forces in this European Coalition to End violence against women and girls (VAWG), convened by the European Women’s Lobby, in light of the recent policy developments at EU level regarding violence against women.

The European Union signed the CoE Istanbul Convention on 13 June 2017, after the Council of the European Union agreed on two decisions limiting the scope of the signature to exclusive competence on judicial cooperation in criminal matters and asylum and non-refoulement. In September 2017, the European Parliament adopted a Resolution on EU Accession to the Istanbul Convention with an overwhelming majority. The resolution was drafted two rapporteurs Ms Corazza Bildt (EPP, Sweden, FEMM Committee) and Ms Revault D’Allonnes Bonnefoy (S&D, France, LIBE Committee). The Resolution urges Member States to speed up the negotiations on the ratification of the Istanbul Convention by the EU and calls for a broad EU accession without any limitations. The resolution specifically calls for an EU Coordinator to lead the implementation of a holistic EU Strategy.

At the moment, the EU’s ratification and Code of Conduct is currently being analysed and discussed in the Council working party on Fundamental Rights, Citizens’ Rights and Free Movement of Persons (FREMP).

In this specific context, the European Coalition to end VAWG factsheet calls on different key EU decision makers to act in order to ensure that the EU concludes (ratify) the Istanbul Convention in 2017, in the most meaningful way and within the broadest scope of EU competence as possible.

We believe that the implementation of the Istanbul Convention will have a real impact on women’s lives in Europe who deserve to live a life free from all forms of violence! We expect A real commitment. Read our factsheet calling for EU’s ratification, join us and support our demands! Sign our "Rise up against violence!" petition calling calling to make Europe a safe space for women and girls, which has been already signed by almost 110.000 citizens!

Factsheet - European Coalition to end VAWG

Demands of the European Coalition to End Violence against women and girls:

  • The Council of the European Union to ratify without delay the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (the Istanbul Convention), within the most effective scope of EU competence.
  • EU Member States who have not yet done so to ratify the Istanbul Convention without delay and without reservations, and to put in place the necessary legislative and policy framework to ensure its adequate implementation, including allocating sustainable and adequate funding, and cooperating with civil society and women’s rights organisations.
  • EU Institutions to fully integrate the Istanbul Convention into the EU legislation and policy framework, establishing an effective and representative EU monitoring framework.
  • The European Commission and EU Member States to develop a comprehensive EU Strategy to prevent and combat all forms of violence against women and girls, and to address all the structural issues that fuel this violence.
  • The EU to appoint an EU coordinator on ending violence against women and girls, with a strong political mandate and responsibility to: coordinate the EU Strategy and all the efforts of the relevant EU Institutions and agencies; and to facilitate the exchange of good practices for the implementation of the Convention at the national level.

Partners at the European Coalition to End Violence against women and girls :


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