Operating Budget and Income Breakdown
In 2016, EWL’s annual operating budget was 1.2 million euros, with 76 percent coming from the European Commission. The rest came from foundations, membership contributions, corporations, governments, and individuals.
Financial Resilience and Sustainability
We are actively pursuing a Financial Resilience and Sustainability Strategy to reduce our dependence on EC funding, and to grow our overall budget to 2 million euros by 2020. Read our Financial Resilience and Sustainability Plan here.Guidelines for the European Women’s Lobby Relationships with Funders
The objective of these updated Guidelines (February 2018) is to enable the creation of sound partnership between the EWL and funders, with the aim to advance women’s rights and gender equality all over Europe. These updated Guidelines aim to extend the potential for EWL to access funds from commercial firms in ways that do not contravene principles of prime concern to the EWL. Read our Guidelines for the European Women’s Lobby Relationships with Funders here.