Ending the continuum of violence against women and girls
All forms of male violence are linked to a continuum of violence from the most obvious human rights violations such as femicide to other subtle forms of abuse and control over women’s lives, bodies and sexuality. All forms of violence against women and girls (VAWG) have the same goal: to silence women, and to put women in a subordinate place.
Male violence against women and girls is the cause and consequence of historical and structural patriarchal societies, and is grounded in structural gender inequalities and harmful stereotypes assigned to women and men in society. From public actions to advocacy with the EU institutions, the EWL continues fighting for making Europe a safe place for all.
The EWL Observatory plays a key role in identifying burning issues and monitoring progress towards a Europe free from male violence against women. This structure enables the sharing of knowledge and information; bridging with regional initiatives; developing common tools; stimulating the reflection and mobilising members.