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Gender mainstreaming

We push EU decision-makers to always consider the impacts on women’s rights and gender equality when designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating policies and budgets. The realisation of equality between women and men and mainstreaming this goal in all EU policy and budgetary frameworks is a legal obligation as per the EU Treaties. The EWL works towards this aim, including in climate and environmental change and migration policies.

Gender Mainstreaming training

The EWL aims to ensure that women, in all their diversity, have equal opportunities to influence policies and political outcomes and that women’s interests are on the political agenda. This requires that gender equality be mainstreamed throughout the whole policy cycle- when designing, implementing, and monitoring policies. That’s why the EWL developed an online training on gender mainstreaming for EU decision- and policy-makers.
The training includes plenary sessions on Gender Mainstreaming main principles, on its applications in work culture, and challenges for implementation.

The training also focuses on policy-workshops on  Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Social Policy (Higher Education), Digitalisation, the Green Transition and Economic Policy as well as self-paced learning materials such as short podcast episodes and videos. 

If you are a policy- or decision-maker and interested in your political group, staff, etc.  to be trained please contact us.

Ending online violence against women and girls

Climate Policies

The current climate and environmental challenges are a significant opportunity to develop more politically, economically, and socially equal societies. Our response to these challenges must be based on and include all women’s experiences, needs and expertise. That is why, the EWL calls upon the EU and decision-makers to apply gender mainstreaming to climate change and environmental policies and empower women and girls through the green transition.

News & Events

Advancing women’s rights through the Conference on the Future of Europe

The EWL demands active gender mainstreaming in climate policies after the COP26 and ahead of the CSW66