Women in decision-making

Women and girls represent over half of the population, yet they remain underrepresented in decision-making positions. The EWL strives to ensure women’s equal and diverse representation and participation in all spheres and levels of society, including the political and economic areas.


Only 33,4% of ministers in the EU are women (2022)


Women only make up to 18% of board members in the largest listed companies where no actions have been taken by Member States (2022)


After the 2019 EU elections, there were only 17 female Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) from ethnic minorities amounting to only 2,4% of total MEPs.

Women on boards

EWL believes that the equal representation of women and men on corporate boards and in economic decision-making is essential for democracy and human rights. The EU is still far from gender balance among large corporations’ decision-makers let alone parity between women and men. The adoption of the Women on Boards Directive in November 2022 is a crucial step, and ambitious as well as swift Member States’ transpositions is key to materialise a more equal, inclusive and prosperous labour market

Parity Democracy

The EWL strives for the realisation of parity democracy:  full and total equality of participation and representation of women and men in any decision-making body. Parity is not just about a 50/50 representation of women and men, it also entails the equal value, equal dignity and power-sharing between women and men as well as removing the structural and cultural barriers for women’s entry into decision-making, such as gender stereotypes, the patriarchal political culture, adapting the working conditions etc.

2024 EU elections

EWL believes that putting women’s and girls’ rights at the core of European policies is mandatory to bring the European project of peace, democracy, inclusion, equality and solidarity to life. That’s why we call on EU decision-makers and citizens to capitalise on the 2024 EU elections to deliver on the EU commitments on equality between women & men!

Women make up:

on the EU’s largest listed companies’ board reached for the first time in April 2022
of board members in the largest listed companies in countries that have implemented binding gender quotas in 2022
of board members in the largest listed companies where no actions have been taken by Member States in 2022


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