
EWL Barometer: National Action Plans on Violence against Women in the EU (August 2011)

The European Women’s Lobby is pleased to unveil its 2011 Barometer on National Action Plans (NAPs) on violence against women.

Thanks to the work and expertise of the experts to the EWL Observatory on violence against women, the EWL has produced a strong policy document analysing NAPs on violence against women.

The Barometer aims to take stock of existing NAPs, voice NGO satisfaction with the consultation process held by their government when drafting/implementing/evaluating the NAPs, and highlight women’s organisations’ assessments of the NAPs in their countries.

The Barometer is a very important tool to get a European overview of national actions on violence against women and compare European countries with regards to their commitment to eradicate such violence.

EWL members and experts, as well as other women’s organisations, are invited to use it to push for concrete and comprehensive national action to eradicate all forms of male violence against women, as well as to put pressure on their governments to ensure that they consult NGOs at all levels of their policy processes.

The Barometer comes at a key time with regards to European policy developments on violence against women. The Council of Europe is finalising its third report on the implementation of Recommendation Rec(2002)5 on the protection of women against violence, based on a questionnaire sent to Council of Europe member states. The Council of Europe is about to adopt a Convention on combating and preventing violence against women and domestic violence. The European Council and the European Parliament have been calling for months on the European Commission to come up with a European Strategy to eradicate all forms of male violence against women.

In this context, the EWL Barometer reflects women’s organisations’ call for concrete policy action at European level to build a Europe free from all forms of male violence against women.

To download the Barometer in PDF format, click on the image below.

ewl barometer on vaw 2011 en


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