Op-Eds and articles

Op- Eds and articles

EWL Statements and articles:

- 26 April: Historical moment! European Women’s Lobby Applauds the Adoption of first ever EU Directive Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence

- 22 April: Seal the Deal and Adopt the VAW Directive Now

- 8 March: EWL Statement "Today, tomorrow and every day - end violence against women and girls in Europe". On International Women’s Day, the European Women’s Lobby releasesits analysis of the agreement on the Directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence, calling for its immediate adoption.

- 6 February: EWL press release "Deal reached on the first EU law on violence against women-
HERSTORY is made today as a deal has been reached on the first-ever directive giving women and girls equal protection in the EU

- 31 January: EWL Statement "European Women’s Lobby calls on the European Parliament not to throw the baby out with the bathwater!"

- 26 January: EWL open letter to Belgian Presidency. Here.

- 23 January: EWL Statement: "Shame on the German and French Governments for letting all women and girls down in Europe!"

- 12 December: EWL and WEMove Statement in Euroactiv "Breaking the silence: France and Germany are failing women"

- 25 November 2023: EWL Statement: On International day for the elimination of violence against women, the EU is still divided over the crime of rape. Women’s organisations demand - Loud and United- that rape is made an offence under the new EU Directive.

- October 2023: EWL statement- EU divided: combating rape a priority for the Commission and the Parliament, but not the Council- As the Istanbul Convention comes into force in the EU, Germany and France use rape as a bargaining chip in the Council
- September 2023: EWL Priorities for the Trialogue Negotiations on the Directive
- July 2023: EWL calls for the swift adoption of a robust Directive that includes the criminalisation of rape
- July 2023: Monumental Week for women’s rights: The European Parliament adopts a strong proposal for a Directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence
- June 2023: Historic decision of the Council on the EU accession to the Istanbul Convention
- January 2023: EWL Statement -Time to Deliver Recognise rape as sexual exploitation at EU level - EWL call to Member States to end violence against women at EU level

EWL position papers

EWL position on the proposal of the European Commission (December 2023)
EWL position on the draft proposal of the European Parliament Rapporteurs (January 2023)

EWL and EWL members coverage:

- Friends of Europe Podcast - "EU Directive on violence against women", by Catarina Vila Nova 8/03.
Friends of europe podcast

- Euronews - Brussels my love by Méabh Mc Mahon. 10/02/2024

  • Euronews by Isabel Silva EN| FR| ES

Other key articles by EU Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli:

"When only yes means yes. The EU must universally define rape as sexual intercourse without freely given consent". Malta

by EP Rapporteurs, Frances Fitzgerald and Evin Incir:


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