The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) Observatory on Violence against Women is a unique structure in Europe which brings together a dynamic group of women from 29 countries in Europe (professionals, women’s rights defenders, front-line NGOs activists, etc.) and eight of our European wide members, with outstanding experience and expertise in different forms of male violence against women.
The EWL Observatory on violence against women was established in 1997, two years after the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in 1995, when the states committed to take action to combat violence against women. Having identified violence against women as one of their top priorities, the EWL members decided to create this unique structure to put strengthened political pressure towards ending violence against women. The EWL Observatory plays a key role in identifying burning issues and monitoring progress towards a Europe free from male violence against women. This structure enables to share of knowledge and information; bridging with regional initiatives; developing common tools; stimulating the reflection and mobilising members.
The EWL Observatory’s main objectives are to identify critical and emerging issues in order to feed the policy work of the EWL to advocate for improved policies and service provision for prevention and support of women victims of male violence. It raises visibility of the phenomenon of male violence against women and monitors the commitments at local, regional, national and European level regarding violence against women, highlighting advances and set-backs, as well as providing relevant data. The EWL Observatory on violence against women brings together a group of 35 experts from 29 European countries and eight international women’s organisations. Find here a list of the current experts.
The EWL Observatory work on violence against women is in line with the EWL Charter of Principles adopted in 2007, reiterated in EWL 2016 factsheet on violence against women, and aligned with the EWL Position paper “Towards a Europe Free from All Forms of Male Violence against Women” adopted in 2010.
Find here the Terms of reference of the EWL observatory on violence against women, adopted in 2016.