Act against rape! Use the Istanbul Convention!

logos ewl and coe

The Council of Europe and the European Women’s Lobby joined forces in this project to promote the Istanbul Convention as a concrete tool for change to eradicate all forms of male violence against women and specifically rape.

Under the common slogan “Act against rape! Use the Istanbul Convention!”, a series of public events took place in 28 countries all over Europe around the 16 days of activism against violence against women between 25 November and 10 December.

Please, find the full report of the project here.

  • Successful mobilisation of EWL members across Europe: Act against rape! Promote the Istanbul Convention!

    Successful mobilisation of EWL members across Europe: Act against rape! Promote the Istanbul Convention!

    [Brussels, 20 December 2013] After several months of fruitful work and good cooperation, the joint project between the European Women’s Lobby and Council of Europe to has come to an end. During this time common our aim has been to raise awareness on the phenomenon of rape as a devastating form of violence against women and also to promote the Istanbul Convention.
    The European Women’s Lobby has coordinated this project in close cooperation with the EWL member organisations and the experts of (...) Read more

  • European Women’s Lobby at the EP in Strasbourg - MEPs join Women’s NGOs and the Council of Europe in their call for the Istanbul Convention as a tool to promote Women’s Rights and to eradicate Sexual Violence and Rape

    European Women's Lobby at the EP in Strasbourg - MEPs join Women's NGOs and the Council of Europe in their call for the Istanbul Convention as a tool to promote Women's Rights and to eradicate Sexual Violence and Rape

    [Strasbourg, 10 December 2013] On the occasion of the International Human Rights Day (10 December), the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) organised a round-table “Promote rights! Act against rape!”, co-hosted by MEPs Mikael Gustafsson and Antonyia Parvanova. The event was part of the Joint project with the Council of Europe “Act against Rape! Use the Istanbul Convention!”, closing the 16 Days of Activism against violence against women (25 November – 10 December). During this period, EWL members and (...) Read more

  • EWL-CoE Joint Action - Act Against Rape, Use the Istanbul Convention 2013 latest events

    EWL-CoE Joint Action - Act Against Rape, Use the Istanbul Convention 2013 latest events

    [Brussels, 9 December 2013] In the framework of the European Women’s Lobby - Council of Europe joint project : "Act against rape! Use the Istanbul Convention!", different events have taken place: Czech Republic, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Macedonia, Romania, Italy, UK, Turkey and Iceland.
    The aim of this project is to mobilise Europe against rape and to promote the Istanbul Convention. Everywhere in Europe we are urgently demanding justice and support for victims of rape. The Istanbul (...) Read more

  • EWL Video "Act against rape!" and EWL Press Release to mark the International Day for the Elimination of VAW.

    [Brussels, 25 November 2013] To mark International Day for the Elimination of Violence against women, the European Women’s Lobby launched on the 25th November a video-clip to speak out and draw attention to the fact that rape needs to be seriously addressed by the authorities in terms of access to justice, prevention and support to victims. As the video illustrates, the Istanbul Convention is a tool for change!
    Please, share this video in your social networks! #actagainstrape2013 (...) Read more

  • All the information on the events of this week (25 to 29 December)

    This week, the EWL member organisations have also held the events under the slogan: Act against rape! Use the Istanbul Convention!: in Croatia, Denmark, Lithuania, Malta, Portugal and Sweden
    On the 25th November, four events have been organised to mark the UN International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women:
    In Croatia: The Center for Women War Victims, ROSA organised the event together with the Parliamentary Committee for Gender Equality at the Croatian Parliament. 60 (...) Read more

  • Great success of the firsts events at EU level: France and Bulgaria

    Great success of the firsts events at EU level: France and Bulgaria

    This week, the EWL member organisations have also started to held the events under the slogan: Act against rape! Use the Istanbul Convention! 30 events that are going to take place all over Europe around the 16 days of activism against violence against women (25 November-10 December).
    On the 18th November 2013, the French Coordination of the European Women’s Lobby (CLEF) held in Paris the first event of the series: a European Conference on the topic of rape and to present the EWL Barometer (...) Read more

  • List of Events / Liste d’événements

    List of Events / Liste d'événements

    18 November , Paris, France 22 November, Sofia, Bulgaria 25 November, Zagreb, Croatia 25 November, Aarhus, Denmark 25 November, Stockholm, Sweden 25 November, Vilnius, Lithuania 25-26 November, Ljubljana, Slovenia 26 November, Valletta, Malta 27 November, Lisbon, Portugal 3 December, Kiev, Ukraine (postponed) 3 December, Prague, Czech Republic 4 December, Athens, Greece 4 December, Bucharest, Romania 4 December, Dublin, Ireland 4 December, Helsinki, Finland 4 December, Skopje, Macedonia 5 (...) Read more

  • First event of the EWL-COE Joint Action organised by CLEF in Paris on the 18th November

    First event of the EWL-COE Joint Action organised by CLEF in Paris on the 18th November

    The first event of the EWL-CoE joint action “Act against rape! Use the Istanbul Convention!” was organised by the French Coordination for the European Women’s Lobby (CLEF) in Paris on the 18th November 2013.
    The French Coordination for the European Women’s Lobby (CLEF) prepared a European Conference on the topic of rape and to present the EWL
    This event, opened by Ms. Brigitte Gontier Maurin (member of the Senate, President of the Delegation on women’s rights and equality of opportunities (...) Read more

  • First events in November!!

    First events in November!!

    France, 18th November at the premises of the French Coordination for the European Women’s Lobby: The president of the Delegation on women’s rights and equal opportunities in the Senate, Brigitte Gonthier-Maurin, and the president of the Feminist Association "Contre le Viol", Emmanuelle Piet, will attend the event together with several politicians, and experts from the EWL Observatory on Violence against Women.
    Bulgaria,22 of November: the National Coordinator of Women’s Lobby is organising (...) Read more

  • One month to go: Act against rape! Use the Istanbul Convention! Joint action of the Council of Europe and the European Women’s Lobby

    One month to go: Act against rape! Use the Istanbul Convention! Joint action of the Council of Europe and the European Women's Lobby

    (Brussels, 25 October) Under the common slogan “Act against rape! Use the Istanbul Convention!”, a series of public events will take place in 33 countries all over Europe during the sixteen days of activism against violence against women between 25 November and 10 December.
    Rape continues to be one of the most devastating forms of gender-based violence, yet it is too often a taboo subject and thus remains shrouded in silence.
    Wide mobilisation around Europe will urgently demand justice and (...) Read more


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