EWL work on violence against women

The EWL produces monitoring publications and lobbying materials on various aspects of violence against women in Europe, with support of the experts of the EWL Observatory on violence against women.

  • The EWL stand LOUD and UNITED to end violence against women and girls in Europe

    The EWL stand LOUD and UNITED to end violence against women and girls in Europe

    [Brussels 20 November 2019] Despite progress over the last decades on equality between women and men, there is no single country in the world, let alone in the EU, where women and girls are free from male violence. There is not a single area in any woman’s life where she is not exposed to male violence or the threat of male violence. Intimate partner violence, psychological violence, sexual violence and rape, female genital mutilation, sexual exploitation and trafficking, harassment and (...) Read more

  • EWL Observatory work on violence against women

    The EWL Observatory on Violence against women is a key player on the issue of violence against women at European level, counting with almost 20 years of experience. The EWL Observatory was set up in 1997, two years after the Beijing Declaration and Platform for action where the states committed to take action to combat on violence against women.
    Thanks to the extensive experience of its members all over Europe, the EWL Observatory has been a key laboratory of innovation and visibility. The (...) Read more

  • EWL Observatory on Violence against Women

    EWL Observatory on Violence against Women

    The EWL Observatory on Violence against women is a key player on the issue of violence against women at European level, counting with almost 20 years of experience. The EWL Observatory was set up in 1997, two years after the Beijing Declaration and Platform for action where the states committed to take action to combat on violence against women.
    Thanks to the extensive experience of its members all over Europe, the EWL Observatory has been a key laboratory of innovation and visibility. The (...) Read more

  • EWL Charter of principles on violence against women and position paper

    EWL work on violence against women is in line with the EWL Charter of Principles adopted in 2007, reiterated in EWL 2016 factsheet on violence against women, and aligned with the EWL Position paper “Towards a Europe Free from All Forms of Male Violence against Women” adopted in 2010. Read more

  • EWL publications and projects on violence against women

    EWL and the Council of Europe joint forces in the project: "Act against rape! Use the Istanbul Convention!". This project aimed at raising awareness on the provisions on the Istanbul Convention regarding rape and to promote the Convention as a concrete tool for change to eradicate all forms of male violence against women and specifically rape. Public events were organised in 28 countries around Europe and in the European Parliament during the 16 days of activism against violence against (...) Read more


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