EWL News

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  • For Women, by Women – Romnjanca Romnjange: Roma Women in Focus Conference

    For Women, by Women – Romnjanca Romnjange: Roma Women in Focus Conference

    [Brussels, 12 April 2011] The European Women’s Lobby and its Hungarian members last week organised in Budapest a successful conference on Roma Women in Central and Eastern Europe.
    Despite the existence of strong anti-discrimination legislation and policies to promote the inclusion of the Roma in many countries, evidence shows that discrimination against the Roma persists, notably in education, employment, health care, housing, and access to justice and public services. It has (...) Read more

  • The Council of Europe Convention on violence against women adopted!

    The Council of Europe Convention on violence against women adopted!

    [Brussels, 08 April 2011] The EWL is delighted to announce the success of its lobbying campaign ’Towards a Strong Convention on All Forms of Male Violence against Women’ with the adoption of the Convention on 07 April.
    After almost two years of negotiation, the Ministers’ Deputies adopted the Council of Europe (CoE) Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence on Thursday 7 April 2011. The Convention was finalised by the CAHVIO committee in January, (...) Read more

  • EWL welcomes EP demand for an EU Strategy on violence against women

    EWL welcomes EP demand for an EU Strategy on violence against women

    [Brussels, 05 April 2011] The European Parliament today adopted the report on ‘priorities and outline of a new EU policy framework to fight violence against women’, drafted by MEP Eva-Britt Svensson.
    The EWL warmly welcomes this vote, which demonstrates the common concerns of the members of the European Parliament to combat this pervasive human rights violation. The report is a very strong political document which highlights the need for an EU action against all forms of violence against (...) Read more

  • EWL representatives set to discuss prostitution and trafficking on occasion on Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery

    EWL representatives set to discuss prostitution and trafficking on occasion on Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery

    [Brussels, 05 April 2011] EWL staff member Pierrette Pape and representative of the EWL member organisation MONA Foundation for the Women of Hungary), Andrea Matolcsi, will give a question and answer session following the screening next week of the documentary Redlight, touching on the issues of prostitution and trafficking. The screening is organised on the occasion of the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery by the United Nations in partnership with the Goethe (...) Read more

  • Sweden - EWL members condemn surrogacy as a form of exploitation of women’s bodies and reproductive organs

    Sweden - EWL members condemn surrogacy as a form of exploitation of women's bodies and reproductive organs

    [Brussels, 04 April 2011] On 27 March, EWL member organisation the Swedish Women’s Lobby issued a Statement in support of EU action to fight violence against women. On this occasion, the General Assembly of the Swedish Women’s Lobby also condemned the increasing popularity of surrogacy as a violation of women’s reproductive rights. Read the Statement below.
    Statement from Swedish Women’s Lobby’s General Assembly, 27 March 2011
    We the participates of the General Assembly state our support for (...) Read more

  • Conny Reuter re-elected president of the Social Platform

    Conny Reuter re-elected president of the Social Platform

    [Brussels, 07 April 2011] The General Assembly of the European Platform of Social NGOs (Social Platform), of which the EWL is a member, has elected a new Management Committee and welcomed three new full member organisations.
    Conny Reuter, Secretary General of SOLIDAR, will start his second term as President of the Social Platform. Rodolfo Cattani, executive committee member of European Disability Forum, Michaela Moser, executive committee member of European Anti-Poverty Network, and Julien (...) Read more

  • EWL speaks about gender equal reconciliation policies in Hungarian EU Presidency conference

    EWL speaks about gender equal reconciliation policies in Hungarian EU Presidency conference

    [Brussels, 30 March 2011] The EWL reiterated its call for inclusive family policies that promote gender equality in a high-level conference on the impact of reconciliation policies on demographic trends organized by the Hungarian EU Presidency 28-29 March.
    Speaking in panel discussion on the impact of reconciliation policies on fertility and fatherhood roles, the EWL reminded that reconciliation policies should not only be on the agenda because of their contribution to fertility rates, (...) Read more

  • EWL signs the European Charter for Health Equity

    EWL signs the European Charter for Health Equity

    [Brussels, 28 March 2011] The EWL has signed the European Charter for Health Equity of the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA).
    Rapidly increasing economic and political pressures put even more burden on socially deprived, most vulnerable and under-served population groups - increasing the health gap. We need to do much more than waiting for the EU to act; we need to go beyond “traditional” separated way of thinking.
    That was a driver for EPHA to create the European Charter for Health (...) Read more

  • EWL calls for inclusive family policies that advance equality between women and men

    EWL calls for inclusive family policies that advance equality between women and men

    [Brussels, 25 March 2011] The EWL is concerned about the lack of a women’s rights and gender equality perspective and about the narrow definition of family in recent European family policy discussions that focus on increasing birth rates.
    In the statement issued ahead of the thematic week "Europe for Families, Families for Europe" organized by the Hungarian EU Presidency from 28 March to 01 April, the EWL also notes that the current EU-level interest in families has the potential to start a (...) Read more

  • EWL says EU’s financial framework must be gender sensitive

    EWL says EU's financial framework must be gender sensitive

    [Brussels, 24 March 2011] The EWL requires more targeted financing for fundamental rights, social justice and equality between women and men, and a gender responsive approach to the future EU financial framework in a high level hearing.
    The EWL spoke on 21 March in high-level hearing on the next EU multi-annual financial framework organized by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) where civil society organizations had a possibility to exchange views with the EU Commissioner (...) Read more



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