EWL News

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  • Malta - EWL members point out gender equality gaps in Malta

    [B’Kara, 8 March 2011] This year, the Malta Confederation of Women’s Organisations (MCWO) is celebrating the first hundred years since the first time women raised their collective voice to demand the right to vote and safe conditions of work in the first wave of feminism. Over the years women continued to demand an end to discrimination and implementation of equality between women and men in all societies.
    While today is a day of celebration, there is still a lot that needs doing. MCWO has (...) Read more

  • Governments Eliminating Violence: Time to Stand Up Not Stand By, say EWL members

    Governments Eliminating Violence: Time to Stand Up Not Stand By, say EWL members

    [8 March 2011] The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, Soroptimist International and World YWCA, representing the voices of girls, young women and women from all corners of the globe, call upon governments and the international community to recognize that the full extent of the commitments in CEDAW, the Beijing Platform for Action, and the agreed conclusions from the 51st session of CSW have not been realised. We call upon governments to increase political will and investment (...) Read more

  • EWL publishes new facts & figures thematic resource

    EWL publishes new facts & figures thematic resource

    [Brussels, 03 March 2011] In the lead up to International Women’s Day 2011, the EWL has for the second year running prepared a thematic briefing on gender equality in Europe today. For each theme, you will find key facts and figures, as well as quotes from the EWL ready to use. With full references included, this is a valuable resource to keep on hand for the coming year. Contents: Women in Decision-Making Women’s Economic Independance Violence against Women Education and Training of Women (...) Read more

  • Economic policy governance without a women’s rights’ perspective undermines the inclusive objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy, says EWL

    Economic policy governance without a women's rights' perspective undermines the inclusive objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy, says EWL

    [Brussels, 04 March 2011] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) contributes to the first full-scale national level implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy and to the first European Semester of economic policy coordination by highlighting the implications that gender-blind policy guidance have for European women who already bear the brunt of the effects of the crisis and austerity measures. The EWL makes three recommendations for the integration of a women’s rights and gender equality (...) Read more

  • First European Equal Pay Day must be followed by concrete targets and multidimensional strategy, says European Women’s Lobby

    [Brussels, 04 March 2011] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) today welcomed the launch of the first ever European Equal Pay Day that will in 2011 fall on Saturday 05 March, an initiative that already existed in many Member States and that is supported by women’s organisations. The concept of Equal Pay Day aims to illustrate the gap between women’s and men’s wages in Europe which stands currently at 17,5% : the average European woman would have to work until 5 March 2011 to earn the same income as (...) Read more

  • ECJ ruling against sex discrimination in insurances key victory for women’s rights, say civil society organisations

    ECJ ruling against sex discrimination in insurances key victory for women's rights, say civil society organisations

    [Brussels, 02 March 2011] The European Court of Justice (ECJ) yesterday delivered its ruling in the Test-Achats case (C-236/09) concerning sex discrimination in insurance premiums. The EU’s highest Court ruled that different insurance premiums for women and men are not compatible with the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights. Member States are not allowed to derogate from the principle of equality between women and men in their national legislation. The ‘opt out’ clause in the Council’s Directive (...) Read more

  • EU Member States must guarantee equality by giving migrant women autonomous status, says EWL Associate Member, the European Network of Migrant Women

    EU Member States must guarantee equality by giving migrant women autonomous status, says EWL Associate Member, the European Network of Migrant Women

    [Brussels, 28 February 2011] Officials, experts and representatives of civil society gathered today in Brussels for the launch of the third edition of the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX), a long-term project which evaluates and compares what governments are doing to promote the integration of migrants in all EU Member States and several non-EU countries. Among the findings of the latest report is an issue of particular concern to the European Network of Migrant Women (ENoMW): few (...) Read more

  • EWL calls for paternity leave as a precondition for more work-life balance for both women and men

    EWL calls for paternity leave as a precondition for more work-life balance for both women and men

    [Brussels, 25 February 2011] On Tuesday 22 February, the EWL submitted its response to the European Commission’s Stakeholder Consultation on possible EU measures in the area of paternity leave. In its contribution, the EWL highlighted how EU measures in the area of paternity leave would be an important contribution to moving towards an equal share of care work between parents, to a more equal sharing of paid and unpaid work between women and men, and to the promotion of gender equality.
    The (...) Read more

  • EWL submits amendments to the CSW draft Conclusions

    EWL submits amendments to the CSW draft Conclusions

    [New York, 24 February 2011] The European Women’s Lobby is currently actively contributing to the debate on the draft conclusions of the UN 2011 Commission on the Status of Women conclusions. Please find below the EWL amendments to the conclusions on “Access and participation of women and girls to education, training, science and technology, including for the promotion of women’s equal access to full employment and decent work”.
    Draft presented by: Bureau of the Commission on the Status of (...) Read more

  • EWL members in Turkey launch feminist publishing house

    EWL members in Turkey launch feminist publishing house

    [Ankara, 23 February 2011] Ayizi Kitap Publishing House - the first feminist publishing house - was this week founded in Turkey by a number of influential feminists linked to the EWL. Ilknur Ustun - former country coordinator of the EWL in Turkey, Selma Acuner - former delegate to the EWL Administrative Board from Turkey - and Akus Bora - well-known feminist academic and activist - are the founders of the publishing house. In addition, Ms Hatice Simten Cosar, member of the EWL Board of (...) Read more



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