EWL News

News typewritter Latest news from the European Women’s Lobby in Brussels

  • European Disability Forum awaits implementation of EU commitments

    European Disability Forum awaits implementation of EU commitments

    [EDF, Brussels, 21 February 2011] Leaders of the European disability movement debated during the weekend about the main issues that European Union institutions will be dealing with in the upcoming months. These were formed after very decisive developments in disability rights legislation and policies in 2010. European citizens are feeling the effects of the financial crisis in their everyday lives and we want to ensure that the rights of persons with disabilities are protected and promoted (...) Read more

  • Does Italy fear women’s financial power? EWL Coordination in Italy reacts to attempts to block legal quotas for women’s representation on company boards

    Does Italy fear women's financial power? EWL Coordination in Italy reacts to attempts to block legal quotas for women's representation on company boards

    [Rome, 18 February 2011] The Italian Coordination which represents twenty among the major national women’s associations, networks and groups within the European Women’s Lobby in Brussels, expresses its criticism about what is happening Italy in last days.
    The very recent attempt by Confindustria (Entrapreneurs’ National Association), ABI (National Banks’ Association) and ANIA (National Insurances’s Association) along with 53 amendments, to the draft law in matters of quotas on the Boards of (...) Read more

  • EWL joins other NGOs in requesting Consultation on EU Roma Strategy

    EWL joins other NGOs in requesting Consultation on EU Roma Strategy

    [Brussels, 15 February 2011] A group of European and Hungarian Romani and non-Romani organisations sent a letter to the Hungarian government, currently holding the EU presidency, and the European Commission, appealing for open consultation with NGOs on EU Roma policy related initiatives. Brigitte Triems, EWL President, co-signed the letter on behalf of the organisation.
    Recognising the important commitment of the Hungarian Presidency and the European Commission to developing a European (...) Read more

  • EWL delighted at acquittal of Pinar Selek - extends support for continuing struggle

    EWL delighted at acquittal of Pinar Selek - extends support for continuing struggle

    [Brussels, 11 February 2011] The EWL and the EWL Coordination in Turkey are delighted at the news of the acquittal of Turkish feminist activist Pinar Selek. In June 2010, the EWL adopted an Emergency Motion at its General Assembly calling for support for Pinar Selek. The EWL and its membership will continue to extend this support through any further proceedings faced by Ms. Selek. Below, read the EWL Emergency Motion, and an article by the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights on (...) Read more

  • EWL members in Cyprus tie up project on preventing gender-based violence among young people

    EWL members in Cyprus tie up project on preventing gender-based violence among young people

    To mark the closing of the Daphne III project ‘Perspective’, which focused on developing and implementing strategies aiming at preventing gender-based violence among young people, EWL member the Mediterranean Institute for Gender Studies (MIGS) is happy to make available project information leaflets developed within in the context of an information campaign targeting secondary education students and teachers with the aim to raise awareness on gender-based violence as well provide general (...) Read more

  • EWL Executive Member discusses women’s economic participation with Croatian PM

    EWL Executive Member discusses women's economic participation with Croatian PM

    [Brussels, 01 February 2011] EWL Executive Committee member Rada Boric last week met with with Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor to advocate for the opening of the Regional Centre for women’s entrepreneurship, and leadership in economy. Jadranka Kosor, who took office in July 2009, is the first woman head of government in Croatia. Read below a report of the meeting published on the Croatian government’s website (in Croatian).
    Predsjednica Vlade Republike Hrvatske Jadranka Kosor sastala (...) Read more

  • WILPF and YWCA meet with CEDAW Committee

    WILPF and YWCA meet with CEDAW Committee

    [Brussels, 02 February 2011] EWL member assosociation, the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) last week joined the World Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) for a meeting with the United Nation’s Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) to discuss in particular the ’Women, Peace and Security’ agenda, and women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights. Read the World YWCA report below.
    On January 24, the World YWCA and the Women’s (...) Read more

  • Vacancy at the EWL for a temporary Policy Officer

    Vacancy at the EWL for a temporary Policy Officer

    March- June 2011
    Deadline for applications: 10.02.2011
    The EWL is seeking to recruit a temporary full-time Policy Officer to work as part of its Policy Team, assisting the EWL in its work on a variety of projects, especially but not restricted to the area of violence against women. The specific tasks, as described below, will be carried out in the EWL Secretariat in Brussels (...) Read more

  • EWL’s Pierrette Pape discusses the abolition of the system of prostitution

    EWL's Pierrette Pape discusses the abolition of the system of prostitution

    [Brussels, 28 January 2011] On 23 November 2010, the Belgian NGO CEFA organized a screening of the movie ‘Not for sale’ in the framework of a series of film-debates ‘Take back the night’. This was the occasion for a discussion surrounding the issue of prostitution, which is both little known and trivialized.
    Three speakers were invited to feed into the debate: Marie Vermeiren; ‘Not for sale’ director, Pascale Maquestiau, in charge of the campaign ‘Prostitution: at the intersection between sexual (...) Read more

  • Council of Europe finalises first European Convention on Violence against Women!

    Council of Europe finalises first European Convention on Violence against Women!

    [Brussels, 28 January 2011] At its 9th and last meeting held in Strasbourg between 18 and 21 January 2011, the Ad Hoc Committee on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (CAHVIO) has finalised the text of the Convention of the Council of Europe on violence against women (VAW), and the Explanatory Memorandum.
    The draft Convention had been transmitted to the Committee of Ministers, who in turn transmitted it to the Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) for its opinion. (...) Read more



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