EWL News

News typewritter Latest news from the European Women’s Lobby in Brussels

  • EC Advisory Committee issues Opinion on breaking gender stereotypes in the media

    EC Advisory Committee issues Opinion on breaking gender stereotypes in the media

    [Brussels, 26 January 2010] The European Commission Advisory Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men, to which the EWL has been an active participant, has issued its Opinion on women and the media.
    The Committee Recommendations cover: The promotion of women’s equal participation in expression and decision-making in and through the media; The promotion of balanced and diverse portrayals of women and men in the media; How the media could be an active partner in the promotion of (...) Read more

  • EWL and Civil Society Contact Group say EU budget must respect and promote the values and rights of the Union

    EWL and Civil Society Contact Group say EU budget must respect and promote the values and rights of the Union

    [Brussels, 21 January 2011] The Civil Society Contact Group, of which the EWL is an active member, has issued a Statement on the European Commission Communication on the Budget Review.
    In particular, the EWL and its partners argue that the budget review should be underpinned and guided by the following pronciples: The EU budget must respect and promote the values and rights as outlined in the Lisbon Treaty and contribute to achieving the Treaty aims and objectives; EU money is public money (...) Read more

  • Malta Confederation of Women’s Organisations elects new Chairwoman

    Malta Confederation of Women's Organisations elects new Chairwoman

    [Valetta, 18 January 2011] At the 2010 Annual General Meeting of EWL national member organisation the Malta Confederation of Women’s Organisations (MCWO), Renee Laiviera was elected the new chairperson.
    Ms Laiviera takes over the helm from Anna Borg who has served her mandatory 4-year term with great dedication and enthusiasm and in no small way brought greater visibility to the Confederation.
    The MCWO is an umbrella organisation that represents 15 local member organisations which (...) Read more

  • EDF expects results on a disability strategy following strong commitments from the Commission

    EDF expects results on a disability strategy following strong commitments from the Commission

    Following the recent ratification by the EU of the UN Convention the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (see EWL news of 06 January 2011), EWL member organisation the European Disability Forum (EDF) is expecting rapid and effective implementation.
    [EDF Press Release - Brussels, 17 January 2011] Shortly before the entry into force of the UN Convention on 22 January, Commission Vice-President Viviane Reding addressed the Disability Intergroup at the European Parliament along with EDF (...) Read more

  • WILPF publishes new edition of PeaceWomen

    WILPF publishes new edition of PeaceWomen

    [Brussels. 17 January 2010] EWL member organisation the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) has issued the 121st edition of PeaceWomen ENews, featuring women, peace and security news, events and resources from peacewomen.org.
    This issue is titled ’An Active Agenda for Women’s Advocates in 2011’ and includes: 1. Editorial by Michelle Reyf 2. Women, Peace and Security News 3. Featured WPS Events, Resources & Initiatives 4. Security Council Monitor 5. Translation (...) Read more

  • EDF welcomes EU ratification of UN disability convention

    EDF welcomes EU ratification of UN disability convention

    The EWL and its member organisation the European Disability Forum (EDF) celebrate a landmark victory in human rights battle as EU signs UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
    [EDF Press Release - Brussels, 5 January 2011] The European Union has officially ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on 23 December, becoming the first intergovernmental group to sign on to any human rights treaty. The European disability movement worked hard to (...) Read more

  • Czech Republic: Not a Country for women?

    Czech Republic: Not a Country for women?

    by Alexandra Jachanova Dolezelova, member of the Czech Women’s Lobby and Vice-President of the European Women’s Lobby
    The concluding observations of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against women from October 2010 alert to a persistent lack of special measures for improving the situation of women in the Czech Republic, including with regards to such important issues as discrimination in the labour market or domestic violence.
    The Czech Republic occupies the 65th rank of (...) Read more

  • EWL issues Position Paper on violence against women

    EWL issues Position Paper on violence against women

    [Brussels, 21 December 2010] The European Women’s Lobby has adopted and published a Position Paper entitled ’Towards a Europe free from all forms of male violence against women’ which comprises the position and recommendations of its membership on the serious issue of male violence against women in the EU. The document gives a strong analysis of male violence against women as the main structural expression of gender inequality and denounces its persistence in the 21st Century as an archaic (...) Read more

  • EWL delighted at appointment of current Secretary General to post of EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator

    EWL delighted at appointment of current Secretary General to post of EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator

    [Brussels, 15 December 2010] The European Commission yesterday announced the appointment of Ms. Myria Vassiliadou, current Secretary General of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) to the new post of European Anti-Trafficking Coordinator. According to the Commission press release, Ms. Vassiliadou will ‘elaborate existing and new EU policies relevant to the fight against trafficking and provide overall strategic policy orientation for the EU’s external policy in this field’.
    Reacting to the news, (...) Read more



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