EWL News

News typewritter Latest news from the European Women’s Lobby in Brussels

  • Pensions: a social right for all, says EWL

    Pensions: a social right for all, says EWL

    In a joint Press Release with the European Youth Forum (EYF) and the AGE Platform Europe, the EWL has called on the European Union to increase coordination on all pension schemes and to ensure any reforms include a gender perspective and work towards adequate and sustainable pensions for all.
    "Most reforms proposed or introduced recently will lead to greater risk of poverty of women in old age as nothing is done to address the discrimination that women suffer both in employment and (...) Read more

  • Commission launches new EU disability strategy

    Commission launches new EU disability strategy

    [Brussels, 15 November 2010] Viviane Reding today announced the adoption of a 10 year strategy which promotes equal opportunities for people with disabilities at the 4th Equality Summit organised by the Belgian Presidency of the European Union. The main goal of the strategy is to bring the EU into line with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Although all EU governments signed the convention in 2007, so far only 16 have ratified it and taken on the (...) Read more

  • MIGS Launches Information Campaign on Gender-based Violence among Young People

    MIGS Launches Information Campaign on Gender-based Violence among Young People

    [Nicosia, 4 November 2010] Within the framework of the Daphne III project ‘Perspective’, the Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies [MIGS] is launching an awareness raising campaign on gender-based violence in interpersonal relationships. The main aim of the campaign is to inform young people and the general public on the different forms of gender based violence as experienced in intimate and other interpersonal adolescent relationships. The campaign with the main slogan ‘Violence is never (...) Read more

  • World’s most powerful feminists: Eve Ensler includes EWL Executive member Rada Boric in her top 7!

    World's most powerful feminists: Eve Ensler includes EWL Executive member Rada Boric in her top 7!

    Forbes Magazine asked Eve Ensler to share her list of the world’s seven most powerful feminists. "It is actually an oxymoron to identify the world’s seven most powerful feminists—the exclusionary nature of that determination is a patriarchal construct in itself. Still, I simply couldn’t resist the chance to highlight the great and often invisible work of grassroots feminists..." stated Eve. Among her picks: Rada Boric of Croatia; Agnes Pareiyo of Kenya; Christine Schuler-Deschryver of the (...) Read more

  • LGTBI rights in Europe - EWL participates in ILGA Europe Annual Conference

    LGTBI rights in Europe - EWL participates in ILGA Europe Annual Conference

    [Brussels, 29 October 2010] On 27-28th October, EWL Secretary General Myria Vassiliadou attended the 14th ILGA-Europe’s Annual Conference under the theme ’Expressing our differences, challenging our prejudices, developing our alliances’ where she addressed the participants in the first plenary on European Policies on Human Rights of LGBTI people, together with Hans Ytterberg, Director General at Swedish Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality and Detlev Boeing from European Commission, (...) Read more

  • ’Who takes care of those who care?’ - EWL Secretary General moderates panel discussion on EU Health Workforce

    'Who takes care of those who care?' - EWL Secretary General moderates panel discussion on EU Health Workforce

    [Brussels, 25 October 2010] EWL Secretary General, Myria Vassiliadou, will this coming Wednesday 27 October moderate an event organised in the European Parliament by the European Federation of Nurses Associations and the European Public Health Alliance. In their joint press release (below), these two organisations call for increased attention to the needs and rights of health sector workers. EU HEALTH WORKFORCE

  • EWL celebrates 20 years with big party, and a hot debate

    EWL celebrates 20 years with big party, and a hot debate

    [Brussels, 24 October 2010] On the evening of Friday 15 October, the EWL celebrated its 20 years with more than 350 guests at an evening event at Les Brigittines in Brussels. Organised around the theme of ’21st Century Feminism’, guests were invited to view the interpretations of young photographers from throughout Europe, to enjoy the European Premiere performance of two of Eve Ensler’s (author of The Vagina Monologues) new pieces from ’I Am an Emotional Creature’, to party with the feminist (...) Read more

  • Czech Women’s Lobby’s Shadow Report to the CEDAW

    Czech Women's Lobby's Shadow Report to the CEDAW

    [Prague, 11 October 2010] The Czech Women’s Lobby (CWL), as a network of 21 NGO’s and academic institutions focusing on gender equality, submitted Shadow Report to the United Nations Committee on Elimination of Discrimination against Women, commenting on the combined Fourth and Fifth Periodic Reports of the Czech Republic, submitted under Article 18 of the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. On October 11, the chair of the Czech Women’s (...) Read more

  • EWL member appointed Vice President of UN Enable

    EWL member appointed Vice President of UN Enable

    EWL Board member/European Disability Forum Executive member Ana Pelaez, has been appointed Vice President of the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities until 2012.
    Ana Peláez Narváez holds a Degree in Science of Education, a Degree in Psychology and Master’s Degree in Special Needs for People with Disabilities and PhD courses in quality of life.
    She is currently the Director of International Relations at the Spanish National Organisation of the Blind (ONCE), executive (...) Read more

  • EWL calls for amendments to ensure gender-sensitivity in Recast Qualifications Directive

    EWL calls for amendments to ensure gender-sensitivity in Recast Qualifications Directive

    EWL, Asylum Aid and ILGA Europe proposal for amendments on the Commission’s proposal for a Directive of the
    European Parliament and of the Council on minimum standards for the qualification and status of third country
    nationals or stateless persons as beneficiaries of the international protection and the content of the protection
    granted (recast).
    [Brussels, 15 September 2010] The EWL, in cooperation with the Asylum Aid and ILGA-Europe, has written to Jean Lambert, Green MEP and Rapporteur (...) Read more



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