EWL News

News typewritter Latest news from the European Women’s Lobby in Brussels

  • The State of Women’s Rights in Cyprus

    The State of Women's Rights in Cyprus

    AWID interview with Susana Pavlou, Director of the Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies (MIGS), the EWL’s member organisation in Cyprus.
    AWID FRIDAY FILE: How do women fare in the prosperous Mediterranean nation of Cyprus?
    By Kathambi Kinoti
    Cyprus is a nation with a rich cultural history that stretches back over many centuries.Its modern history has been dominated by the territorial conflict between Turkey and Greece, and it is a unique nation, prosperous in some ways and challenged (...) Read more

  • Solidarity - Recognise the historic contribution of women!

    Solidarity - Recognise the historic contribution of women!

    In light of the 30th anniversary of the Solidarity movement in Poland on 30th August 2010, EWL member NEWW/NEWW-Polska sent a letter to the Polish President calling for the due recognition of the women who were active in this historic movement. NEWW/NEWW-Polska also called for the European Solidarity Center newly established by the authorities in Gdansk to assign a space for women to educate, conduct research, to honor and to celebrate their role.
    Read the (...) Read more

  • Sweden - Positive results for the evaluation of the ban on the purchase of sexual services

    Sweden - Positive results for the evaluation of the ban on the purchase of sexual services

    The evaluation of the ban on the purchase of sexual services
    Sweden became the first country in the world to introduce legislation criminalizing the purchase of sexual services but not the sale.
    During 2009-2010 there has been an evaluation of the ban. The remit was to evaluate the application of the ban and the effects that the prohibition has had. One starting point was that the purchase of sexual services was to remain criminalized. There is a clear link between the existence of (...) Read more

  • New law in France on Violence

    New law in France on Violence

    France has adopted a new law relating specifically to violence against women, violence within relationships and the impact of the latter on children. Here you can read an article (in French) by Michèle Vianès, vice-president of the French coordination of the European Women’s Lobby (CLEF), expert for France in the EWL Observatory on violence against women. Read more

  • Possible Future EU Strategy to Combat Violence against Women

    Possible Future EU Strategy to Combat Violence against Women

    [Brussels, 27 July 2010] The EWL’s Centre on Violence has completed and published its Contribution to the EC Consultation on a possible future EU Strategy to combat violence against women (VAW) initiated by EC Directorate General Justice, Freedom and Security. The Contribution covers the main points of the EWL’s position and demands in the context of male violence against women; it highlight the structural character of VAW, rooted in inequality between women and men, the need to focus on all (...) Read more

  • Jury out for EWL Photo Competition 2010

    The EWL’s High-Profile jury for its Photo Competition 2010 ’My World: Visions of 21st Century Feminism’ is busy evaluating the shortlisted 40 photos or series of photos. The EWL received hundreds of entrants from all over Europe and is delighted by the quality of the work. ’You can tell, says EWL Communications and Media Officer, Leanda Barrington-Leach, that these young women have put a lot of time and effort into their work. There is a lot of talent out there!’.
    The jury’s verdict is expected (...) Read more

  • Protest against closure of Romanian National Agency for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men

    The Partnership for Equality Centerand the FILIA Center(member of Romanian Women’s Lobby), supported by the Romanian Women’s Lobby and others NGOs from Romania, sent on 7 July a protest letter to the Prime Minister and Minister of Labour regarding the improper decision to abolish the National Agency for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men. The letter underlined that the decision ignores the EU call for more attention to be given to vulnerable groups and gender equality, especially in the (...) Read more

  • EWL workshop on ’lifestyles’ during EC seminar on Women and Health

    EWL workshop on 'lifestyles' during EC seminar on Women and Health

    The EWL contributed to the organization of the Seminar on Women’s Health/Gender and Health organised by the European Commission Directorate General for Health and Consumers which took place in Brussels on 7 July 2010.
    The aim of the seminar was to feed into European policies on gender equality and health. The seminar comprised 4 workshops on mental health, ageing and reproductive health and rights. The EWL coordinated the workshop on ‘Lifestyles’ during the seminar, to which we invited (...) Read more

  • CoE Convention will focus on ALL forms of violence against women

    CoE Convention will focus on ALL forms of violence against women

    Update on the CAHVIO and the EWL Campaign ’Towards a Strong Council of Europe Convention on All Forms of Male Violence against Women’
    [Brussels, 01 July 2010] The CAHVIO (Ad hoc Committee on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence) met in Strasbourg from 29 June-2 July to discuss the second draft of its Convention on Violence against Women. The difficulties to reach a consensus on the scope of the convention finally were overcome on the last day of the meeting (...) Read more

  • EWL welcomes EC proposal for a new Directive on human trafficking

    EWL welcomes EC proposal for a new Directive on human trafficking

    The European Women’s Lobby welcomes the European Commission’s proposal for a new Directive on trafficking in human beings, as this legal instrument aims at further approximating legislation and penalties, ensuring successful prosecution of perpetrators, better protection of and assistance to victims, and prevention of trafficking. The EWL particularly welcomes the focus on measures to assist, support and protect victims, and the inclusion of provisions aiming at preventing trafficking in (...) Read more



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