EWL News

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  • NGOs applaud UN recognition of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) as human rights

    NGOs applaud UN recognition of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) as human rights

    [Brussels, 05 July 2013] On 01 and 02 July 2013, two United Nations organisations, UNECE and UNFPA (see below), organised the regional conference “Enabling choices: population priorities for the 21st century” at the United Nations in Geneva. The European Women’s Lobby is pleased to see that the outcomes of the conference, compiled in the Chair’s summary, include strong language about sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and clear links between gender equality, an end to violence (...) Read more

  • EWL Danish members support Denmark’s intention to accede to the Istanbul Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence

    EWL Danish members support Denmark's intention to accede to the Istanbul Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence

    [Copenhagen, 27 June, 2013] On 27 June 2013, the Danish government has decided to sign the European Convention on violence against women. The Ministry of Justice has examined to what consequences it would have for Danish law to accede to the Convention. According to a new legal review of the Justice Department there will be no major regulatory problems.
    The Danish Women’s Council has long pressed for Danish membership of the Convention, and therefore we are pleased with this decision. (...) Read more

  • EWL co-organises the 1st ever European Citizens Summit

    EWL co-organises the 1st ever European Citizens Summit

    [Brussels 24 + 25 June ] A unique gathering of European citizens and NGO representatives from all major civil society sectors discussing how to create a fairer, more socially-focused and sustainable future for Europe came together in Brussels on the 24th and 25th of June. Organised by the Civil Society Contact Group (CSCG), of which the EWL is a member, and DEEEP, this assembly brought together the ultimate stakeholders in decision making, the citizens, just days before the European (...) Read more

  • Bad practice and hiring discrimination: our latest story comes from Brussels

    Bad practice and hiring discrimination: our latest story comes from Brussels

    [Brussels, 28 June, 2013] In our work on economic and social policies and in the context of our maternity leave campaign ’2 years overdue’, we’re collecting stories and testimony from women who have experienced discrimination in their lives due to their pregnancies.
    Our latest story comes from Sylvie , who faced a combination of bad practice, unprofessionalism and sexism, highlighting discrimination in the interview and hiring process of her latest job application.
    “I first became aware of (...) Read more

  • EWL Vice President Rada Boric recognised for services to Feminism

    EWL Vice President Rada Boric recognised for services to Feminism

    [Zagreb 25 June] On the occasion of Croatian National Day, the 25th of June and Croatian accession to the EU, entering into force on the 1st of July, Rada Boric, EWL Board member and Vice-President was decorated by Croatian president Ivo Josipovic for her "outstanding contribution to the promotion and protection of women’s rights in the Republic of Croatia, countries of the region and in the European Union, her years-long contribution to the fight against violence against women and her work (...) Read more

  • Polish Women’s Lobby launches national debate on prostitution and trafficking in women and girls

    Polish Women's Lobby launches national debate on prostitution and trafficking in women and girls

    [Warsaw, 25 June 2013] By organizing a conference entitled “Prostitution and trafficking in women: what has Poland got to do with it”, the Polish Women’s Lobby upped the momentum for a national debate on the issue of prostitution and its links with gender equality. Organised in the meeting room of the Rosa Luxembourg Foundation, in the framework of the European Women’s Lobby’s campaign “Together for a Europe free from prostitution”, the event brought together the Polish Minister for Equal (...) Read more

  • EWL Event - "More than lip service? Practising gender parity and diversity across EU Institutions"

    EWL Event - "More than lip service? Practising gender parity and diversity across EU Institutions"

    [Brussels, 26 June 2013] Join the European Women’s Lobby (EWL), the 50/50 Campaign Core Group MEP’s and members of the European Political Mentoring Network to discuss practical resources and tools to make gender parity and diversity a reality in European decision-making.
    Date: Wednesday 10 July
    Time: 13:15-14:45
    Venue: European Parliament (Room: ASP A3F383)
    Attendees are invited to join us for:
    The launch of the 50/50 Campaign website and mentoring blog including resources you can use to (...) Read more

  • The Sexist Piggy - a competition for the most sexist ads in the Czech Republic

    The Sexist Piggy - a competition for the most sexist ads in the Czech Republic

    [Prague, 26 June 2013] The Sexist Piggy is a competition for the most sexist advertisement in the Czech Republic. It has been organized since 2009 by NESEHNUTI, a Czech social and environmental NGO, and member of the Czech Women’s Lobby. The aim of the competition is to point out the excessive use of gender stereotypes and discriminatory presentation of women and men in advertising. The competition includes billboards, as well as printed, online and TV ads. The purpose is not to offend (...) Read more

  • Successful launch of EWL Barometer on Rape

    Successful launch of EWL Barometer on Rape

    [Brussels, 18 June 2013] On Tuesday 18 June, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) publicly launched its Barometer on rape, thanks to the support of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. The event took place in the European Parliament; two if its members, Ms Mary Honeyball and Ms Nicole Kiil-Nielsen,spoke about the urgency to address the issue as many women in Europe face this pervasive violation of their human rights. Raluca Popa presented the Council of Europe Convention on Violence against women (...) Read more

  • EWL members reach out to refugees in Belgium

    EWL members reach out to refugees in Belgium

    [Brussels 20 June] EWL Belgian members Nederlandstalige Vrouwenraad (Dutch speaking women’s council of Belgium), would like, on the occasion of World Refugee Day on June 20th, to draw your attention to the situation of women refugees in Belgium.
    In 2012, there were about 21,463 refugees in Belgium. One third of them were women. They mostly seek refuge in Belgium for the same reasons as men, but the number of gender specific reasons grows. Very often in their home countries, they are (...) Read more



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