EWL News

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  • One Billion Rising: huge mobilisation in Brussels!

    One Billion Rising: huge mobilisation in Brussels!

    [Brussels, 15 February 2013] “No woman in this world should have to cry. No woman in this world should have to die!” On the tune "Rise Up, Stand Up!" more than 800 people gathered yesterday in Brussels, Place de la Monnaie, for One Billion Rising.
    Notwithstanding the cold weather, a crowd overfilled the square in the very centre of Brussels dancing together with EWL staff on the original song written and sung by Mary-Ann Struthers and Guy Rens and choreographied by Pierrette Pape. An (...) Read more

  • UK: EWL members put the abolition of prostitution on the agenda

    UK: EWL members put the abolition of prostitution on the agenda

    [London, 15 February 2013] A member of the European Women’s Lobby, the National Alliance of Women’s Organisations, NAWO, is organising its Conference following its Annual General Meeting, to be held on the 28th February at Europe House, Smith Square, London, SW1P 3EU, from 2.45pm to 4.30pm. Entitled ’A Europe Free from Prostitution’, the conference will aim at discussing the issue of prostitution and trafficking for sexual exploitation in the UK and Europe.
    Chaired by well-known journalist and (...) Read more

  • One Billion Rising: European Commissioner Stefan Füle is rising with the European Women’s Lobby!

    One Billion Rising: European Commissioner Stefan Füle is rising with the European Women's Lobby!

    [Brussels, 14 February 2013] The first rise in Brussels took place at the European Commission! Štefan Füle, Member of the EC in charge of Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy, and Fatma ?ahin, Turkish Minister of Family and Social Policies danced this afternoon with the European Women’s Lobby!
    Today, the whole world is rising to say NO to violence against women. All around the world, thousands of events are organised to protest against this massive violation of human rights. One in (...) Read more

  • One Billion Rising: successful first rehearsals!

    One Billion Rising: successful first rehearsals!

    [Brussels, 8 February 2013] The European Women’s Lobby has organised several rehearsal sessions for the Flash mob on "Rise Up, Stand Up!". On 14 February at 17:30 in Place de la Monnaie (Brussels) we will be dancing to say NO to violence against women, together with people in 193 countries in the world! ONE BILLION RISING is the biggest mobilization ever against this violation of basic women’s rights.
    This week and next week, EWL’s staff meets people willing to come and learn the dance at (...) Read more

  • EWL pays tribute to Fausta Deshormes a historic supporter of the EWL

    EWL pays tribute to Fausta Deshormes a historic supporter of the EWL

    [Brussels, 8 February 2013] Fausta Deshormes La Valle passed away on 4 February and for all of us who knew her, it is a moment of great sorrow and a great loss. She left us with a message of peace and hope by writing: "Dear friends, I greet you, life is beautiful."
    A journalist by profession, Fausta Deshormes entered the European Commission’s Information services in 1961. Serving the cause of women, she was the founding spirit behind numerous publications "Women of Europe", and for 15 (...) Read more

  • EWL calls on the Irish Presidency to address women’s homelessness at the Roundtable of EU Ministers with responsibility for homelessness

    EWL calls on the Irish Presidency to address women's homelessness at the Roundtable of EU Ministers with responsibility for homelessness

    [Brussels, 8 February 2013] In a letter congratulating Irish Minister Jan O’Sullivan on her initiative and in advance of the forthcoming Roundtable of EU Ministers with responsibility for homelessness, which will take place on 1 March 2013 in Leuven, Belgium, the EWL draws attention to the urgency to address the needs of homeless women. While the numbers of homeless women are unknown, there is evidence to suggest that more women are resorting to the streets. But this is the visible side of (...) Read more

  • Personal and Household Services – the EWL cautions against the risk of developing a parallel labour-market for women

    Personal and Household Services – the EWL cautions against the risk of developing a parallel labour-market for women

    [Brussels, 7 February 2013] As part of its Employment Package adopted in April 2012, the European Commission launched a public consultation on Personal and Household Service (PHS) to explore the employment potential in this sector. In its response to the consultation the EWL stressed that while PHS relate to a broad range of activities (coving domestic tasks to care responsibilities), women are highly represented in this sector carrying out essential tasks that are generally undervalued. (...) Read more

  • EWL and its members contribute to the UK consultation on prostitution

    EWL and its members contribute to the UK consultation on prostitution

    [Brussels, 7 February 2013] After Northern Ireland in October 2012, and Scotland in December 2012, it is now Westminster that is conducting a survey on the issue of prostitution. The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Prostitution and the Global Sex Industry has launched an inquiry to assess the current UK legal situation surrounding prostitution. The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) has sent its response today. From England, the UK-wide organisation Women@thewell, has responded carrying NAWO, the (...) Read more

  • The EWL will be discussing trafficking and prostitution at the Commission on the Status of Women, New York, 4-15 March 2013

    The EWL will be discussing trafficking and prostitution at the Commission on the Status of Women, New York, 4-15 March 2013

    [Brussels, 7 February 2013] Trafficking in women and prostitution will be two issues that the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is going to discuss while in New York, during the 57th session of the Commission on the Status of Women.
    EWL President Viviane Teitelbaum has been invited to speak at a European Commission’s side event on "Trafficking of women and girls as a form of violence against women: the EU response", on Wednesday 6th March 2012, from 11:30 to 12:45 am, in Room D.
    On Wednesday 6 (...) Read more

  • One Billion Rising: EWL Members mobilise all around Europe!

    One Billion Rising: EWL Members mobilise all around Europe!

    [Brussels, 01 February 2013] The Members of the European Women’s Lobby are mobilising to participate to One Billion Rising all over Europe and rise to say NO to violence against women!
    All throughout the continent, Europeans are going to dance, sing and enjoy festive events to show their support against this massive violation of women’s human rights.
    In Croatia and in all the Balkan Region, mobilisation is feverish. A big event is being organised in Zagreb, Slavonski Brod and Banja Luka. (...) Read more



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