EWL News

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  • EWL unveils eight priorities for the Irish Presidency of the EU

    EWL unveils eight priorities for the Irish Presidency of the EU

    [Brussels, 07 November 2012] On 01 January 2013, Ireland will take on the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The European Women’s Lobby calls on the forthcoming Presidency to be a driving force for women’s rights in Europe, especially in the current crisis, ensuring that further cutbacks which would have a long-term negative impact on gender equality are avoided or reversed.
    The EWL has listed eight priorities for the Irish Presidency in the area of gender equality and women’s (...) Read more

  • EWL joins civil society call to strengthen partnership principle in future cohesion policy-structural funds

    EWL joins civil society call to strengthen partnership principle in future cohesion policy-structural funds

    [Brussels, 06 November 2012] Together with 42 civil society organisations, reflecting a diversity of stakeholders, the EWL lends its voice by calling on the Council, the European Parliament and the European Commission to strengthen the partnership principle in the future Cohesion Policy.
    Worried that the partnership principle is being diluted, the joint letter calls for full stakeholder participation in the design, implementation and delivery of regional plans and national partnership (...) Read more

  • Scotland considers the demand side of the prostitution equation

    Scotland considers the demand side of the prostitution equation

    [Glasgow, 29 October 2012] As a result of a lot of hard work on part of feminist campaigners, Scotland again gets a chance to discuss a proposed law to criminalise the purchase of sex. Analysis by Marsha Scott, UK expert to the EWL Observatory on violence against women.
    A previous “members bill”—submitted by an individual member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP)—received overwhelming support in its consultation period, but the sponsoring MSP (Trish Godman) did not stand for re-election, and the (...) Read more

  • Czech Republic - EWL members quiz Reding on quotas

    Czech Republic - EWL members quiz Reding on quotas

    [Prague, 25 October 2012] In Czech society, the word “quotas” excites rather incongruous reactions. When it gets linked with the word “business”, reactions become even more acute. Do gender quotas in companies truly represent a threat? We are honored to offer you the answers of Viviene Reding, the person, who, as the EU Justice Commissioner, wishes to motivate European companies to achieve a better gender balance on their boards. Interview by Nina Bosni?ová of EWL Czech member organisation, (...) Read more

  • Commission gets cold feet for quotas

    Commission gets cold feet for quotas

    [Brussels, 24 October 2012] The European Commission on Monday failed to back Viviane Reding’s draft legislative proposal aiming to increase the number of women on boards of administration in the corporate sector. Following internal discord within the College of Commissioners, Ms. Reding postponed the announcement of the draft directive until 14 November in view of ’legal’ consultations.
    The EWL is extremely disappointed with the recent developments, and notably with the lack of support shown (...) Read more

  • “10 years of policies on prostitution: outcomes of the Swedish and Dutch options, and ways forward”

    “10 years of policies on prostitution: outcomes of the Swedish and Dutch options, and ways forward”

    [Brussels, 24 October 2012] The EWL will on 04 December host a European conference entitled “10 years of policies on prostitution: outcomes of the Swedish and Dutch options, and ways forward”. The goal of the event, to take place in the European Parliament, is to raise awareness on the issue of prostitution and engage a dialogue at EU level.
    A first session will address the outcomes of the Swedish and Dutch models, referred to as the two main legislative options to deal with prostitution, (...) Read more

  • Viviane Teitelbaum takes over Presidency of EWL

    Viviane Teitelbaum takes over Presidency of EWL

    [Brussels, 22 October 2012] Last Saturday, the Board of Administration of the European Women’s Lobby elected Viviane Teitelbaum, from the Belgian National Coordination for the EWL, to the Presidency of the association. Ms. Teitelbaum, a journalist by training, brings a wealth of experience within women’s associations and official bodies for the advancement of women’s rights and equality between women and men to this new position.
    Ms. Teitelbaum takes over the mandate of Sonja Lokar from (...) Read more

  • Out now on DVD: "This is my home now"

    Out now on DVD: "This is my home now"

    [Brussels, 21 October 2012] Saddie Choua’s new documentary "This is my home now", produced by the EWL and the European Network of Migrant Women is now out on DVD.
    Saddie Choua’s latest film follows the stories of three women of migrant background living in the Europe. While struggling for their equal rights, these women, like so many others, enrich their host communities in myriad ways. Anna is a gender researcher and poet of Russian background who owns a hotel in Lefkara, Cyprus. Dil from (...) Read more

  • EWL members call for new Irish legislation abolishing prostitution

    EWL members call for new Irish legislation abolishing prostitution

    [Brussels, 19 October 2012] A broad national consultation on what the future prostitution legislation in Ireland should look like was launched by the Irish Minister for Justice and Equality in June 2012. Last Saturday (13 October), a one-day conference on the Future Direction of Prostitution Legislation was held as part the consultation process.
    The Irish Minister for Justice Mr Alan Shatter recalled that the regulations put in place in early 1990s appear to be outdated and in need of (...) Read more

  • EWL calls on MEPs to ensure tackling demand for prostitution is at heart of EU strategy to combat organised crime

    EWL calls on MEPs to ensure tackling demand for prostitution is at heart of EU strategy to combat organised crime

    [Brussels, 17 October 2012] The European Parliament is preparing a report on the strengthening of EU action to tackle organised crime. Speaking in Plenary on Monday, the author of the report and member of the EP’s special committee on organised crime, corruption and money laundering, Salvatore Iacolino, said that such illegal activities were ’structural and here to stay’. The EWL is pleased to see support for greater action at EU level to deal with organised crime which is increasingly (...) Read more



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